Unveiling the Cloud: A Recap of Google Cloud Sessions 🚀☁️

Dhruva N L Choudhary
5 min readNov 14, 2023


This is the tale of finding myself at the center of a 30-day journey as a facilitator at GDSC IIIT Lucknow. It all started with an email from GDSC India asking GDSC IIITL to nominate a facilitator for this year’s Google Cloud Study Jam. As part of the core team, the responsibility fell on us to recommend someone for this 30-day expedition. My team, recognizing my vision for creating a more vibrant and inclusive learning environment, saw in me the potential to guide our juniors through the Google Cloud Study Jam program. With a shared interest in cloud technology and a goal to foster a club where learning is fun and judgment-free, I was chosen as the facilitator.

Let’s rewind the clock and relive the ride through GDSC IIIT Lucknow’s Cloud Study Jam 2023. So, here’s the scoop — we nailed it with a whopping 112 completions! Yep, you heard it right, a hundred and twelve tech enthusiasts rocked their way through this fantastic journey.

Now, let’s talk about what made this whole thing so awesome — the Cloud Study Jam program. It’s like a hidden gem for tech lovers. From newbies to pros, everyone found something cool in this AI/ML analytics and cloud computing fiesta. The best part? It’s a hands-on party! You get to tinker with Google Cloud tools for free, guided by some ace experts. Say goodbye to feeling lost in the tech maze!

The program’s setup is super chill. You get to play around with projects like bug trackers and cloud-based attendance systems once you’ve wrapped your head around the basics.

Now, let’s talk about the sessions we conducted:

1. Infrastructure in Google Cloud:

The inaugural session laid the foundation for the entire journey. Participants embarked on a virtual tour of Google Cloud’s robust infrastructure, exploring the fundamental components that form the backbone of cloud computing. From understanding the architecture of virtual machines to navigating the intricacies of storage solutions, this session equipped participants with the tools to build a resilient digital foundation.

2. Networking & Security in Google Cloud:

In the interconnected digital landscape, networking and security are paramount. This session delved into the nuances of creating and managing networks on Google Cloud, emphasizing the importance of a secure and scalable infrastructure. Participants learned to navigate the labyrinth of firewalls, subnets, and virtual private clouds, gaining insights into the art of safeguarding digital assets in the cloud.

3. Data, ML, and AI in Google Cloud:

The third session marked a paradigm shift into the realm of data-driven innovation. Participants embarked on a journey through Google Cloud’s suite of tools for data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. From BigQuery’s lightning-fast data analysis to the magic of training machine learning models with TensorFlow, this session illuminated the possibilities that emerge when data becomes a catalyst for intelligent decision-making.

4. Managing Cloud Resources & Creating Secure Networks in Google Cloud:

As the study jam approached its zenith, the final session encapsulated the holistic management of cloud resources. Participants delved into the art of resource allocation, exploring cost optimization strategies and best practices for efficient cloud resource management. Simultaneously, the focus on secure networks was revisited, ensuring that the participants not only understood the creation but also the sustenance of a secure and dynamic cloud environment.

The campaign had a profound impact on our community. It wasn’t just about the number of completions. It was about bridging the knowledge gap and creating a supportive space where participants could share insights, troubleshoot challenges together, and celebrate each other’s successes. The impact was felt in the lasting connections and camaraderie that emerged from this shared learning experience.

My personal journey during the campaign was a rollercoaster of challenges and triumphs. As the facilitator, I faced the initial challenge of tailoring the Google Cloud Study Jam to suit the diverse skill levels of participants. Some were beginners exploring cloud technology for the first time, while others were seasoned professionals seeking advanced insights. Balancing the content to cater to this spectrum required careful planning and adaptability.

Navigating the technical intricacies posed another hurdle. The hands-on nature of the program meant that participants and I encountered various issues while working with Google Cloud tools. These ranged from setup difficulties to troubleshooting specific projects. Each challenge became an opportunity for collaborative problem-solving. We set up dedicated forums and virtual meetups where participants could openly discuss issues, share solutions, and celebrate breakthroughs. This not only fostered a sense of community but also turned challenges into valuable learning experiences.

Time management was another aspect that required attention. Coordinating daily activities, conducting sessions, and providing individual assistance demanded effective planning. Juggling these responsibilities while ensuring everyone felt supported and engaged was no small feat. However, with the support of the core team and active participation from the community, we established a rhythm that allowed for smooth facilitation.

It wasn’t just about ticking off completion boxes — it was a journey where tech hiccups turned into cool collaborative problem-solving sessions. And let’s not forget the sweet rewards for hitting those milestones. It was like getting a bonus on a game level up.

So, here’s a shout-out to the Cloud Study Jam 2023 — making learning fun, turning challenges into victories, and bringing techies together to celebrate wins, big or small.

That’s a wrap, folks! Until next time, keep coding and exploring the vast world of the cloud.

