Mobile App Penetration Testing — Part 1 (Setup)

Fahad Hasan
4 min readSep 9, 2023


Photo by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

Mobile apps are vulnerable to various security risks and threats due to their connectivity, complexity, and the sensitive data they often handle. Here’s why there is a need to conduct penetration testing (pen-testing) on mobile apps. Penetration testing for mobile apps involves systematically evaluating the app’s security posture through a series of controlled tests, which simulate real-world attacks. The goal is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses before malicious actors can exploit them.

In the realm of mobile application security, one name stands out: Angrogoat. This purposely vulnerable mobile application serves as an invaluable playground for security professionals, allowing them to test their skills and knowledge by identifying and exploiting a wide range of vulnerabilities. In this blog post, we embark on a thorough assessment of Angrogoat, delving into its various vulnerabilities and shedding light on the importance of identifying and addressing them.

The Playground of Vulnerabilities:

Root Detection and Emulator Detection:

  • These vulnerabilities target the identification of rooted devices and emulators, crucial for ensuring the security of your app against potential attackers.

Insecure Data Storage (Shared Preferences):

  • Angrogoat exposes vulnerabilities in how apps handle sensitive data, emphasizing the importance of secure storage practices.

Insecure Data Storage (SQLite):

  • Database security is paramount. Angrogoat’s SQLite vulnerability highlights the need for robust encryption and access controls.

Insecure Data Storage (Temp Files and SD Card):

  • Temporary files and external storage are often overlooked but can be exploited by malicious actors. Angrogoat shines a light on these weak points.

Keyboard Cache:

  • The keyboard cache vulnerability underscores the importance of user privacy and data leakage prevention.

Insecure Logging:

  • Proper logging practices are vital. Angrogoat demonstrates the risks of inadequate logging, which can inadvertently expose sensitive information.

Input Validations (XSS, SQLi, WebView):

  • Security begins with proper input validation. Angrogoat exposes the dangers of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection (SQLi), and insecure WebView implementations.

Unprotected Android Components (Activity):

  • Android components, such as Activities, should be well-protected. Angrogoat reveals the risks associated with unprotected components.

Hardcoding Issues:

  • Hardcoded values are security vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited. Angrogoat’s examples serve as a cautionary tale.

Network Intercepting (HTTP, HTTPS, Certificate Pinning):

  • Angrogoat covers network security, including the interception of HTTP and HTTPS traffic, and the challenges presented by certificate pinning.

Tools that will be used in this activity:

  • Mobile Emulator — Platform for testing
  • Jadx — Usually used for Static Analysis
  • Bash or cmd — Helping hand for overall activity
  • Abd — Android debugger bridge for providing interaction to mobile shell
  • Frida or objection — for hooking
  • Burp Suite — For dynamic analysis

In the realm of mobile application security testing, I’ve opted for the Memu emulator as my preferred choice, although I respect your freedom to select any emulator that aligns with your preferences and requirements. The decision to leverage Memu emanates from its well-established reputation for versatility, reliability, and comprehensive feature set. Memu excels in its compatibility across a spectrum of Android versions, resource-efficient performance, extensive customization capabilities, and seamless integration with leading security testing tools.

Memu Website

By downloading the emulator you’ll get this.

Memu Emulator

Now download Andro goat APK you’ll get the application from enlisted links:

After getting the APK you just need to drag and drop it on the screen of the emulator.

The APK is installed in a manner of time.

You will get a vulnerable Mobile Application that you can test.

It’s time to modify the proxy of the emulator.

Long press the connected network you will get a prompt Press modify network. On the proxy section select manually.

Here, the IP would be your PC IP and port as per your choice but above 1500.

Now it's time to install more tools.

Install jadx:

Install ADB:

For directly running abd using just adb command you have to configure the environment variable for adb.

For Frida and Objection:

Python must be installed on your PC If it is installed type the following commands on cmd:

  • Pip install Frida
  • Pip install Frida-tools
  • Pip install objection

Now you are ready to pentest your mobile application

In Part 2 we will cover all the vulnerabilities



Fahad Hasan

I'm a penetration tester with expertise in Web, Mobile applications and Network security, also known as a CTF player and knowledge enthusiast.