13 Steps to Supercharge Your Blogging Results

8 min readNov 26, 2014

(Initially published on the Leanometry Blog)

Guest Post by Andrew Hiddleston

Finding all the main reasons why people blog might be difficult. Ultimately, you’ll find over 150,000,000 blogs available that ask why people blog. In this particular juncture, I’ll cover the top reasons why you ought to start blogging today.

Blogs are an extremely marketable and lucrative tool if only used correctly. You can actually benefit from obtaining the interest of a particular audience through your blog. You do simple things on your blog and gain something huge in return. Here are 13 significant steps you should take for effective blogging:

1. Where to start

You have to start your website by getting a totally free blog hosting service. Getting a totally free blog hosting service allows you to definitely begin blogging instantly with no advance knowledge of scripts, hosting, or programming. It allows you to give consideration for your articles rather than the repairs of your site.

The most effective benefit of getting totally free services is that, when your website isn’t really effective, you do not lose anything in large amount.

The fantastic factor of a blog is that they are organized in chronological order; your latest entry is displayed first. Once your traffic is great and you are simply ready to upgrade, you can just simply make your last entry with an announcement of “moving” by simply publishing an entry stating that the site has “moved” then provide with a URL directing to your site.

2. Niche

Your niche can be a specific product or service. You have to choose a product or service that you think is best for you and your needs.

Choose a subject you want to delve into. You need to use key phrase research services like Google Zeitgeist or Yahoo! Buzz Index to discover popular searches. It does not matter whether your subject is typical or extended because there will almost always be an audience for various types of subjects. The subject focused on your site shall be deemed effective.

Anything could be seen as a potential market so long as it provides an audience to your site. It could be few or large in number depending on your specified area. Let’s say for example, your internet site talks about cats. It can be your niche. Website dealing on the kinds of the cat family might be a bigger market. For a moment, find individuals who are planning on hearing your topic — cat or perhaps the kinds of cat family. You may even choose to make a topic for any type of audience for just about any market where a group of people would be interested in. Make your blog.

3. Update Regularly

This is important rather than an indication. Improving your website regularly not only keeps your website more interesting to site visitors, but it also provides your website fresh content which causes it to be more inviting to search engines like Google.

Not improving your website by having a periodic holiday is understandable but missing too many days is unacceptable and will likely lead to your website being not as effective. To increase traffic and retain your website visitors’ interest, you should enhance your blog regularly.

Progressively enhance your blog regularly with a minimum of 3 or maybe more records. The simplest approach to achieve this is always to reserve 1–2 hours every day for taking care of your website and adding new content. It may also be wise to organize a collection time that you just commit to your website every single day.

4. Traffic

It’s not a secret. You need site visitors to earn money from blogs. You’ll find numerous techniques to generate traffic — paid out advertising, free advertising, viral marketing, internet search engine marketing, RSS/XML feeds, and word-of-mouth.

It is advisable to take advantage of the blog URL address inside the signature from the email, forum discussions, community forums, or any other communication media. You have to submit your website URL address to search engines like Google and to blogs.

You have to submit your RSS/XML URL feed to blog ping services like Technorati, Ping-O-Matic, and Blogdigger. You have to, with full confidence, share your website with family, pals, co-employees, affiliate marketers, and professionals. Many blogs could be seen as an amount of articles, for this specific purpose you have to submit your website records (people that are valuable and extended articles) to content syndicators like GoArticles.com or ArticleCity.com.

Once published you might be acquired and launched by others. The key is always to be sure that you add your Blog URL address inside the “Concerning the writerInch passage.” What this does is create link recognition and back-links for that blog so when someone builds up your article within the distribution and publishes the information online, the “Concerning the writerInch passage” is added to every publication and the link you incorporated is adopted and indexed by search engines like Google.

Let us suppose your article is popular enough to produce 10,000 guides over the internet. The search engines like Google or Bing is sure to find your site very rapidly with these particular guides and credit an authority around the subject and in return increasing your rank on search engines like Google.

The small effort of writing an interesting article is rewarding. Write no less than 1 full-length article every week for distribution and submit your article through 10 article syndicators.

5. Track Your Website

The fact that nobody is leaving comments on your blog does not necessarily mean your site is not growing. Many site visitors don’t leave comments but are actually returning site visitors.

Some site visitors care more about what “you” say! Many site visitors don’t comment on their first, second, or third time to visit your site and some don’t even comment ever but they can be active daily site visitors.

Monitoring your website does not need to become excessively sophisticated and frequently an easy free page counter likeStatCounter.com or Active Meter may give you your preferred effect. Install (copy/paste) the code to the html from the blog template and start monitoring your site visitors.

It’s better to employ a service which supplies you advanced traffic analysis, for instance keyword monitoring information, referral information, and internet search engine information. Site visitors, returning site visitors, and various site visitors need to be standard for nearly any page counter service you choose.

6. Give consideration to your audience

When using a page counter, you have to begin by figuring out how other people are finding your website whether through search engines like Google and what keywords and phrases are utilized to locate your website.

If constantly your website has been searched through 1 or maybe more keywords and phrases then focus your website around those keywords and phrases and making it a lot more effective. When writing entry game titles and content, take advantage of the keywords and phrases as much as you can and make sure your site is legible and engaging.

7. Multiple blogs

Use multiple blogging accounts to draw increasing numbers of people. And that means you should have your site with JournalHome.com,Blogger.com, LiveJournal.com, Blog-City.com, tBlogs.com, etc.

You’ll be able to copy/paste from 1 blog to others. Getting different blog accounts is similar to obtaining a publication in a variety of newspapers. This enables you to definitely have more site visitors which reinforce the possibility that one of the blogs will be on search engine’s most current listings for your focused keywords and phrases.

8. Short & Concise

Aside from the extended article each week for distribution and publication, your website content needs to be short & concise (if you are in a position to make it). You don’t want your website content to need several hours of reading through. Site visitors would rather find information and skim through and make use of your content. It is good to be detailed and offer useful information but try not to include useless information or hightail sentences that veer out of your subject.

9. Digital Art

Make an effort to include non-advertising graphics, pictures, photos, and art on your blog. Clearly, the content of your blog is vital and you don’t want to overshadow your posts with graphics but showing graphics may add a bit of spice to your blog. Be selective with your choice of graphics and make sure to add a caption. Original graphics, photos, pictures, and art is recommended. If you got it from an external source, be sure to cite where you got it.

10. Be personal

Make an effort to include personal encounters or experiences that relates to the topic of your blog entry. Stay away from the business kind of writing. Write using a personal style and rehearse first-person tales. Don’t write all your records as sales letters but rather share reviews and endeavors.

11. Talk with Your Site Visitors

Create a regular theme for instance: “Monday Money Tip” or “Picture each weekInch which inspires your site visitors to anticipate each week.

Provide your site visitors advance notice of a product, service, or subject which you’ll review and then discuss later.

Try to discover exclusive information that won’t be found anywhere else or that only little blogs have. Don’t disclose any private or secret information that’s considered illegal or might allow you to get into trouble but try to get the scoop before everyone else does. Your site visitors may show their appreciation through word-of-mouth recommendations. Imagine the amount of site visitors that will share your information and blog to their friends and family.

12. Make Money

Whenever your blog has acquired some real momentum along with your increasing visitors, then you’re ready to start thinking about turning your traffic into profit. You should utilize contextual advertising, like AdSense or Chitika.

Contextual advertising is usually back links involving the data from the blog to create specific ads inside your blog. The payout is usually with various pay-per-click model, meaning permanently clicking an advert receives, you are paid out a little percent in the profits. Furthermore, you should use graphical advertising for instance: BlogAds.com, Amazon.com, MammaMedia.com, or General Backed Advertising.

13. You’re an expert

You’re an expert now! You’re ready to upgrade with a domain situated solution. You should get an online host and choose an internet site status for the site then check its availability.

Pick the blogging software you need to take advantage of, for instance: Squarespace.com, WordPress.org, MovableType.org, etc. For those who have your brand-new blog domain setup and are eager for traffic then it is time to announce to your site visitors from all your previous blog accounts to proceed to your new site.

The title of the blog entry needs to be “Moved” and the content should condition your visitors to follow and bookmark your new site’s link for future reference. Using this method, all returning site visitors and new site visitors shouldn’t have any problem finding your brand-new blog domain.
At the quantity of a specialist blogger you might want to work with with 1 or maybe more other authors. This can create a more intriguing, notable and more efficient blog because more authors mean more advertising and exposure because some authors may be interested in your blog.

The idea of an organization blog is making it lucrative and rewarding for individuals authors while ongoing ones to pay attention to your site’s subject and keep the blog interesting for site visitors.

Following these blogging techniques should make your blogging experience more rewarding. Producing earnings online is not a weekend experience like many may think but producing earnings on the internet is certainly possible. Gaining recognition on the internet is no overnight experience but with time, dedication, and persistence you will be paid out using the royalties of blogging.

Start your own blog and reap the benefits!

Author Bio

This is a guest post brought to you by Andrew Hiddleston, internet entrepreneur and business coach. Learn more tips for internet marketers by visiting his blog http://www.leanmeanmarketing.com.




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