Tale of a CompSci Noob: What I learned my first semester coding.

Morgan Oh
4 min readDec 17, 2015


For our Robotics with Legos midterm, we had a Robo Soccer Match. Kat (on the left) is holding the remote control for our robot, Wyldstyle, that we coded and built. We didn’t make it to finals but we should have won the Team Spirit Award!

Hi I’m Morgan and I’m a first-year at the University of North Carolina — Chapel Hill

My major? A double in CompSci and Global Studies. This semester, I explored the new world of code and technology. Here’s what I learned during my first semester.

  1. It’s okay to admit that you’re new at coding.

And own it. Make your mistakes, go ask your questions, be clueless. Do these proudly. Challenge yourself, but don’t beat yourself up over minor mistakes or for not knowing something. This is your chance to learn. And while doing so…

2. Ask questions.

I cannot stress this enough. Whether you’re in a class full of 250 other students or a workshop of only 5 people, what matters in the end is if you’ve learned something. Make it worth your time. Don’t shy away from asking a question because you’re scared that you’ll be judged. Who cares? Those people aren’t doing the learning for you — you are. There have been multiple moments when a CompSci professor/TA asked if my classmates and I understood a concept (when we clearly didn’t) and no one said a word. I was the only one calling out a loud, “NO.” Be brave. Take the risk.

3. Coding is confusing (for now).

Though I’m passionate about encouraging others to learn how to code, I’m still struggling to understand Computer Science myself. I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with that either. Some people get it right away, some people don’t. I’ve come to realize that I’m part of the latter camp and it may take me some time to get it.

4. Go to Hackathons and be ready to be overwhelmed

My goodness, I could write a whole article on hackathons alone. They’re melting pots of networking, socializing, and learning about computer science. They’re overwhelming for first-timers — I was definitely overwhelmed — but I love them anyway. If they didn’t prevent me from sleeping, I’d go to every Hackathon possible! For starters, hackathons offer free swag. To me, these places are where I see the talents and imagination of individuals merge together and come to life: Living creatively with every written code and through the teamwork of “hackers” crafting new ideas. I personally enjoy the workshops that are offered, whether they are promoting a product for a company or beginner tutorials on how to code. I’m talking about you, Introduction to HTML and CSS workshop. The hectic (due to limitations on time) yet casual nature of hackathons are just enough of a push to challenge myself while knowing that nobody will be there to judge my pace. Not only that, getting to meet people from different schools and learning about their experiences always intrigue me — every college student has a different angle to bring to the table.

5. Hackathons can be exhausting if you decide to hack. Just try to enjoy your time there rather than aiming to win.

Sure, it would be amazing to win a prize. I know a few teams of first time hackers who’ve won. That said, winning should never be the priority. I think that if you hack with the aim to win rather than the goal to accomplish a hack, you’re not understanding the true meaning of a hackathon. That is, a hack is not to create a refined, finished product but is to create a temporary alternative to reach an objective. The process of a hack attracts lots of inspiration and out-of-the-box ideas. A hackathon is a semi-structured environment where people can collaborate and are encouraged to unleash these skills. This is what I believe is the essence of hackathons.

6. Don’t be intimidated by people who are way above your level. Stay close with them!

There will be people who have been coding for years. And there will be others who are far better at it than you are. But that doesn’t mean you should stop coding. Befriend these people and learn to improve with their help. I’ve come to greatly value these friends and their willingness to give me a hand whenever I was lost in coding. They’d take the time out to not only share memories of laughter with me but also ride the struggle bus rather than regarding it as a hassle. Because of this, they’ve helped me feel comfortable in coding and establish a support network that I can look up to and lean on.

7. Coding is a rewarding process.

I’ve had my dark days when I would stay in my robotics lab for hours on end trying to figure out what was wrong with my code. Meanwhile, peers would come and leave with finished products. They would be done within an hour, tops. Only after hours of troubleshooting would I discover the single misplaced bracket or variable preventing my code from working. Then, finally my program would push smoothly and instruct my robot to do its job. The first part of this process is often nerve-wracking, but the end result definitely makes it all worth it. The ability to create through coding, though currently time-consuming, makes me realize how rewarding the experience is. It fascinates me and it leaves me wondering what else I can do with a little bit more practice and knowledge.

Coding has saddled me with my fair share of agony, frustration, and confusion this semester. However, it has only sparked that much more enthusiasm and curiosity in me. There will only be more to delve into from here and I can’t wait to start taking more CompSci courses next semester. One baby step at a time, I’ll move forward in the realm of Computer Science. I invite you to join me.



Morgan Oh

I like to write about my adventures of life, whether it is about tech, travel, or personal growth. Take a peek into my life!