Ward 9 — Meet Your Candidates!

London Votes
3 min readOct 22, 2022


Anna Hopkins


I have lived in the Byron area for 35 years. With my husband Bill, we raised three boys and ran a small family HVAC business for nearly 25 years where the importance of a hard day’s work, excellent service and the challenges facing small businesses were reinforced for me. I also worked as a legal secretary for a number of law firms in Toronto and London as well as working for a small retail store. I have also been an active volunteer and community advocate for over 35 years. Serving and working to build a not-for-profit daycare, member of a home and school association, a member of the Urban League of London and Board member of the London United Soccer Club. I enjoy jogging, tennis, yoga and hanging out with my dog, Jackson.

Have you been elected to any position on council or politically before?

Yes. I was first elected to Council in 2014 and again in 2018 representing Ward 9.

What inspired you to run for city council?

I believe in community and our City and have been honoured to represent residents these past 8 years.

What do you think is the most pressing issue currently impacting the city? In your ward?

In the City affordable housing mainly affordable rental housing, social housing, transitional housing, housing with supports and Homelessness. In Ward 9 balancing growth and the need for improved transportation. As our City grows we need to improve transit and other modes of moving around.

What are your feelings on the climate crisis and how it impacts London?

I have been a strong advocate these past 4 years implementing the City’s Climate Emergency Plans. Moving forward we now will need to make important decisions to implement the plan, reviewing past decisions. We have received many reports, recommendations. We know what to do. We just need the political will to make it happen. It is a living document and it will continuously need to be reviewed and changed.

How will you address racism in the community, considering the tragedy that happened to the Afzaal family in 2021?

I supported the working group that was establish to come up with recommendations after the tragedy that happened on June 6th, 2021. I believe strongly that we need to learn, listen and understand their culture and that London is a place for all of us to belong.

How can we make London more inclusive and safer for minority groups?

We need to work together regardless if you are a newcomer to our city, and immigrant or from a minority or reglious group. Racism should be called out and then we need to listen, understand and move forward as one.

Access to affordable public transit is a keyway of fighting climate change. What mass rapid transit initiatives that will benefit London do you support?

9Even though this Council did not support the BRT lanes to the North and West I have continued to advocate for the need to move around in the west end of the city which is all about development. I hear from Londoners, who also drive cars, that better opportunities are needed for all. We need reliable transit, infrastructure to keep up with the growth to deal with traffic congestion. Support for transit if it is affordable, improves local neighbourhood routes that will actually be used.

Is there anything you want to tell Londoners and/or your ward constituents?

I have spent a lifetime getting to know our community, learning the issues and approaches to create meaningful change. I am ready to continue the work to keep our neighbourhoods safe and to support our city through economic recovery.

Mario Jozic, Baqar Khan, Jacob Novick, & Veronica Warner

Unfortunately, we did not receive a response from these candidates. However, we encourage you to visit their websites or London Free Press profiles prior to voting.

Mario’s website: https://mariojozic.com/

Jacob’s website: https://www.jacobnovick.ca/

Ward 9 Profile: https://lfpress.com/uncategorized/london-city-council-election-whos-running-in-ward-9

Urban League London Ward 9 All Candidates Meeting



London Votes

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