Leap Lottery Token Provides Transparency in the Cryptocurrency World [ERC20]

Leap Lottery Token
2 min readAug 14, 2021


LEAP, a Debut Token, Provides Transparency in the Cryptocurrency World

Leap Lottery Token offers a level playing field, as interest in cryptocurrency investments expands to mainstream consumers.

New York, NY / August 6th, 2021 — LEAP is a token that utilizes the Ethereum blockchain as their platform to allow investors to purchase an entry ticket into their token lottery. LEAP sets themselves apart from other lottery tokens with their one time entry fee into their weekly lottery, and utilizes a roll-over system which provides investors with the chance to expand their investment every week.

Although LEAP is similar to lotteries in its randomized nature and monetary rewards, it distinguishes themselves from typical lotteries with its global accessibility in the cryptocurrency world and roll-over system. LEAP encourages long term holding with its one time purchase of LEAP tokens, as consumers are “added indefinitely to the list of qualified entries” each week as stated in the company’s white paper. LEAP prevents wealthier individuals from purchasing large amounts of coins to increase their chance of winning, with their equality system that only allows each wallet address to hold one entry slot in the lottery. LEAP provides accessibility to wealth for all, and does not favor wealthier individuals against others.

“We derive our lottery winnings from a tax that we have on a percentage of the volume [of trades] coming in, and that tax is then distributed to the lottery which is then distributed to the winners,” explains Danny, creator of LEAP.

According to a survey done by the University of Chicago, thirteen percent of Americans surveyed report purchasing or trading cryptocurrencies in the past year, a rising number that is catching up with the twenty-four percent of those who invest in stock. In addition, there is a substantial demographic contrast between investors in cryptocurrency and retail stock traders. The former are of a younger, more diverse background with lower incomes and levels of education in juxtaposition with stock traders. Reflective of LEAP’s mission itself, the younger generation of investors seek to turn away from the typical gatekeeping to wealth that stock traders hold.

“The current defi ecosystem is polluted with scammers touting meme coins as a get rich quick scam, pulling the wool over the eyes of the investors,” the company states in their transparency mission. LEAP will offer transparency and accessibility systems in place: video conferences, quarterly investor letters, and 24/7 mod support for the community. LEAP “[aims] to change the standard in which projects are held, as well as the crypto/defi ecosystem as a whole,” the company proposes.

About LEAP

LEAP is the most unique token to enter the cryptocurrency space. LEAP offers investors the chance to win every week, without sacrificing the integrity of their investors in a notoriously secretive industry.

