Top Crypto Experts Won’t Tell You This — Essential Guide to Token Standards !


Tokens are really important in the world of cryptocurrency. They’re like the building blocks of innovation, shaping how things work in this digital world. But it’s easy to feel a bit lost with so much going on, especially with over 11,000 cryptocurrencies out there.

Essential Guide to Token Standards
Essential Guide to Token Standards

Don’t worry, this guide is your key to mastering the token standards . . .

It’s here to make things easier for you by explaining tokens and token standards in simple terms. By the end, you’ll feel more confident and ready to explore the exciting world of crypto.👇🏾

What are Tokens in Crypto?🤔

What are Tokens ?

Think of a token like a special digital coin that lives on a computer network called a blockchain, kind of like how regular coins live in your wallet. But instead of being something you can hold in your hand, they’re stored safely on something called a blockchain, which is like a digital ledger.

Now, these tokens aren’t just for buying things. They can do all sorts of stuff within a crypto project. Here are a few examples:

  1. Currency Tokens: These tokens, like Uniswap’s UNI, help with trading on special websites called decentralized exchanges.
  2. Access Tokens: These tokens give you special rights within a project, like being able to vote on important decisions.
  3. Security Tokens: These are like digital versions of real things you might own, like stocks or bonds.
  4. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): These tokens are super unique and can represent things like digital art or collectibles. Each one is one-of-a-kind.

What are Token Standards?🤔

To ensure smooth interaction and functionality, tokens adhere to specific guidelines or sets of rules called TOKEN STANDARDS. These token standards act like blueprints for blockchain developers, defining how tokens behave, transfer, and interact with other elements within a blockchain ecosystem.

By following these standards, several good things can happen:

  1. Interoperability: Tokens can easily talk to each other and work together, even if they’re on different blockchain platforms.
  2. Efficiency: Making tokens according to standards makes it easier for developers. They don’t have to start from scratch every time they create a new token.
  3. Security: These standards often include safety features, making sure that tokens are trustworthy and dependable. This helps people feel confident when using them.

Ethereum’s Well-Known Token Standards

Ethereum, a leading platform for blockchain technology, offers a variety of widely-used token standards that help power its decentralized ecosystem. These token standards form the backbone of Ethereum’s vibrant ecosystem, enabling developers to create a wide range of decentralized applications and digital assets with ease and security.

Let’s take a closer look at some of these standards :

👉 ERC-20

This standard is like a blueprint for creating tokens that can be easily exchanged with one another. Think of it as a common language that different tokens on Ethereum speak. These tokens are fungible, meaning they’re identical and can be swapped seamlessly, much like coins or bills in your wallet.

Some well-known tokens that follow this standard include Dai and Tether.

👉 ERC-721:

Unlike ERC-20 tokens, ERC-721 tokens are unique and not interchangeable. Each token is distinct and represents something special, like a digital collectible or artwork.

For instance, famous collections like CryptoPunks use this standard to create one-of-a-kind digital assets.

👉 ERC-777

Building upon the ERC-20 standard, ERC-777 adds extra features to make tokens more secure and versatile. It introduces concepts like operator approval, allowing token holders to grant specific addresses permission to manage their tokens on their behalf.

Additionally, it includes hooks for more advanced functions, making it a top choice for developers looking to build innovative token systems.

👉 ERC-1155

This standard is designed to streamline the management of multiple types of tokens within a single smart contract. It’s particularly useful for applications like games and dApps where users may interact with various types of tokens. By consolidating different tokens into one contract, ERC-1155 simplifies tasks like inventory management and enhances efficiency for developers and users alike.

Other Standards Beyond Ethereum Blockchain

Ethereum is really popular for how it handles tokens, which are like digital assets. But there are other blockchains, or digital networks, that also have their own ways of dealing with tokens. They might do things a bit differently than Ethereum, but they’re still good at handling digital assets.

👉 BEP-20

BEP-20 is like a set of rules that Binance Chain follows when it comes to tokens. Just like how ERC-20 is for Ethereum, BEP-20 makes it easier for tokens to be created and used on Binance Chain. So if you have a token on Ethereum, you can make a similar one on Binance Chain using BEP-20.

👉 TRC-20

TRC-20 is the standard for tokens on the Tron Network. It’s like a language that Tron Network uses to understand and work with tokens. This standard helps different tokens do different things within the Tron ecosystem, like maybe buying and selling things or participating in special events.

So if you’re using Tron, you’ll come across tokens that follow the TRC-20 standard.


SPL is what Solana uses for its tokens. It’s kind of like a blueprint that tells Solana how to handle tokens. One of the coolest things about SPL is that it’s designed to be super fast and keep fees low. This means you can send tokens really quickly and without having to spend a lot of money on fees.

So if speed and low fees are important to you, SPL on Solana might be a good choice for handling tokens.

Why Token Standards Matter?🤔

Imagine if every country had its own traffic rules — it would be chaos! Similarly, without token standards, the crypto world could be chaotic and confusing. But with these standards in place, it’s like having a clear roadmap that guides everyone in the right direction.

When we have good standards in place, it encourages people to come up with new ideas and work together more effectively. This means the future world of cryptocurrency becomes even stronger and more connected. They help developers use cryptocurrencies more easily, make sure there’s plenty of money flowing around in the form of tokens, and make it simpler for different projects to work together.

How to Choose the Right Token Standard?🤔

Selecting the right token standard for your project needs some careful thought. Each token standard comes with its own set of features and functionalities, impacting how your tokens can be used, traded, and integrated with other applications.

Certainly! When choosing the right token standard for your token development, think about whether it works well with the blockchain you’re using and what you want your tokens to do. Some tokens are unique (like NFTs) while others are all the same (like regular currency). It’s important to pick a standard that matches your token’s purpose.

Also, consider if lots of people already use the standard you’re thinking about. This means there will be more support and it’ll be easier to trade your tokens. Make sure the standard allows for the features you need in your smart contracts and works well with other projects.

Conclusion: The Future of Token Standards

The future of token standards is looking really bright! People are working hard to make them better and to find new ways to use them. One cool example is something called ERC-1155, which helps manage lots of different tokens all at once. And there are also projects like Cosmos and Polkadot, which are trying to make it easier for different blockchains to work together.

As cryptocurrency keeps growing, these standards will be really important. They’ll help make sure everyone can join in and that things keep getting better and more exciting!



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