Crassula Perforata: Care, Propagation, Tips, Problems and Guide (2023)

14 min readOct 11, 2023


The beautiful succulent Crassula perforata are also called the String of Buttons or Necklace Vine. It originates from South Africa. This hanging plant has unique triangular leaves with a gray-green color and startling purple borders that seem like layered buttons. It has leaves that are around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 4 centimeters) long.

About and Characteristics

This plant can grows to a tall height of up to 12 inches (30 cm). This succulent is highly drought-tolerant and grows in bright, indirect light to full sunlight which makes it a great option for people who want low-maintenance plants.
It enjoys temperatures between 60°F and 80°F (15°C to 27°C) with low to moderate humidity levels. And it grows in well-draining succulent mix soil. Don’t forget to prune for shape, remove dead growth when necessary, and reproduce using stem cuttings or offsets during the growing season.

Particularly, this beautiful plant is not poisonous to people or animals, but it should be checked for pests like mealybugs and its susceptibility to root rot. So In this article I will tell you everything about Crassula perforata plant.

Common nameString of Buttons, Necklace VineScientific NameCrassula perforataFamilyCrassulaceaeOriginSouth AfricaPlant typeSucculent, trailingSizeUp to 12 inches (30 cm) in heightLeaf ColourGray-green with red marginsLeaf size1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 4 centimeters) longLeaveTriangular, stacked-like buttonsLightBright, indirect light to full sunWaterDrought-tolerant; allow soil to dry out between wateringsSoilWell-draining succulent mixTemperature60°F to 80°F (15°C to 27°C)HumidityLow to moderateFertilizerFertilize sparingly during the growing season (spring and summer)PruningTrim to maintain shape and remove dead growthPropagationStem cuttings or offsetsToxicityNon-toxic to Humans and PetsPestsSusceptible to mealybugs and root rot

Top Care Tips

A Crassula Perforata should have bright, indirect sunshine to full sun for the best lighting conditions. Its growth and the creation of its distinctive aroma depend heavily on enough light.

Plant your Necklace Vine in a succulent soil mixture that drains well. This keeps the soil from being too wet between waterings and helps avoid root rot.

Use Minimal Water: Crassula Perforata may tolerate drought, therefore it’s important not to overwater. To preserve the plant’s health and scent, let the soil completely dry up before watering.

Appreciation of aroma: When in bloom, Crassula Perforata’s blooms release a light, pleasing aroma. To appreciate its beautiful aroma, pay attention to the flowering season, which is often in late spring or early summer.

Although unrelated to scent, keep on the lookout for pests, especially mealybugs. To maintain your plant healthy and flourishing so you can completely enjoy its natural aroma, regularly check it for any symptoms of infection.

Care for Crassula Perforata

Light Requirement for Crassula Perforata

The upkeep of Crassula Perforata is centered on meeting its lighting needs. Full sun or brilliant indirect sunlight are both ideal for this succulent. Make sure your plant gets the proper amount of light to keep it healthy.

Give it a sunny window or a well-lit area to be in. Ample light not only promotes healthy development but also highlights its special attractiveness. Your Crassula Perforata will thrive if the lighting is balanced properly.

Water Requirements for Crassula Perforata

The String of Buttons or Necklace Vine, commonly known as Crassula perforata, requires just modest amounts of water. In order to take good care of this succulent, let the soil dry out in between watering.

In order to prevent root rot, it’s crucial to maintain a balance with watering. Make sure the pot has adequate drainage to stop an accumulation of extra moisture.

You can maintain the health and growth of your Crassula Perforata by attending to its unique water requirements.

Soil Requirement for Crassula Perforata

Pay great attention to the Crassula Perforata’s soil needs for optimal care. This succulent grows best in soil that drains properly because it avoids root rot by allowing extra water to evaporate.

Choose a succulent mix that encourages good drainage. Your Crassula Perforata will grow if you use the correct soil, which also makes it simpler to care for and appreciate its beauty.

Temperature Requirement for Crassula Perforata

String of Buttons, also called Crassula Perforata, thrives in temperatures between 60°F and 80°F (15°C and 27°C). Keep your plant within this temperature range to promote optimal development.

Because it requires no maintenance, this succulent is a great addition to any house. Your Crassula Perforata will flourish if you only supply the ideal temperature conditions, bringing beauty to your indoor or outdoor environment without any effort.

Humidity Requirement for Crassula Perforata

Think about your Crassula Perforata’s humidity needs in order to properly care for it. This succulent is a hardy option for both indoor and outdoor locations since it thrives in low to moderate humidity levels.

Make sure the air isn’t too dry, especially in enclosed spaces with heating or cooling.

Balanced humidity promotes the growth of the plant’s distinctive, stacked-button-like leaves and helps to preserve the plant’s health, making it a simple and lovely addition to your plant collection.

Fertilizer Requirement for Crassula Perforata

Make sure your Crassula Perforata receives the proper fertilizer to ensure its success. In the spring and summer, when succulents are actively growing, use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Use it every 4–6 weeks, diluting it to half the advised dosage. This assists in giving your plant the vital nutrients it requires to keep up its health and vivid appearance.

Overfertilizing should be avoided as it might damage the plant. For the best care of Crassula Perforata, fertilizer application must be done correctly.

Potting Requirement for Crassula Perforata

It is simple to pot Crassula Perforata. Select a succulent mixture that drains properly in a pot that is the right size. In order to avoid water logging, make sure the pot includes drainage holes.

Give your plant bright, indirect sunlight by positioning it in a sunny area. Sparingly water, allowing the soil to dry in between applications.

Remember to choose a container that is the right size because over-potting might cause root rot. Your Crassula Perforata will remain wholesome and prosperous if you follow these potting instructions.

Propagating Crassula Perforata

Stem Propagation

Pick Healthy Stems: Choose a stem that shows no symptoms of sickness or injury. Make sure it measures a minimum of 2–3 inches.

Give cuts time to callus: After cutting, allow the stem ends to dry naturally for one or two days. When planting, this avoids decay.

Plant in Well-Draining Soil: Sow the calloused end in a succulent mixture that drains well.

Provide Indirect Light: Avoid direct sun exposure by positioning your fresh cutting in direct sunlight.

Water sparingly: Water sparingly, rarely, and let the soil dry in between applications.

Offsets Propagation

Finding Offsets: Keep an eye out for tiny, young plants (offsets) growing close to the parent plant’s base. They make excellent propagation prospects.

Separation: Make sure the offset has its own roots before gently removing it from the parent plant.

Drying Time: Air dry the separated offset for one or two days. When sown, this helps to avoid rotting.

Planting: Put the offset in a tiny pot with some succulent soil that drains nicely.

Place it in an area with bright, indirect sunshine and a little bit of water. Do not overwater.

How to Grow Crassula Perforata From Seeds

It’s satisfying to grow Crassula Perforata from seeds. Fill a container that drains well with a succulent soil mixture to begin things going. Distribute the small seeds uniformly on the top of the soil.

Put light pressure on them and spray the soil to maintain its moisture. Put the pot in direct, strong light. Germination might take some time, so have patience.

Transfer seedlings to separate pots once they are robust. You may see your Crassula Perforata develop into a lovely succulent by taking good care of it and giving it time.


The String of Buttons plant, Crassula Perforata, must be pruned to keep it in good form and health. Use pruning shears or scissors that are clean, and sharp, and regularly remove dead or yellowing leaves.

By doing so, fresh growth is promoted and overpopulation is avoided. Pruning is another option for regulating plant size and promoting a more compact look.

Crassula Perforata is a wonderful addition to any indoor or outdoor garden since proper pruning encourages a healthy and aesthetically pleasing plant.

Repotting Crassula Perforata

Every two to three years, or when the Crassula Perforata outgrows its container, you should repot it.

Pick the Right Time: Repotting is best done in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively developing.

use a Larger Pot: To allow for root development, use a somewhat larger pot with sufficient drainage.

Use fresh succulent soil that drains well to encourage the formation of strong roots.

Gentle Handling: To protect the plant’s fragile roots from harm, handle it gently.

After repotting, water sparingly and wait a few days before restarting regular watering to reduce stress on the plant.

How to Get Crassula Perforata to Bloom

Follow these easy instructions to encourage Crassula Perforata, commonly known as Necklace Vine or String of Buttons, to blossom. First, make sure it gets a lot of direct, bright sunshine.

After that, keep a regular watering plan and let the soil dry out in between waterings. During the growth season, which is normally in the spring and summer, fertilise sparingly. Last but not least, be persistent.

When properly cared for, these succulents will reward you with their gorgeous blossoms in late spring or early summer.

Growth Rate and Size

A succulent plant called Crassula Perforata, sometimes referred to as the String of Buttons or Necklace Vine grows slowly. It has tiny, triangular leaves that stack like buttons and can grow up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall on average.

It is a great option for small interior settings because of its modest growth rate. It is a popular and manageable addition to any collection of succulent plants due to its small size and interesting look.

Flowering and Foliage

The String of Buttons or Necklace Vine, also known as Crassula Perforata, has gorgeous leaves and sporadic little flowers. Its tiny, triangular, button-shaped leaves have appealing crimson edges and a gray-green color.

In late spring or early summer, the plant blooms and has a light smell. Crassula Perforata is a compelling addition to any indoor or outdoor environment because of the mix of its unusual leaves and sporadic flowers.

Crassula Perforata Appearance

The gray-green, triangular leaves of the Crassula perforata, popularly known as the String of Buttons or Necklace Vine, have striking crimson borders and give off a lovely look.

It’s perfect for both indoor and outdoor situations thanks to its small size, which normally only reaches up to 12 inches in height.

This succulent is a favorite among plant lovers and a lovely addition to any collection thanks to its great aesthetic appeal and leaves that are around 1 to 1.5 inches long.


Crassula perforata has to be protected throughout the winter months if it is to overwinter successfully. To protect it from frost and chilly conditions, keep it indoors in a well-lit space.

To avoid root rot, make sure it receives enough sunshine and don’t overwater. By following these easy instructions,

you can ensure your Crassula Perforata’s health and beauty for many seasons by helping it through the winter and flourish when warmer weather arrives.

Common Pests

The health of your Crassula Perforata may be at danger from pests. Watch out for typical problems that may affect your plant, such as mealybugs. Check your Necklace Vine frequently for indications of these insects, like as white, cottony lumps.

To keep your Crassula Perforata healthy and pest-free, deal with any pests right away with the proper remedies to protect your plant’s vitality.

Plant Diseases

The health of the String of Buttons, Crassula perforata, is susceptible to common plant diseases. The main issue is root rot, which is brought either by over-watering or inadequate drainage.

Additionally, mealybug infestations might hinder development. Water the plant sparingly and make sure the soil dries between watering to avoid these problems.

Regularly check for bugs, and if any are found, treat them right away. Healthy maintenance practices keep your Crassula Perforata healthy and flourishing.

Problems and Solutions for Crassula Perforata

Problem: Overwatering leads to root rot and wilting.

Solution: Allow soil to dry between waterings; use well-draining soil.

Problem: Mealybugs infestation affects plant health.

Solution: Inspect regularly for pests; treat with neem oil or soapy water.

Problem: Lack of sunlight results in leggy growth.

Solution: Provide bright, indirect light; rotate plant for even growth.

Problem: Soil lacks nutrients, causing stunted growth.

Solution: Fertilize sparingly during growing season (spring/summer).

Problem: Crowded pot or overgrowth affects aesthetics.

Solution: Prune to maintain shape and remove dead growth.

Toxicity of Crassula Perforata

String of Buttons or Necklace Vine, also known as Crassula perforata, is non-toxic to both people and animals.

This implies there is no need to be concerned about this wonderful succulent having negative consequences if consumed. It’s a fantastic option for families with curious kids or dogs.


Around Crassula Perforata, cats, and dogs are often safe. Pet safety is guaranteed if they happen to chew on this succulent because it is non-toxic to animals.

To avoid any digestive problems, it is still advised to discourage any nibbling. Maintain the happiness and health of your Necklace Vine and your furry pals.

Varieties/Types of Crassula Perforata

Crassula Perforata ‘Variegata’: The leaves of this species have stunning variegation, generally with creamy-white margins and a gray-green base. Your plant collection gains an additional level of visual interest thanks to the variegated appearance.

Crassula Perforata ‘Baby Necklace’: This cultivar is a diminutive variation of the common String of Buttons, as suggested by its name. It is perfect for modest places or as part of a succulent arrangement due to its petite size and endearing appeal.

Crassula Perforata ‘String of Buttons Mini’: This little variety has tiny, button-like leaves that cover its trailing stems in dense clusters. It’s ideal for terrariums, hanging baskets, and ground covers in succulent gardens.

Crassula Perforata ‘Candlestick Plant’: With its distinctive upright growth habit that resembles candelabra, this cultivar stands out. It may grow up to 18 inches tall and has stacked leaves, giving it a compelling focus piece for any indoor or outdoor garden.

Crassula Perforata ‘Giant Necklace Vine’: This cultivar is ideal if you want a plant that makes a statement. It has longer stems and bigger leaves, which when arranged in a hanging basket or raised planter, produce a spectacular cascade appearance.

Uses for Crassula Perforata

  • Ornamental Plant: Due to its distinctive look, which enhances the attractiveness of both indoor and outdoor environments, Crassula Perforata, also known as String of Buttons or Necklace Vine, is generally planted as an ornamental plant.
  • Home decor: It adds a lovely touch to succulent bouquets, hanging baskets, and terrariums, complementing the decor of your house or place of business.
  • Air purification: Like many other succulents, Crassula Perforata can contribute to bettering indoor air quality by collecting pollutants and exhaling oxygen, resulting in a more wholesome living environment.
  • Gardening: Because it is drought-tolerant and needs little maintenance, it is a popular option for low-maintenance gardens and xeriscaping. This makes it perfect for water-conscious landscaping.
  • Crassula perforata produces tiny, star-shaped blooms that are fragrant while in bloom, giving a sensory aspect to your garden or living area.
  • The study of succulent plants, their adaptations, and their resistance to a variety of environmental factors are frequently covered in botanical education.
  • Support for biodiversity: When it blooms in outdoor gardens, it can draw pollinators like bees and butterflies, enhancing regional biodiversity.

About Propagation Tips for Crassula Perforata Varieties

Caring for a Crassula perforata, whether it’s the variegated or the common variety, requires some attention to detail. To take care of Crassula perforata variegata, you should know how often to water it. These succulents, like Crassula perforata, prefer bright sunlight but not scorching heat, so finding the right balance is crucial.

Whether you’re dealing with a Crassula perforata mini or a giant form, make sure the pot has good drainage to avoid over-watering.When it comes to propagation, learning how to propagate Crassula perforata variegata can be rewarding.

You can propagate it through leaf cuttings or stem cuttings, just like propagating Crassula perforata. If you’re wondering, “Como propagar Crassula perforata?” the process is quite similar to other Crassula varieties. Simply take a healthy cutting, let it callus, and then plant it in well-draining soil.

Maintaining the Health and Safety of Crassula Perforata Succulents

Remember to provide proper Crassula perforata cuidados to ensure healthy growth. Crassula perforata, whether it’s Crassula x perforata — ivory towers or Crassula perforata southern cross, appreciates occasional fertilization during the growing season.

However, be cautious, as overfeeding can lead to leggy growth. Always monitor the Crassula perforata temperature, especially during winter, to protect it from freezing temperatures. Lastly, keep in mind that some succulents, including Crassula perforata, may be toxic to cats, so ensure their safety if you have feline friends at home.


In conclusion, there are numerous crucial components to caring for your Crassula Perforata, often known as the String of Buttons or Necklace Vine. It needs adequate illumination to flourish and produce its own smell, which makes it a delightful addition to your home.

Root rot may be avoided and your plant is kept healthy by maintaining a well-draining soil mixture and applying little water. It enhances the whole experience of caring for this succulent to recognize its delicate scent throughout the flowering season.

Additionally, to make sure your Crassula Perforata grows, it’s important to keep a close eye out for pests like mealybugs. You may enjoy the attractiveness and advantages of this unique plant in your house or garden by adhering to these care instructions and comprehending its qualities.


What is the optimal lighting requirement for Crassula Perforata?

Bright, indirect sunlight to full sun is ideal for Crassula Perforata’s growth and development of aroma.

How should you water Crassula Perforata to prevent root rot?

To keep the plant healthy and fragrant between watering, let the soil totally dry out.

When does Crassula Perforata emit a pleasant fragrance?

When Crassula Perforata is in bloom, which usually occurs in late spring or early summer, its blooms give off a lovely aroma.

What pests should you be vigilant for when caring for Crassula Perforata?

Although unrelated to scent, you should be on the lookout for pests, particularly mealybugs, which can infest the plant and negatively impact its health.

What is the ideal temperature range for Crassula Perforata?

Crassula Perforata thrives in temperatures between 60°F to 80°F (15°C to 27°C).

How often should you fertilize Crassula Perforata during its growing season?

During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize succulents lightly every 4–6 weeks using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer.

Is Crassula Perforata toxic to pets?

No, Because Crassula Perforata is not poisonous to people or animals, it is acceptable to have it around in homes with pets or young children.




I m agriculturist and i have 5 years of experience in plants care and growing.