Hierocles Circles

Luke DiVenti
Sep 5, 2023


Draw a ring around yourself !

Photo by Yiran Ding on Unsplash

First include only You, your Self. Your inner spirit, your daimon, your inner piece of God.

Start working on it, tilling and cleaning up and enhancing and improving and perfecting it. You’ll know when you are ready to move on to the next .

Once you are done with the closest ring, draw a larger one, to include others around you.

Loved ones, family, friends,

Then another one,

And another one,

Neighbors, community,

And another one larger and so on,

And if you’re lucky and effective enough your circle will one day include the whole Universe.

That’s what God expects from you!

If you fail, no worries, get back to the first circle and start over.

Let’s go! Draw it!



Luke DiVenti

Not yet published writer, fascinated by the complexity of Humanity and Self.