Earn Money Online For FREE in 2020

Lazy Music Guru
3 min readJul 7, 2020

During these times, I’m sure most of us are looking for extra cash. With work cutting down on hours, cutting pay, or even not having people work at all, it can be rough for some people to get by. Luckily, with the internet being a necessity for most people, it is easier than ever to earn some money online. Here are some of the best ways to earn money online. The best part? It is absolutely 100% free!


This should be a given, especially since you are reading my blog! Blogging, as well as video blogging (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) can earn you some extra cash. While it does take some time to grow a following, as long as you have the marketing and social networking down, it won’t take long until you’re earning money. There are several ways you can earn money through blogging, such as AdSense and paid promotions. Also, if you plan on going the video blogging route, you don’t need to have fancy video equipment. As long as you have a phone that can record, viewers say that those vloggers are more relatable.

Online Surveys/Affiliate Marketing

Okay, this definitely isn’t my favorite way of earning money, but I can’t say that I haven’t done this when I was younger. I used to go on those survey sites and fill out fake information so I could get some online video game subscriptions. It worked in the past, but I feel like these websites have been cracking down on fake information recently. I won’t give any suggestions for websites, but I’m sure you can find several with a quick Google search. On the other hand, we have Affiliate Marketing. Some websites, such as Amazon, will give you a thing called an “affiliate link”. If someone clicks on this link and purchases the product, Amazon will give you a percentage of the earnings. Amazon has been reducing the amount you earn through affiliate links, but there are some other great companies out there!

Phone Apps

This is personally one of my favorites. While you won’t earn a lot of money, there are phone apps that will pay you for doing several different things. A few of my favorites that I use are Rally, Microsoft Rewards (used to be Bing Rewards), and Ibotta. Rally is a health-focused app that I was able to sign up with my employer’s health insurance. You are able to get $200 worth of gift cards a year. I usually aim for the Amazon gift cards. Microsoft Rewards is similar, except you are supposed to use their search engine and answer quizzes. Ibotta gives you online rebates by buying groceries!

Freelance Work

Besides blogging/vlogging, this is where you can earn the most money. With websites such as Fiverr and Upwork, it’s easier than ever for people to find opportunities. The best part is that you don’t even need an English degree (or a degree at all) to complete the writing tasks. Also, there are other freelance jobs that don’t require writing, such as web development and web design. Go ahead and check out the different opportunities on these websites!

Have you tried any of these methods? What are some ways you suggest to earn money online in 2020? Leave your answers down in the comments!

Originally published at https://www.lazymusicguru.com

