5 Awesome things that bring Joy back to my Center

Leah Bathsheba
4 min readDec 18, 2023


As I have navigated through my life of 40+ years- 22 of which has been working with young children, I have come to terms learning that we are ever growing, and ever evolving. We as a collective society look for ways to connect more with the world around us as well as the world within. With busy schedules and countless numbers of activities we fill our days, evenings and weekends with, I have found these five things to bring ample joy and peace to my wellbeing.

  1. A calm set space for sleeping peacefully.- I have tried several modalities from weighted blankets, to moving air, open windows, nature sounds and ambient music. What I find works best for myself is a dark room with as little light as possible. This doesn’t just mean that lights go out and we hit the hay. This also includes dimming lights an hour beforehand. Whether lighting a candle, or putting on a soft lamp or night light- the purpose is to tell your mind body and soul “I am resting and at ease.” I find blue light blocking glasses to be very beneficial as well. Wearing them at least an hour before bed lets my brain know it is time to wind down. Whatever brings you comfort and pleasure reminding self of safety is helpful as well. Comfortable breathable fabrics are always best. Cotton fabric is one of the highest vibrational fabrics for your health. A soft blanket, a pet or even a pillow with a comforting scent brings the mind at ease.
  2. Utilizing hobbies! Finding some if needed- Hobbies hold so much nuance to the rapid pace in life. We are creatures of creativity and when we apply our passions to what brings us passion, we are fueled with a new vibrant awakening. Even some of what may seem to be the quirkiest of hobbies that others may seem so strange and intriguing, this is needed because sometimes hobbies become passions which become purpose. With set intentions we apply, embrace and embody who we are, there are those out there absolutely willing to purchase creations that you provide. Even a story about fishing, or the day you saw two eagles soar on your hike. Those moments bring joy to others. So find and enjoy your hobbies! You need this and we need you!
  3. Watching Nature- This means getting outside! As mentioned above, catching a fish, watching two eagles soar, listening to the wind move through the trees or watching ants diligently work their little ways- There are so many ways to connect with nature. I enjoy taking walks and sitting at a tree. I have one spot I also love sitting at a bridge and listening to the stream of water splash and bubble moving down its way off to new adventures. So with many easy ways to connect with nature, what could be yours?
  4. Music, Dance and Movement- There are numerous and plenty of ways to move throughout the day. I have learned through and over time how stagnancy can cause upset and buildup. Often depending on what kind of music I listen to, whether soft and smooth which may bring me into a wave of slow soft movement, or some fast motivational amped up music may bring my body into large and fast motion- I know that my energy is being moved. With intention which is always beneficial in times like this. We are expressive creatures. We get the opportunity to be movement and it may look far different than others. Whatever gets you to move do it!
  5. Relationships!- As I have spent decades learning and experiencing the variety of relationships and what they consist of- the first and foremost important relationship is always with Self. How we treat ourselves is how we treat others- which in fact some may say “Well, I am nice to others but I’m a critic to myself.” It is always worth watching how we show up. Our self worth is key to success with being who we are truly meant to be individually and within the community. Relationships are not just romantic partners. Relationships are siblings, parents, children, students, clients, bosses, coaches, teachers, partners, neighbors, strangers, enemies, the list goes on! And they all will look different. No two are truly alike because we are all different in our own ways and the perception of each person will always be unique. Learning boundaries, personality types, attachment styles and how we show up in our day to day interactions brings in more of a focus on how relationships are for us. Reminder- It starts with ourselves. Love, kindness, compassion, understanding, and patience are just some of the qualities we can all practice.



Leah Bathsheba

Author/illustrator of “Helping Hands On Halloween” 22 yrs exp working in Early Child Edu. Practice holistic, alternative methods for mind/body/spirit health