Deaf Family Overjoyed as 9-Month-Old Deaf Baby Shows Language Prowess, Signing ‘Milk’ in American Sign Language

Learn ASL
3 min readApr 15, 2023


American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual way of human communication. Once people employ sign language, their brains sort out and comprehend language-based data through their eyes. Hand shape, placement, and hand movement, along with facial expressions and physical gestures, all communicate information through ASL.

ASL is mostly utilized in different parts of the United States and English-speaking regions of Canada. Many high schools, colleges, and universities in the US recognize it to fulfill pupils’ foreign language prerequisites. Additionally, guardians frequently instruct ASL to their Deaf and Hard of hearing (D/HoH) youngsters starting from birth. Thus, the children can talk with relatives, friends, and additional individuals as fast as possible.

Such technique of early instruction in ASL is practiced by Estefani and Oscar Arévalo in Kern, the Golden State, with their 2 Deaf offspring — female child Ervelyn and boy Jabez. The Arevalos additionally teach others in their community regarding life as a Deaf or Hard of Hearing person and employ social media to encourage ASL as the superior way of interaction for D/HoH individuals.

As an example, the duo lately shared a clip on TikTok showing their infant baby Jabez learning his first vocabulary, “milk.” In the recording, the infant becomes extremely eager as his mother tries to convey with him by signing “milk” in ASL.

In an additional video, Estefani employs sign language to convey “milk” to their little one while they happen to be in a grocery store. Her text reads, “I introduced my baby boy to ASL after we found out he is Deaf.” The text additionally mentions that she tries to educate Jabez the way to sign the term milk each day and that she “caught him signing milk while [they] were shopping.”

The adoption of ASL into infant Jabez’s lexicon was a notable achievement for the Arevalos. It has created novel chances for them to interact with their offspring more effectively.

The Attractiveness and Advantages of Employing Sign Language

Sign language may improve Deaf and Hard of Hearing children by allowing them to communicate in a way that feels fulfilling. Furthermore, sign language supports bridging communication barrier amongst parents of D/HoH children, strengthening relationships and comprehension amongst kin. What’s more, teaching sign language to D/HoH and hearing children can bring further advantages, including the following:

1. Fine and gross motor skills are improved

Children’s large muscle coordination abilities generally advance before their verbal communication, as evidenced by the fact that babies can walk and run before they can use full expressions. Sign language fosters large and small muscle coordination abilities by its repeated utilization of hand and finger movements.

2. Signing prior to learning verbal skills

If taught correctly, infants can start utilizing sign language earlier than voicing their initial vocalization. The reason is that babies’ need to express their needs and wants exists well before their speaking skills start to.

3. Heightened self-esteem and confidence

As kids become proficient in expressing themselves through sign language, their self-assurance and self-respect can blossom because they are able to interact more efficiently with their guardians and other family members. This, in turn, allows their wants to be satisfied at a greater pace.

ASL provides such and countless other beneficial aspects to Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and hearing children. Through it, parents, teachers, and specialists in early childhood development can assist children in learning vocabulary, building key scholastic competencies, and progressing in various other domains.



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