5 Steps to Improve and Help you with to Lead Six Sigma Game

2 min readSep 16, 2021


Are you the one who is lagging and finding it difficult to emerge as a leader in the Six Sigma game?

Six Sigma is one of the most popular strategies used by managers in organizations worldwide. With a perfect blend of six Sigma, it helps enterprises to reduce the complexity as well as eliminate the waste to deliver the desired output.

Some professionals are looking forward to pursuing lean six sigma certifications. After completing the Six Sigma Certificate program, the professionals play well as the global leaders.

This article will guide you to improve and begin the game of Six Sigma to optimize the business value and increase your quality and efficiency at the workplace.

Five steps to Emerge as a Leader in the Six Sigma Game

(1.) Get your workspace in shape

Apply 5S Strategy to organize your workspace. A well-organized workspace will help you to maximize work efficiency.

The 5S Strategy is mentioned below: -

(a.) Sort — — — Eliminate the unnecessary process that is not required.

(b.) Set in Order — — — Place everything in the right order.

(c.) Shine — — — — Keep your workspace clean and arrange them in order

(d.) Standardize — — — Define how every task will be performed

(e.) Sustain — — Maintain team discipline to encourage new practices

(2.) Improve Customer Satisfaction

Six Sigma is all about the strategy of creating a visual signal which can trigger the action. Be prepared to initiate what the customers will take steps. Arrange a communication system that will be helpful for the customers.

(3.) Standardize your work to scale your business

Manufacturers stick to a particular frame of work to get the desired results. So, create a checklist for every task, product, and process within the organization. The list will help you to check the scope and timing of the meetings.

(4.) Eliminate Waste with Stream Mapping

A value stream will help you eliminate waste, calculate lead time, and track the status of the work. Creating a stream map will help you optimize your organization’s workflow by getting rid of what’s not working and removing those hurdles that add value to the organization.

(5.) Improve your ROI

Suppose there is a single problem with a limited scope. The lean six sigma certification program will help you gain momentum and encourage your team members to boost their team members.

The Final Thoughts

The steps mentioned above will help you emerge as a leader and game-changer in the global market.

Many professionals are looking forward to enrolling for lean six sigma certifications to learn to manage the resources of the organizations efficiently and smartly.




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