5 Secrets to Finding Secrets

Learner by Writing
3 min readSep 12, 2022

Are you suffering from secret search sickness? You are in the right place.

“8 secrets to making ……. (why not 9)”

“10 secrets to become ……. (10 is good)”

Do these titles sound familiar? Maybe from Medium, maybe from Quora?

They distribute thousands of secrets for free every day. Did you get enough today?

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Please don’t be offended because I also suffer from this disease. So I can give some sarcasm on this.

We’re all looking for secrets. Because facts and ordinary ways. It does not lead to extreme success. We need tips.

Why do we need a cheat? Why do we need a shortcut? Why do we need secrets? Because we don’t trust ourselves. We know that if we compete in normal ways, we will be beaten. Because we cannot accept defeat, we are defeated while we are busy searching for secrets. Without us noticing…

Let me give you 5 secrets that will make you think about getting rid of secrets.

1. No one gives away a valuable secret in exchange for ad clicks

Let’s think about it. I found a magic word and whenever I say it and there is a cent in front of me. Do you think there is anything that would motivate me to tell you this?

