Dear Passport,

3 min readFeb 21, 2018



Beginning at age 19, you took me places. That first place was Caracas, Venezuela. The year was 1999. I was traveling alone, and this was my first time flying. I was on my way to Manaus, Brazil to meet a college friend. This turned out to be a rather bad idea. Thank you, mom’s coworker! I think I should have taken a test run to somewhere else first. I should have taken a test run to a domestic location. I guess I wasn’t thinking. I had no idea how to navigate an airport or check in for a flight.

Dear passport, you took me to the Amazon. For that, I am grateful. You took me places that ordinary tourists did not go and allowed me to connect with people on a much deeper level than I would have had than if I had come as an ordinary tourist on a vacation. Because of you, I was able to spend three weeks with a Brazilian family and meet people from all walks of life. Because of you, I was able to have an unforgettable night in the jungle and go alligator spotting and be surrounded by nighttime sounds I’ll never be able to forget. You were a ticket to amazing memories and adventures.

Because of you, I was able to sample Brazil’s signature dishes that were commonly found in the region. Vatapa is such a dish and one everyone should try. To this day, I consider it one of my comfort foods. (Go ahead, look it up. You won’t regret it.) I was able to wash that down with 50 cent caipirinhas!

Because of you, dearest passport, I was able to go Great Britain several years later. I thank you very much for that experience. I stayed in a village a few hours train ride outside of London, with a person who grew up in that village as my guide. Once again, I connected with people from all walks of life and ate great food. I walked into buildings that were centuries old. I saw Stonehenge, Sherborne Abbey, and Salisbury Catheral. I saw London for only four hours, but don’t regret it a bit. You’ll just have to take me back.

Because of you, dearest passport, I was able to go to Iceland this past Autumn to see the Northern Lights! Yes, I did see them! Thank you so much for that experience. I’ll never forget that moment when someone from my tour group spotted them and we stopped the bus to witness those faint green and blue streaks and curtains move across the sky. I went to the blue lagoon and swam in it’s beautiful, otherworldly waters while it was snowing! I was in Iceland! Not bad for a New Orleans native!

Dear Passport, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I cannot wait to see where you’ll take me next.

With love and gratitude,


