Meditation for Removing Negative Energy
Have you ever felt like your body is buzzing and you are frustrated and angry all the time? It may be because you have a build-up of negative energy. It can happen by consuming social media, traveling, being around others, basically just going through daily life.
I have learned this meditation through a cumulation of different sources. It is partly from a meditation app, the meditation taught to me by the first coven I trained with, and my own ideas all mixed together. This meditation works best for me because it combines imagery with a bit of witchcraft. Here is my getting rid of negative energy meditation.
We are going to start out by grounding ourselves. Imagine something growing out from our feet into the floor, I imagine roots but imagine them as whatever comes to mind and feels right to you. Imagine the roots going through the floorboards and the foundation of your house, through the first layer of rock and soil, going through all the layers and years, plunging down into the earth. You’re going through all those layers and layers of rock, I always add in going past dinosaur bones, it makes it fun. It’s getting warmer as you get closer to the core of the earth, and finally, you break through to the core. Always ask the core if it will give you a bit of its heat, never just take, it is only polite. Now bring that heat back up with you through the layers of rock, past the dinosaur bones, up and up. Bringing your roots up, past the layers of rock and soil, past the foundation and floorboards, and back into your feet. Fill up the lower half of your body with that heat.
Now you are going to get the other half of your healing energy. Imagine branches coming out of your head and reaching up toward the ceiling. Your branches go through the ceiling and out into the sky, reaching up and up, going higher and higher, past the clouds, past the layers of the atmosphere, and into space. Going past the moon, past the planets, past the solar system, out of the galaxy, and into deep space. You hold out your branches and ask if you can have some of the crisp, cold space. Your branches fill up with cold and you start to bring your branches back. Back past the galaxy, past the solar system, past the planets, past the moon, and back into the atmosphere. You bring them back past the clouds, coming back through the open sky, through the ceiling, and back into your head. Imagine that cold crisp air filling up the upper part of your body.
Gently bring those two energies together in your body until you have a ball of energy in your solar plexus (your chest), I imagine it as a bright white ball of energy. Now imagine all that negative energy that is filling your body, I see it as black smoke but it might be different for you.
Bring that healing energy down to each toe and imagine that energy filling up your toes and feet, pushing that negative energy up into your calves. Think of the healing energy finding and banishing every bit of the negative energy out of your feet. Now push that energy up your ankles and calves, filling your calves with the healing energy and pushing out the negative. Push that energy up your knees and thighs, filling and banishing all negativity that was there. For any lingering negativity imagine the healing energy pushing it out of your legs completely.
Now push that healing energy into your pelvis and root chakra area, sweeping it through every area, pushing that negativity out. Spend some time here really getting all that negativity out because your root chakra is your base, your roots if you will. Imagine pushing that healing energy up into your lower back and lower belly or your sacral chakra. Imagine filling up and pushing that negative energy out of your lower back and spine and belly. Focus on the healing energy filling up every nook and cranny, pushing that negativity up and out. Now push that energy into your mid-back and upper torso or your solar plexus, pushing that negative energy out of your core. Force that negativity out, finding every last bit of it. Now working that energy even higher, go into your chest and upper back or heart chakra. Really make sure you get into your lungs and heart area, getting every bit of negativity out. Work around to your upper back, getting into your spine and around your shoulder blades.
Now bring that healing energy down to your fingertips and fill your fingers and palms, pushing that negative energy up your arms. Spend some time here making sure you get all that negativity off of your hands. Think of everything you touch all day long, your phone, your computer, and if you leave your house, touching things everyone else touches. Make sure you get every hint of that out of your hands. Now work your way up your forearms, filling your forearms with that healing energy. Driving the energy further up, filling your elbows and upper arms. Getting every little bit of that negativity out of your arms.
Now envision your shoulders and throat or throat chakra. Imagine that negative energy getting pushed upward and the healing energy sweeping in. Think of the healing energy filling every bit of your upper shoulders and throat. Push that energy up into your face and head, third eye and crown chakra. Fill that area with the healing energy, pushing that negativity right out of the top of your head. Really focus on this area since a lot of the time this is where the negative energy likes to sit and make us feel bad. Get into every space, nook, and cranny, filling and filling your head with that healing energy.
Now your entire body is filled with all the healing energy that your created and brought into yourself. Do you feel buzzy and happy, content and peaceful? It may take a few tries but after performing this meditation a couple of times it will come naturally. I really hope this helped you feel a lot better. Let me know in the comments if you tried my meditation for removing negative energy and how you felt afterward.
Have a wonderful rest of your day,