Subject Verb Agreement Worksheet With 30 Questions

Learn English
3 min readMar 25, 2024


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1. She ____________ to the store every day. (a) go b) goes c) going)

2. The dogs ____________ in the park. (a) play b) plays c) playing)

3. My brother ____________ a new car last week. (a) buy b) buys c) buying)

4. The sun ____________ brightly in the sky. (a) shine b) shines c) shining)

5. They ____________ their lunch at noon. (a) eat b) eats c) eating)

6. She ____________ a book every night. (a) read b) reads c) reading)

7. The birds ____________ in the trees. (a) chirp b) chirps c) chirping)

8. The students ____________ hard for the exam. (a) study b) studies c) studying)

9. He ____________ basketball every weekend. (a) play b) plays c) playing)

10. The cat and the dog ____________ friends. (a) is b) are c) be)

11. My sister ____________ to music every evening. (a) listen b) listens c) listening)

12. The flowers in the garden ____________ beautiful. (a) look b) looks c) looking)

13. He ____________ a letter to his friend. (a) write b) writes c) writing)

14. The baby ____________ when it’s hungry. (a) cry b) cries c) crying)

15. They ____________ their homework every day. (a) do b) does c) doing)

16. My parents ____________ a new house last year. (a) buy b) buys c) buying)

17. The sunflowers in the field ____________ tall. (a) is b) are c) be)

18. She ____________ English very fluently. (a) speak b) speaks c) speaking)

19. The river ____________ through the valley. (a) flow b) flows c) flowing)

20. My friends ____________ to the party last night. (a) go b) goes c) going)

21. The cat ____________ when it sees a mouse. (a) jump b) jumps c) jumping)

22. They ____________ a picnic in the park. (a) have b) has c) having)

23. The coffee on the table ____________ delicious. (a) is b) are c) be)

24. My grandmother ____________ knitting sweaters. (a) love b) loves c) loving)

25. The children ____________ in the playground. (a) play b) plays c) playing)

26. She ____________ early every morning. (a) wake up b) wakes up c) waking up)

27. The book on the shelf ____________ interesting. (a) is b) are c) be)

28. The team ____________ hard for the championship. (a) practice b) practices c) practicing)

29. The baby’s toys ____________ all over the floor. (a) is b) are c) be)

30. My dog ____________ when I call his name. (a) bark b) barks c) barking)


1 b) goes

2 b) play

3 b) bought

4 b) shines

5 a) eat

6 b) reads

7 a) chirp

8 a) study

9 b) plays

10 b) are

11 b) listens

12 a) look

13 b) writes

14 b) cries

15 a) do

16 a) bought

17 b) are

18 b) speaks

19 b) flows

20 a) went

21 b) jumps

22 a) have

23 a) is

24 b) loves

25 a) play

26 b) wakes up

27 a) is

28 b) practices

29 b) are

30 b) barks

