Build Influence At Work: 10 Effective Ways To Positively Influence Others

Lead Action
3 min readJun 21, 2018


In the modern business world, influence is a powerful and lucrative asset. Building influence on others in the workplace is a crucial team building skill that can be used to make colleagues work with you as a team. In addition, an individual with increased influence in an organization can have lots of advantages, including more respect and appreciation.

Building influence in the workplace has many other benefits, but how do you do that? Like learning the art of managing difficult conversations training, gaining influence requires time and efforts. Plus, there are some strategies you need to develop to get favorable results.

Here are 10 easy-to-implement and effective ways to positively influence your co-workers:

1.Build Trust:
It is one of the easiest ways to make people heard and acknowledge you. As a team leader or a manager, you can force employees to complete a task, but they are open to influence if they are taking orders from you even when you aren’t at a higher position in a company. Trust can help you achieve that.

2.Stay Happy:
There are millions of reasons to be sad around your colleagues, but there are countless reasons to be happy. Just find one good reason each day to have a smile on your face. Have a healthy conversation with your team members and smile at all. In this way, you can make people believe that you are courageous and stay positive in all types of situations.

3.Grateful Attitude:
Everyone has a problem. There are countless others in the world who are living happily even when they have bigger problems than yours. Appreciate what you have! When you develop a grateful attitude, you start seeing good things in others. This attitude makes you work with your colleagues as a team.

4.Welcome The Feedback:
There are several ways to grow, and feedback is one of them. Ask your colleagues about your performance and if they have a feedback for you, take it as an opportunity to learn. There are feedback tools like 360-degree feedback tool that help you check your performance and work to improve it.

5.Be Honest:
Truth is better than 100 lies! While working as a team, pass the right information to others. If you are not aware of a fact, don’t pretend. Like you, people also have this great talent of catching individuals who tell a lie. Be honest and win their trust.

6.Give Your 100%:
Your seniors and colleagues will start respecting you if you try your best to get favorable results for the organization. Dedication is a great trait that is respected everywhere in the corporate world.

7.Be Assertive:
It will help you to make others notice your views and ideas. But while being assertive, make sure that you are not aggressive. Present your ideas with confidence, but ensure that you don’t seem aggressive during the course of action.

8.Listen To Others:
Influence is a two-way procedure. In addition to making others notice your ideas, pay attention to them. Listen to their opinions and encourage them whenever required.

9.Be Personal:
Don’t isolate yourself in the workplace. While improving influence, go an extra mile. Develop personal working relationships with co-workers to make them feel good about you.

10.Be Diplomatic:
There may be some individuals in your organization whose behavior irritates you. Instead of arguing with them over it, stay calm. In this way, you will not say offensive things to others.

Building influence isn’t a one-day process. You will have to keep on working on this for a long time. To learn more methods, you can enroll in a business executive development program, where experienced individuals can teach you effective methods of influencing others.



Lead Action

Based in the Ottawa/Gatineau area, Lead Action specializes primarily in Leadership Development. Our goal is to support our clients on their journey to reach the