Leading by Adventure
Leading by Adventure

What do the words: adventure, hope, inspiration, dreams, passion have in common?

To me, they reflect a sense of what the spirit of leadership is about. They are aspects of leadership beyond the purely rational, methodical, and structural.

They resonate with bits of ourselves that we do not entirely understand. Bits of ourselves that speak to who we are. They provide meaning and energy. They make us human in a world of machines. They reflect the spirit of our existence. They are, in the truest sense of the word, spiritual.

human in a world of machines

The problem is that, for many people, 'spirituality' (definition: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things) has been marginalised, trivialised, and even subverted, by those who seek to see business solely in materialistic terms.

For some, the words of the opening paragraph have little place amid their concerns for finance, throughput, and power.

But as the world gets more complex and uncertain, our material approaches are increasingly insufficient to function effectively. Numbers no longer reflect the whole picture, and we are seeing business increasingly embrace qualities that talk to the human spirit - inclusion, diversity, love, ecology, conscience.

The result is a workplace which is more conducive to us being fully ourselves. Better versions of ourselves where we bring our highest potential to enable the highest potential in others.

and we will need that highest potential

Machines, robotics, and AI are continuously evolving - becoming capable of more and more of the routine in our work. As individuals, and organisations, we might plant our feet firmly on the ground until it gets taken away from beneath us.

Or we can embark on an adventure inside of ourselves, and access parts of us that machines can never replace. The quality of our spirit. A spirit that can face the complex and uncertain challenges of the future in a way that rationality and routine cannot.

But how?

Well, we are talking about adventure here. And all adventures begin with a choice - perhaps to explore a curiosity, or to step into new land. There is always something to stimulate the imagination, and pique the curiosity of 'What would happen if ...?'

Adventures are best undertaken together wherever possible. As a leader, how do you equip your people for adopting a more adventurous perspective?

To what extent do your regular interactions with your team develop their skills of adventuring: Creativity; inclusivity; curiosity; compassion; ownership; courage?

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Leading by Adventure

Leading by Adventure

What do the words: adventure, hope, inspiration, dreams, passion have in common? To me, they reflect a sense of what the spirit of leadership is about.