Success Stories of Business Owners Who Immigrated to Canada Through the Provincial Nominee Program.

Le Immigration Group
11 min readMay 19, 2023


From humble beginnings to thriving business ventures, the success stories of immigrants who have come to Canada through the Provincial Nominee Program are nothing short of inspiring. In this post, we’ll dive into the journeys of several business owners who took the leap of faith and immigrated to Canada, using the Provincial Nominee Program as their pathway to success. We’ll cover their challenges, triumphs, and valuable insights, highlighting the benefits and opportunities available to those who choose to pursue their dreams in Canada. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to be inspired by the stories of these incredible entrepreneurs who have made their mark in the Canadian business landscape.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a Canadian immigration program that allows provinces and territories to nominate individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada and settle in a particular province or territory. One of the pathways within the PNP is the Business Immigration Program, which is aimed at business owners and entrepreneurs who are interested in establishing or acquiring a business in Canada. Applicants can apply for one of three streams: the Entrepreneur Stream, the Investor Stream, or the Self-Employed Stream. The Entrepreneur Stream is designed for individuals who want to start or acquire a business in Canada and who have a minimum net worth of CAD $600,000. The Investor Stream is designed for individuals who want to make a passive investment in a Canadian business and who have a minimum net worth of CAD $1.5 million.

The Self-Employed Stream is designed for individuals who have experience in cultural activities or athletics and who want to establish themselves in Canada as self-employed individuals in these fields. Overall, the Provincial Nominee Program provides a unique opportunity for business owners and entrepreneurs to immigrate to Canada and establish themselves in a specific province or territory.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a Canadian immigration program that allows provinces and territories to nominate individuals who are interested in settling in a particular province or territory for permanent residency. The program is designed to help Canadian provinces and territories meet their specific economic and labor market needs by attracting and retaining skilled immigrants.

There are several PNP streams available, each with its own eligibility requirements and application process. The streams are designed to address the specific needs of each province and territory, and they often target specific industries or occupations. For example, some streams may be designed for entrepreneurs, while others may target healthcare professionals or skilled tradespeople.

To be eligible for the PNP, applicants must meet certain requirements, such as having a valid job offer from an employer in the province or territory, having work experience in a specific occupation, or having graduated from a post-secondary institution in Canada. In addition, applicants must meet the minimum language requirements and have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family members.

The application process for the PNP varies depending on the province or territory and the specific stream being applied for. Generally, applicants must first submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to the province or territory, which outlines their qualifications and interest in settling in that province or territory. If the EOI is accepted, the applicant will be invited to submit a full application for permanent residency.

Overall, the PNP is an excellent option for business owners who are interested in immigrating to Canada. By participating in the program, business owners can gain access to a range of benefits, including access to a skilled workforce, favorable tax rates, and a stable political and economic environment. However, it’s important to carefully review the eligibility requirements and application process for the specific PNP stream being considered, as these can vary significantly depending on the province or territory.

Why Canada’s Provincial Nominee Program is a Game-Changer for Young Adults and Entrepreneurs

Finding success in Canada is not that hard. It is difficult but also it is very do-able. Where there is will there is certainly a way. Here are some aspiring stories that may change your mind and make you see the bigger picture and the life you can make for yourself.

Mohamad Fakih

Mohamad Fakih is a successful business owner who immigrated to Canada through the PNP. He is the founder and CEO of Paramount Fine Foods, a chain of Middle Eastern restaurants that has grown to over 70 locations worldwide. Fakih’s journey to success has been marked by perseverance, hard work, and a commitment to quality.

Fakih arrived in Canada in 1996 with just $1,500 in his pocket. He had previously worked in the construction industry in Lebanon, but he knew that he wanted to start his own business in Canada. Fakih began by working odd jobs, including delivering pizzas and driving a taxi, to make ends meet. He also took English classes to improve his language skills and learn more about Canadian culture.

In 2007, Fakih opened the first Paramount Fine Foods restaurant in Mississauga, Ontario. The restaurant quickly gained a reputation for its high-quality food and authentic Middle Eastern atmosphere. Fakih’s commitment to using fresh, locally sourced ingredients and traditional cooking methods helped to set Paramount Fine Foods apart from other restaurants in the area.

Despite the initial success of his restaurant, Fakih faced a number of challenges along the way. He had to navigate the complex world of Canadian business regulations and licensing requirements, and he had to compete against established players in the restaurant industry. Fakih also faced discrimination and bigotry from some members of the community, who were suspicious of his Middle Eastern heritage and Muslim faith.

However, Fakih remained committed to his vision and worked tirelessly to overcome these obstacles. He continued to expand his business, opening new restaurants in cities across Canada and the United States. He also became a vocal advocate for diversity and inclusion in the business world, using his platform to speak out against discrimination and promote the value of immigrant entrepreneurship.

Today, Paramount Fine Foods is a thriving business with over 70 locations worldwide. The company has won numerous awards for its food and service, and it has been recognized as one of the fastest-growing franchises in Canada. Fakih’s commitment to quality and his dedication to his vision have helped to make Paramount Fine Foods a beloved brand among food lovers and a shining example of immigrant entrepreneurship in Canada.

Susur Lee

One successful business owner who immigrated to Canada through the PNP is Susur Lee. Lee is a renowned chef and restaurateur who was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Canada in the 1980s. He started his culinary career in Toronto, working in various restaurants before opening his first restaurant, Lotus, in 1987.

Lee faced several challenges when starting his business, including a lack of experience running a restaurant and limited financial resources. However, he overcame these obstacles by working long hours and being creative with his menu offerings. He also received support from the local community, which helped him establish a loyal customer base.

Over time, Lee’s business grew and he opened several more successful restaurants, including Susur, Lee, and Fring’s. He also became a well-known figure in the culinary world, appearing on several TV shows and winning numerous awards for his innovative cuisine.

Despite his success, Lee has faced some challenges along the way. For example, in 2017, he was involved in a legal dispute with his business partners over ownership of his restaurant, Lee. However, he was able to resolve the issue and continue operating his successful business.

Overall, Lee’s success as a business owner in Canada is a testament to his hard work, creativity, and perseverance. His story demonstrates that with dedication and a willingness to overcome obstacles, immigrants can achieve great success in Canada’s business community.

There is always a lesson to be learned through every piece of media we consume. Similarly, these incredible success stories teaching us valuable lessons too.

Firstly, it’s clear that immigrant business owners face unique challenges that are often different from those faced by non-immigrant business owners. These challenges include language barriers, cultural differences, and a lack of familiarity with the Canadian business landscape. However, the success stories show that with determination, hard work, and the right support, immigrant business owners can overcome these challenges and build successful businesses in Canada.

Secondly, the success stories highlight the many opportunities available to immigrant business owners in Canada. From government grants and loans to networking events and mentorship programs, there are a range of resources available to help immigrant entrepreneurs succeed. Additionally, Canada’s diverse population and strong economy make it an attractive destination for businesses looking to expand internationally.

Finally, the success stories demonstrate the benefits of using the PNP as a pathway to immigration. By applying for a PNP immigration visa, immigrant entrepreneurs can gain access to additional resources and support, such as expedited processing times and dedicated immigration officers. Additionally, the PNP allows provinces and territories to nominate immigrants who have the skills, experience, and language abilities needed to contribute to the local economy, making it an ideal option for those looking to build successful businesses in Canada.

In summary, the success stories show that while immigrant business owners face unique challenges, there are also many opportunities and resources available to help them succeed. By leveraging these resources and using the PNP as a pathway to immigration, immigrant entrepreneurs can build successful businesses and contribute to the growth and prosperity of Canada’s economy.

The Benefits of Immigrating to Canada Through the Provincial Nominee Program

What are the benefits of applying to Canada for a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)?

Here are three examples of the benefits of applying for a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) visa in Canada:

1. Faster processing times: The PNP allows provinces and territories in Canada to nominate candidates for immigration who meet their specific economic and labor market needs. Since the program is tailored to each province or territory, processing times are often faster than through the federal immigration system.

2. Increased chances of approval: By applying through a PNP program, candidates may have a greater chance of being approved for immigration to Canada. This is because the province or territory can nominate candidates who have the skills and experience needed to fill specific labor market gaps.

3. Access to settlement services: PNP programs often offer resources and support to newcomers to help them settle in Canada. This can include assistance with finding housing, employment, language training, and other services that can make the transition to a new country easier.

Overall, applying for a PNP visa in Canada can offer a faster and more streamlined immigration process, improved chances of approval, and access to settlement services that can help newcomers succeed in their new home.


Q: What is the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)? A: The Provincial Nominee Program is a Canadian immigration program that allows provinces and territories to nominate individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada and settle in a specific province or territory.

v Q: How does the PNP work?

Ø A: Each province and territory in Canada has its own PNP, with specific criteria and requirements. Candidates must first apply to the province or territory where they wish to settle and meet its eligibility requirements. If nominated, they can then apply for permanent residence through the federal government.

v Q: What are the eligibility requirements for the PNP?

Ø A: The eligibility requirements vary depending on the province or territory and the specific stream of the PNP. In general, candidates must have a job offer or be able to demonstrate that they have the skills and experience needed to contribute to the economy of the province or territory.

v Q: What is the processing time for the PNP?

Ø A: The processing time for the PNP varies depending on the province or territory and the specific stream of the PNP. Some provinces and territories have faster processing times than others, and some streams have longer processing times than others.

v Q: Can I apply for the PNP and Express Entry at the same time?

Ø A: Yes, you can apply for the PNP and Express Entry at the same time. If you are nominated by a province or territory through the PNP, you will receive an additional 600 points towards your Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, which will increase your chances of being invited to apply for permanent residence.

v Q: How long is the PNP visa valid for?

Ø A: The PNP visa is not a separate visa but rather a pathway to permanent residence in Canada. Once you have been nominated by a province or territory through the PNP and have been approved for permanent residence by the federal government, you will receive a permanent resident visa that is valid for five years.

Navigating Provincial Nominee Program Interviews: Tips and Tricks

Here are 10 tips related to success stories of business owners who immigrated to Canada through the Provincial Nominee Program:

1. Research the Provincial Nominee Program and understand the requirements for the Business Immigration stream.

2. Develop a strong business plan that outlines your business idea, market research, financial projections, and marketing strategy.

3. Network with other business owners who have gone through the Provincial Nominee Program and learn from their experiences.

4. Consider hiring a business consultant or lawyer to help you navigate the application process and understand the legal requirements of running a business in Canada.

5. Be prepared to invest a significant amount of money to start or buy a business in Canada, as this is often a requirement of the program.

6. Be willing to adapt to the Canadian business culture and understand the local market and consumer preferences.

7. Take advantage of government resources and support programs for new business owners, such as grants, loans, and mentorship programs.

8. Build a strong team of employees who are committed to the success of your business.

9. Stay up-to-date with industry trends and innovations, and be willing to evolve and pivot your business strategy as needed.

10. Be patient and persistent, as the application process can take several months or even years, but the rewards of owning a successful business in Canada can be worth it.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is a program that allows Canadian provinces and territories to nominate individuals who wish to immigrate to Canada and who are interested in settling in a particular province or territory. Each province and territory has its own set of eligibility criteria and specific requirements for the PNP.

The PNP visa to Canada is a pathway to permanent residency in Canada. It is designed to attract skilled workers, entrepreneurs, and investors to the country. The PNP visa is an excellent option for those who do not qualify for the federal programs such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, or the Canadian Experience Class.

To apply for a PNP visa, individuals must first apply to the province or territory where they wish to live and work. If accepted, they will receive a nomination from that province or territory. Once nominated, they can apply to the federal government for permanent residency.

Le Immigration Group is an immigration consultancy firm that can assist individuals with the PNP visa process. They can help individuals determine which provincial program is best suited for them based on their skills, education, and work experience. Le Immigration Group can also assist with the application process, ensuring that all documents are properly completed and submitted on time.

In addition, Le Immigration Group can provide guidance on settling in Canada, including finding housing, employment, and other essential services. They can assist with the entire immigration process to ensure that individuals are successfully settled in Canada and can start their new life in their chosen province or territory.

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to learn more!


Address: 1275 Finch Avenue West Suites 809 & 810, Toronto, ON M3J 0L5

Phone: (416) 919–0888

Province: Ontario

In conclusion, the Provincial Nominee Program Immigration Visa can be a great option for those who want to immigrate to Canada and have the skills and experience that are in demand in a particular province or territory. By participating in this program, you can benefit from faster processing times, a streamlined application process, and the support of the provincial or territorial government. However, it’s important to do your research and make sure you meet the eligibility requirements before applying. With the right preparation and guidance, you can increase your chances of success and start your new life in Canada through the Provincial Nominee Program.



Le Immigration Group

Le Immigration Group provides personalized and comprehensive services to help clients achieve their immigration goals.