The Weeknd Personality Type: What does MBTI say about him?

8 min readMar 28, 2023


The Weeknd personality type is one of the top concerns among his fanbase. In this post, Leapic will give you more information about his MBTI and how his MBTI influenced his life and career.

Do you know The Weeknd MBTI?

  1. The Weeknd Personality Type: What is MBTI?

1.1. Do You Know MBTI?

MBTI, standing for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a 16-question multiple-choice test used to assess a person’s personality. MBTI was created by two scientists Kathryn Briggs and Isabel Myer. You will assess your personality by answering a series of multiple-choice questions related to basic issues in life. The personality results of this toolkit are very accurate.

MBTI is a 16-question multiple-choice test

The MBTI method classifies personality based on four basic criteria:

Natural Tendencies: This criterion is used to identify you as an introvert or an extrovert. Introverts tend to be introverted, quiet, and less communicative with the outside world. In contrast, extroverts are active, full of life, and often socialize with people.

Maybe you have known that The Weeknd Personality Type includes introvert. He published it a long time ago.

Decisions and Choices: This is a factor used to assess whether you are a Thinking or Feeling decision-maker. If you are a Thinking person, every decision is made based on clear data and criteria. If you make decisions and choices based on emotions, you are a Feeling person.

The MBTI method classifies personality based on four basic criteria

Perception of the world: This factor determines whether you are sensing or intuitive. If you are a sensing person, you will use your 5 senses to perceive the world. If you only believe in what you infer and gather, then you are an intuitive person.

I guess that The Weeknd Personality Type has Sensing Element.

How you work: This factor is used to assess whether you are a person of Judging or Perceiving people. People who are judging will always work according to discipline. If you can change your plans and rules when necessary or don’t want to be tied down, you are perceiving.

Read more: The Weeknd birth chart

1.2. How Can You Know Your MBTI?

MBTI is applied in recruiting personnel in enterprises. In some companies, HRs often use this test as a preliminary round in the recruitment process. MBTI is also trusted by students to find out their true personalities. They believe it will help them choose the right career.

The Weeknd Personality Type is judged based on his real-life characteristics.

There are 16 types model personalities by MBTI

In fact, we have a recommendation if you want to use the MBTI to evaluate someone as well as evaluate yourself. To be honest, your MBTI results may change at some times in your life, or they may even change depending on your mood during the test.

For example, you are an extrovert, but extroverts can still be sad. That day, you met a sad story and you no longer want to share it with anyone, you even think that you will never talk aanymore. And you have to take the MBTI test reluctantly. It’s really understandable if the test rates you as an introvert as soon as you complete it.

Therefore, all MBTI results, no matter published by anyone, are for reference only. You should not rely too much on it to decide the important things in your life.

If you still want to know your current MBTI, visit the MBTI websites and take the test. Some sites are completely free. Others, which often send results via gmail or phone number and personalized your results, charge a small fee.

2. The Weeknd Personality Type: What Does MBTI Say About Him?

2.1. Information About The Weeknd Personality Type

In fact, we, fans of The Weeknd, still don’t know enough about him to draw an accurate conclusion about The Weeknd MBTI. The Weeknd has never shared the same thing on his social media. Maybe he took the MBTI test and got the answer, or maybe he hasn’t. We can not know.

So, to satisfy the curiosity of the fandom, some of his long-time fans have come to the conclusion about The Weeknd’s personality type, based on everything he has shown since his musical career began until now.

More information: the Weeknd ethnic

The Weeknd MBTI is ISFP

ISFP — Avandtagers

The ISFP personality includes: I — Introvert, S — Sensing, F — Feeling and P — Perceiving. This personality group accounts for 9% of the world’s population. That is, about 720 million people possess this personality type.

People with the ISFP personality type tend to be open to new life, experiences, and people around them with a warm heart. Living and appreciating the present helps them to discover interesting hidden potentials. Their introverted personality makes them spend a lot of time alone and easily listen to their inner voice.

We can say that The Weeknd Personality Type gave him a wonderful ability.

Introverts are quiet and do not like to attract attention. This is typical of an introvert. In fact, introverts are usually not afraid to socialize with others.

In some cases, introverts can even look enthusiastic and talkative. That makes people think they are extroverts. However, their dynamism was not long-lasting. Introverts need to find opportunities to get out of the social circles that drain their energy, to rest and recharge.

The Weeknd introvert limits his participation in personal interviews

The Weeknd Personality Type with an introvert limits his participation in personal interviews. He only accepts invitations when there are special events such as award ceremonies or the release of a new album.

Each person in this personality group is a unique individual with a free lifestyle and truly carries the personality of “explorers”. They are curious and eager for new experiences. This is what makes ISFPs burning passions and interests.

You will find ISFPs making fun of themselves, enjoying every corner of their lives and living their own moment. They can be the most interesting people you meet, as well as humble and simple individuals. However, our advantages are so absorbed in their exciting world that they sometimes forget how brilliant they are.

People with this personality type are also able to adapt to life’s changes and rarely work with a plan set. They can change their views to fit the situation and always want to live in harmony with everyone.

The Weeknd Personality Type helps him have a flexible life

“Adventurers want to live in a world where everyone are free to live their own way and not be judged.”

In addition, ISFPs are also considered true artists. Their creativity combined with a free spirit makes it easy for them to create works of art in their lives.

And finally, although they are considered carefree, in fact these people also pay attention to the feelings of others. They may get upset if they feel unloved or recognized.

Click here to read more: the Weeknd aesthetic

2.2. The Weeknd Personality Type Strengths

They have attractiveness

ISFP are usually laid-back and warm. With an attitude of living life to the fullest, they naturally become famous and well-liked. ISFPs bring comfort and atmosphere to everyone around.


The personality group of adventurers is easy to understand the feelings of others. They put themselves in the shoes of others, live in harmony and avoid conflict. This is a strong point that helps them become productive when working in groups.

Have a good imagination

The Weeknd personality type helps him understand the inner self of people. He can propose bold ideas that speak to people’s hearts. His imagination and passion for discovery help him come up with amazing ideas and solutions.

ISFPs are also artists


Inside the calm of adventurers is a passionate and enthusiastic heart. They will be completely immersed in the world of interesting things and will not be interested in anything else.

Artist’s soul

The Weeknd Personality Type helps him know how to create great songs. Thanks to the qualities of a talented artist, he has achieved many successes in his musical career.


They like to discover something on their own to come to their own definite conclusions. They are not exactly scientists. But with artistic and humanistic visions, they bring with them the qualities necessary to help a study go further.

2.3. The Weeknd Personality Type Weaknesses

Extremely independent

The Weeknd Personality Type value freedom of speech. Barriers such as rigid regulations and traditional principles will easily pressure him. This can make it difficult for him to work in a structured academic and work environment. But we don’t need to worry about that, he has achieved the freedom he wanted.


He is not interested in long-term commitments and plans. His tendency to avoid planning for the future creates emotional stress and financial burden later on.

ISFP can be stressed easily

Easily stressed

The Weeknd personality type is always introverted. So when circumstances suddenly change, they easily fall into a state of loss of control.

Self-esteem is easily fluctuating

Skill assessment is necessary but it is a challenge for acumen and creativity in the group of adventurers. During the first years of life, their efforts are often dismissed. They are also easily influenced by those who do not recognize them. Since then, I have lost confidence in myself.

3. About Leapice

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