Use of the unstructured data collected by drones in AI



No one is unknown to drone technology, its use and advantages are very well recognized by everyone. In commercial markets, drones are used as data collection devices like video, photographs, to track the locations. The main aim to capture the data, store it, and then transmit it for further use. The data captured by a drone is in unstructured form like photos, videos that are used in IT industries for the business processes. These data are used by many data scientists to find out the business problems and their solutions. Companies understand the importance of these data captured by drones.

How data used in Data science:

These collected data are used to develop applications that will help in fields like agriculture, construction, mining, cloud services, and energy plants. The data serve the result as maps, for example, consider a small area of the field where the farmer grows crops, we can capture the data where its crops get died, with the help of those data we can find out the problem why some crops are dying and finally, we find the solutions to save the crops accordingly.

Although, this is a very small use case of drone data(captured by drone). The challenges to solve that unstructured drone, data science provides many solutions including data analysis, searching, sharing, transferring the data, management of data, visualization, and cure of the business problems. There is also an IoT sensor that embeds to the drone that captures the different types of data along with the pictures and video such as emission gases, radio signals, and geodetic data, etc.

How drone data is unique from the other data that is used for AI:

Unlike IoT, devices drones are also playing a wide role in data collection for data science which deals with many business challenges. Mostly the drone data are used for graphical, videos, images, etc therefore it comes under the non-standard IoT devices. However, these data are used for some uniques purposes like image recognition systems and transformation and data parsing.
We all heard, that amazon provides a facility that their drones are delivering the product to the client location. This could be an application of the drone data with data science and AI. The drones track the location of the customer and provide their product on time.

Types of drone data that processed with data science:

  1. Orthomosaic data: This type of data is nothing but an image that is an atrial photograph correct with geographical location. This image is also referred to as orthoimage, orthophotos. This is a way shorter version of google earth as it a map image made by combining small orthoimages with detailed resolutions.
What is an orthomosaic? How does it relate to drones?
Ref; google photos

2. Thermal imaging: It is also known as Thermography that uses pictures or videos to detect the radiation in the infrared of the electromagnetic spectrums. The technician can able to detect the thermal signatures that indicate heat leaks in thermal insulation while building construction.

Google images: thermal imaging to check the temperature.

3. Photogrammetry: This is a method that uses pictures to extract the measurements of the environmental area. This method offers to overlap the images where the sam attribute could be seen from many perspectives. It calculates distance and volume.

4. Light detecting and ranging: It is a remote sensing method. It uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to calculate the ranges to the earth’s surface. This is used by surveyors and construction engineers to measure the light in millimeters.

Many IT industries are dedicated to developing drone software with the use of data science and AI and ML for data analytics. They use the drone data not only fro data analytics but also for finding out the business issues and their solution to maintain. This is also used in constructions to measure the stockpiles volumes to monitoring the changes. Software developers used in mining for oil and gas industries.

So here you got to know about the special application that makes use of data science and AI and IoT, and with the drone. If you want to learn data science, you may start with Learnbay, which provides the best data science courses. AI and ML also become a major part to learn with data science. This is the time you can become a skilled data scientist with Learnbay.

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