Bo Ellis and the 1997 Marquette University Men’s Basketball Team

Leah Jackson
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

The Marquette University 1977 Men’s Basketball team will forever hold a unique mark in Marquette and sports history, and it is not just because they won the National Championship. The number two scorer in Marquette history and captain of the 1977 men’s team, Maurice “Bo” Ellis brought more attention than usual to Marquette’s basketball team during his 4 years. A standout student and player, Bo was a key player in leading the Marquette Men’s Basketball team to a National Championship in 1977 (Hilltop 1977).

Bo Ellis wearing one of the unique basketball jerseys that he desinged for the mens basketball team (1973–77).

Bo, with his well above average basketball skills and pursuit of fashion-design during his college career, was an extraordinary player at Marquette. In a spread covering the NCAA championship achieved by the Marquette men’s basketball team in 1977, Marquette’s victory is attributed to team leadership, and Bo recieves a shoutout: “The players took leadership roles, especially Bo Ellis” (Hilltop 1977).

Not only did other students and players recognize Bo’s skill and commitment to his role as a leader on the team, but Al McGuire, the historiacally renowned Marquette basketball coach (1964–1977), had a unique relationship with Bo and spoke quite highly of him. In the Marquette 1977 yearbook, “Hilltop”, a striking quote by Al regarding Bo made the pages. McGuire says “As Bo goes so we go”, highlighting the leadership role that Bo assumed on the team. And as it seems, McGuire did not hesitate to attribute such a characteristic to him.

Al McGuire instructing Bo Ellis during a game.

In a documentary, Danny Pudi’s “Untucked”, that covers the highlights of Bo’s college career, special attention is paid to the unique men’s basketball jersey’s designed by Bo himself during his time at Marquette. In the documentary, Bo is described as extraordinary by his old teammates, but in a completely positive light. The documentary addresses Bo’s interest and pursuit of studying fashion design while at Marquette, off-campus at an all-women’s fashion design school in Milwaukee. His teammates and even Bo himself mention his ability to disregard what everyone thought of him without hesitation. Perhaps this is one quality what made him such a strong leader on the team.

Ultimately, Bo made a mark on Marquette that may not have been noticed until some 30 years after his graduation, however it was a powerful one. He brought uniqueness and leadership to a team that for quite some time was not athletically successful in the basketball world. The dynami-duo of Al McGuire and Bo Ellis that led Marquette to a National victory will live on in Marquette history forever.

Special thanks to Marquette Raynor Archives and to the Marquette University 1977 Hilltop.

