The series of persuasive events that led to the FBI’s unilateral closure of the investigation into Hillary Clinton

8 min readSep 3, 2019


The following is a timeline of events that Director Comey says persuaded him to not allow the Department of Justice the opportunity to announce the closure of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server.

Required Reading

This timeline will cite extensively from the Inspector General’s Report (published June 11th, 2018).


September 7th, 2015 — Hillary Clinton tells the Associated Press that the FBI’s investigation into her personal email server was not criminal in nature, but rather more akin to a security review

AP News: “Clinton says no email apology: ‘What I did was allowed’”

September 8th, 2015 — Hillary Clinton tells ABC’s David Muir that the FBI’s investigation into her personal email server is about security, not criminality

ABC News: “ABC’s David Muir Interviews Hillary Clinton”
ABC News (cont’d): “[Clinton] makes it clear this is not a criminal investigation.”

September 28th, 2015 — Attorney General Lynch uses the word “matter” to describe the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email server; also, reactions by senior FBI officials

OIG Report; p. 60
OIG Report; p. 63
OIG Report; p. 64
OIG Report; p. 236

October 1st, 2015 — Comey uses the word “matter” to describe to the New York Times the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server; also, reactions by senior FBI officials

New York Times
OIG Report; p. 65

October 11th, 2015 — President Obama’s interview with 60 Minutes; also, reactions by senior FBI officials

60 Minutes
OIG Report; p. 66

October 26th, 2015 — Senator John Cornryn calls for a special counsel


October 28th, 2015 — Letter sent by 44 lawmakers to Attorney General Lynch, requesting the appointment of a special counsel; also, Lynch’s recollection of the letter

OIG Report; p. 174


January 29th, 2016 — During a White House press briefing, Josh Earnest says Hillary Clinton is not a target of the FBI’s investigation; also, reactions by the officials in the Department of Justice

White House press briefing
OIG Report; p. 67

March 2016 — The FBI receives a highly-classified intel document (“the Renteria Memo”); it claims that Director Comey is slow-walking the FBI’s investigation for the benefit of Republicans; also, that Attorney General Lynch is being secretly controlled by the Clinton campaign

OIG Report; p. 171

March 9th, 2016 — Loretta Lynch advises the White House to stay silent on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server


April 9th, 2016 — Chris Wallace interviews President Obama on Fox News

Fox News
OIG Report; p. 69

April 10th, 2016 — Fox News panelists recap President Obama’s interview

Media Matters

April 11th, 2016 — MSNBC’s Morning Joe criticizes President Obama’s interview


April 12th, 2016 — Director Comey holds a high-level meeting with senior DOJ and FBI officials to discuss the possibility of announcing a declination in the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server

OIG Report; p. 168
OIG Report; p. 170
OIG Report; p. 174
OIG Report; p. 172

Late April 2016 — In a meeting with Baker, McCabe, and Rybicki, Director Comey suggests the possibility of himself announcing the end of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s personal email server

OIG Report; p. 240

May 2nd, 2016 — Director Comey drafts his initial statement for declining prosecution into Hillary Clinton’s use of a personal email server

OIG Report; p. iv

May 6th, 2016 — Director Comey’s draft statement is sent out to senior FBI officials for feedback

OIG Report; p. 188

May 16th, 2016 — Director Comey’s draft statement is sent out to more FBI officials for feedback

OIG Report; p. 189

May 17th, 2016 — Senator Grassley sends a letter to Director Comey, inquiring about the possibility for a special counsel

Grassley letter

May 17th-18th, 2016 — Senior FBI officials suggest that details be provided of how classified material was handled on Hillary Clinton’s personal email server; also, whether or not gross negligence should be considered

OIG Report; p. 189
OIG Report; p. 190

May 31st, 2016 — In a meeting with senior FBI officials, Lisa Page suggests that using “gross negligence” in Comey’s draft statement could be unconstitutionally vague and overly confusing

OIG Report; p. 191

June 6th-7th, 2016 — Edits to Comey’s draft statement are entered into Strzok’s work computer. The term “grossly negligent” is removed from the draft statement, and “extremely careless” is moved to the front

OIG Report; p. 192
OIG Report; p. 192

June 10th-12th, 2016 — A revised draft of Comey’s statement excludes the term “gross negligence” (replaced by “extremely careless”), and extra emphasis is given to explain the nature of handling classified material

OIG Report; p. 194
OIG Report; p. 194

Mid-June 2016 — Director Comey becomes concerned about the possibility that the Renteria Memo could be leaked (no reason given), which he says could interfere with AG Lynch’s ability to credibly decline prosecution against Hillary Clinton

OIG Report; p. 242
OIG Report; p. 171

June 13th - July 4th, 2016 — Senior FBI officials discuss further possible edits to Director Comey’s draft statement

OIG Report; p. 195

June 27th, 2016 — Former President Bill Clinton speaks briefly with Attorney General Lynch aboard her private jet in Phoenix, Arizona; shortly thereafter, she receives an ethics waiver to stay in charge of the FBI’s investigation

OIG Report; p. v

June 29th, 2016 — ABC15 News Phoenix scoops that former President Bill Clinton had spoken privately with Attorney General Lynch aboard her private jet on June 27th

June 30th, 2016 — Director Comey edits his draft statement to emphasize that his decision to not prosecute Hillary Clinton will not have been in any way influenced by the Department of Justice

OIG Report; p. 196

June 30th, 2016 — House Majority Whip Steve Scalise calls for the appointment of a special counsel


July 1st, 2016 — Attorney General Loretta Lynch publicly announces that she will accept the FBI’s recommendation on whether or not to prosecute Hillary Clinton, but will not formally recuse from the case

OIG Report; p. 1

July 2nd, 2016 — Hillary Clinton is interviewed by the FBI and DOJ

OIG Report; p. 2

July 5th, 2016 — Director Comey declines prosecution against Hillary Clinton

New York Times: “F.B.I. Recommends No Charges Against Hillary Clinton for Use of Personal Email”

July 12th, 2016 — Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates is provided a defensive debriefing about the Renteria Memo

OIG Report; p. 171

August 2016 — Attorney General Lynch is provided a defensive debriefing about the Renteria Memo

OIG Report; p. 242


April 22nd, 2017 — The New York Times publishes the first known account of the Renteria Memo, but does not mention Renteria by name

New York Times

May 3rd, 2017 — Senator Grassley questions Director Comey about the Renteria Memo, citing the New York Times


May 16th, 2017 — On Fox News, Trey Gowdy suggests that Director Comey’s decision to single-handedly announce the closure of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton was influenced by the Renteria Memo

Fox News

May 24th, 2017 — The Washington Post reports a more detailed account of the Renteria Memo, going so far as to mention Renteria by name

Washington Post

June 8th, 2017 — Comey says that former President Bill Clinton’s surprise meeting aboard AG Lynch’s private jet is what ultimately had persuaded him to independently announce the closure of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton



April 15th, 2018 — In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, former Director Comey discusses the FBI’s determinations with regards to the Renteria Memo

ABC News

April 17th, 2018 — On Good Morning America, former Director Comey discusses the significance of former Attorney General Lynch’s non-recusal from the FBI investigation

ABC News

April 17th, 2018 — Former Director Comey explains some of his decisions during the 2016 election cycle on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Full YouTube interview

April 18th, 2018 — In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, former Director Comey discusses why he chose himself to be the one to announce the end of the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton

ABC News

June 18th, 2018 — Senator Kennedy questions Inspector General Horowitz about the Renteria Memo

Fox 10 News



