Inside the Mind of a Marquette Student

Leah Jackson
1 min readFeb 1, 2017


Today I interviewed Marriah Deetman, a junior at Marquette University studying Corporate Communication. She has mixed feelings about living in Milwaukee, which is where she has lived for all her life. After visiting other places, such as Houston, Texas, she feels that there are some things about Milwaukee that she does not like, mainly the weather. In fact, Marriah hopes to move to Houston after she graduates from Marquette. She also wishes that there would be a better night life in Milwaukee, but one thing that she really does love about the city is Summerfest. Summerfest is a popular Milwaukee Summer music festival that, according to Marriah, has great food and live music.

Marriah comes to Marquette because education is important to her and has many benefits, such as financial gain. However, she doesn’t think money brings you full happiness; she feels that happiness comes from life experiences. She not only learns academically at Marquette, but she is learning a lot about herself from her experiences here.

Marriah touched on how her courses have challenged her to think about the big questions like “Who created all of this?”, and she has realized that it’s hard to find the answer to these kinds of questions. She says that Marquette has a lot of students who will answer “God” to that preceding question, due to the Catholic values that the University stands on, but she mentioned that she still has questions about God.

Edited by Danny Cady

