What “Event Driven Architecture” really is? Why do we care?

Aniket Hingane
4 min readMar 9, 2024

A Simple thought on Exploring Event-Driven Architecture

Forget Waiting Around: Unveiling the Power of Event-Driven Architecture

Picture a world where software doesn’t just sit around waiting for orders. It jumps into action, reacting and adapting to every shift and change that ripples through the system. This is the world of Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), and if you’re in software development, it’s an architectural revolution you’ll want to be a part of.

So, what really is EDA ?

Think of EDA like a bustling city intersection. Cars zoom around, traffic lights change, and pedestrians react in real-time.

In EDA, events are those changes — a traffic light turns green, a car signals, a pedestrian steps out. Each part of the infrastructure (cars, drivers, traffic systems) only acts as needed, responding to specific events. There’s a continuous flow of information and responsiveness, keeping everything moving. This is vastly different than an old-school command-and-control system where one central authority dictates…



Aniket Hingane

Passionate about applying AI to practical uses,I simplify complex concepts & designs in concise articles, making complexity accessible one short piece at a time