Published inAdilson's NotesHow to use cloud_sql_proxy on docker-composeWhen using Google's Cloud SQL you'll have to use their proxy to reach your database instances as they're not expose publically by default…Sep 13, 20181Sep 13, 20181
Published inAdilson's NotesChanging a running Kubernetes Cluster Permissions (a.k.a. Scopes)In a hurry? Check it out the TL;DR by the end of this with all the commands you must know to make it work.Aug 21, 201812Aug 21, 201812
Published inAdilson's NotesNem democrática, nem participativaUm exemplo de como nosso governo compreende liberdadeSep 20, 2017Sep 20, 2017
Published inAdilson's NotesCreating multiple images from a single Dockerfile1st step: wait until Docker 17.05 (or get the alpha)Jun 23, 20174Jun 23, 20174
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Published inAdilson's NotesMSSQL on Linux using Docker for MacDocker and the macOS filesystems: the eternal struggleMar 4, 20172Mar 4, 20172
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Published inAdilson's NotesLearned a new trick on SlackI'm probably the last person on Earth to learn that 😬Dec 11, 20161Dec 11, 20161
Published inAdilson's NotesUsing gcloud in a Docker containerTrying to prevent installing dozens of things on my computerOct 23, 20161Oct 23, 20161
Published inAdilson's NotesUse labels on your Docker imagesUsing labels on your images is a handy way to develop better build automations on your Docker imagesOct 19, 20162Oct 19, 20162