1 min readOct 8, 2016


Here’s the problem with this “little” analysis. Even if he’s right about fear…not all fears are on equal footing. Many fears are irrational. Some fears are warranted. So, the difference between the typical Trump supporter and the typical Hillary supporter is the validity of their fears. Trump is a master at generating fear based on innuendo…factless fear. Well, to be fully honest, the republican party is based on factless fear.

Of course, I can’t claim that Democrats don’t use factless fear to gin up support, but they are amateurs compared to the Republicans. And Hillary can’t hold a candle to Donald when it comes to factless fear…the only fear she is really selling is fear of Donald. Given his temperament, lack of knowledge and experience, unwillingness to learn, willingness to lie like a rug even when he doesn’t need to on trivial topics…fear of Trump is totally warranted.

And what about disgust? The most recent reveal of Trump’s past comments are utterly disgusting. That’s not fear…that’s revulsion. When has Hillary done anything similar?

