Source: The Education Magazine

Tesla’s Cybertruck: The Internet’s New Cyberpunk

Rakesh Mahto
2 min readDec 5, 2019


Elon Musk shocked the world by the look of Tesla’s Cybertruck unveiled on November 21st, 2019. Probably for the first time internet population has seen something cyber hauling poetry. Many people think that Elon just wanted to go crazy and make something cyberpunk. People are trolling the Truck despite its impressive performance, characteristics, and utility only because they think that the design is so simple even a kid could make.

While people driven trucks all their life think different. They think it’s the fancy need of the future. If you think the brain behind this ‘pre-drawing outline’ design is a kind of unnecessary luxury, and that a traditional look would have given it more meaning, just think twice. Tesla is known for its breakthrough in the automobile industry. It does things that others don’t. Elon has his goal to make the battery version superior. Through this Cybertruck, the 500 miles per charge magic happened. And so design spells the features and characteristics of the Cybertruck.

However, the internet has been flooded with a lot of craziness Elon Musk could have enjoyed as free marketing. Let’s see how crazy they are;

The future is now. Tesla’s Cybertruck somewhat looks familiar. People are recalling it as 80’s futuristic-mobile seen in movie like ‘Blade Runner’ or ‘Back-to-the-future’ car. It’s completely not. It’s design is ‘Exoskeleton,’ built for ultimate durability and passenger protection (except those broken glasses of the launch)

The Future Cars

A truck built with sense. If you were Elon Musk you might have thought, “why NOT to make a truck that is tough and more functional? More function over form.” Now that we know, we LOVE THAT IT MAKES SENSE! We love its uglyness, but really its not ugly to us anymore, its true love. Its amazing. (User designed images)

A truck built around memes

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