LLM apps : Why you MUST know Semantic Router in 2024 : Part 1

Aniket Hingane
6 min readJan 23, 2024

Must know LLM apps decision making layer, don’t miss out !

What really is a semantic router?

Imagine you are in a large and busy airport, trying to catch a flight to your destination. You have a boarding pass with your flight number and gate number, but you are not sure how to get there. You look around and see many signs, directions, and maps, but they are all in different languages and formats. You feel lost and frustrated, and you worry that you might miss your flight. 😟

In Part 2 we will do hands on coding to understand this concept practically

Now imagine there is a friendly and helpful agent who can guide you to your gate. The agent speaks your language and understands your needs. The agent knows the layout of the airport and the status of the flights. The agent can quickly and accurately find the best route for you, avoiding any delays or detours. You feel relieved and grateful, and you reach your gate on time. 😊

A semantic router is like that agent, but for chatbots. A chatbot is a software program that can interact with users through…



Aniket Hingane

Passionate about applying AI to practical uses,I simplify complex concepts & designs in concise articles, making complexity accessible one short piece at a time