A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Using Entity Framework

Mattia Cardone
3 min readOct 4, 2023



Entity Framework (EF) is a popular object-relational mapping framework that simplifies database interactions for .NET developers. By providing an abstraction layer over the database, EF allows developers to work with their data using object-oriented principles. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of using Entity Framework to perform basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations in a .NET application.


To follow along with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of C# programming and have the following installed:

- Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code

- .NET Framework or .NET Core

- Entity Framework (installable via NuGet packages)

Step 1: Set up a New Project

Start by creating a new project in Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code. Choose the appropriate project template based on your .NET version preference and desired application type (e.g., console application, web application, etc.).

Step 2: Install Entity Framework

If you’re using Visual Studio, right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer, select “Manage NuGet Packages,” and search for “EntityFramework.” Install the latest stable version of Entity Framework. Alternatively, you can use the .NET CLI or Package Manager Console to install the EF package.

Step 3: Define Your Database Model

In Entity Framework, the database schema is represented by a set of classes called “entities.” These entities will map to tables in the database. Start by defining your entities as C# classes. Each class will represent a table, and properties within the class will correspond to columns in the table. Decorate the classes and properties with appropriate attributes to define relationships, primary keys, and other constraints.

Step 4: Create a DbContext Class

The DbContext class acts as a bridge between your application and the database. It enables you to query and manipulate data using LINQ (Language Integrated Query). Create a new class that derives from the DbContext class and add a constructor to pass the database connection string.

Step 5: Configure the DbContext

Within the DbContext class, override the OnConfiguring method and provide the connection string for your database. You can use various providers such as SQL Server, MySQL, or SQLite, depending on your database choice.

Step 6: Perform CRUD Operations

With the setup complete, you can now perform CRUD operations on your entities. Use the DbSet properties within your DbContext class to access the corresponding tables. Use LINQ queries to retrieve, insert, update, or delete data.

Step 7: Test Your Application

Build and run your application to test the functionality. Create sample data, retrieve records, update them, and delete them. Inspect the changes in your database to ensure that the operations are working as expected.


Entity Framework simplifies database interactions in .NET applications by providing a powerful and flexible object-relational mapping framework. In this tutorial, we covered the basic steps to get started with Entity Framework, including setting up a project, installing EF, defining a database model, creating a DbContext class, and performing CRUD operations. By mastering Entity Framework, you can streamline your data access layer and focus more on building robust applications.

