Top Areas for Consideration in Website Security Testing

Alan Smith
3 min readApr 12, 2017


Before conducting a website security testing one must be clear about the concerns and critical aspects for testing an application. Let’s find out about them.

#1st–Clear the Objectives for Testing

The first step is to be clear about the testing objectives. They must be well documented and measurable. Always define them in the order of priority so that a tester can pay special attention to critical aspects. It’s an effective way to make requirements clear to the tester.

#2nd –A well-defined infrastructure for Process and Reporting

Everyone in the test group must be aware of their responsibilities and duties. There should be proper infrastructure for bug-reporting.

#3rd– Track your results

People must be accountable for their actions. It extremely important to execute a successful audit. This can be done by tracking results on areal-time basis. Proper management helps to track errors, actions, information and hence, a test brings successful results. So, keep tracking.

#4th- Testing Environment

The testing environment is a crucial aspect of every department whether its production or development or manufacturing have adifferent and unique set of requirements, which may include theneed for software, server, database, and human resources. They must be met accordingly.

#5th- Usability Testing

In usability testing, you’ll be looking at aspects of your web application that affect the user’s experience. Without an easy and clear navigation, or attractive designs, or correct image size and shape, a user doesn’t accept an application. Accessibility is another important factor in usability testing.

#6th– Unit Testing

The aim of Unit testing is to verify the functionality of each unit test case. It helps to detect whether correct data has been inserted and saved into the database, or not. Range checking is also a part of unit testing.

#7th- Load Testing

Real time representation of the application is checked in this step. It’s better to perform this as early as possible so that you’re clear about the performance and scalability of the application.

#8th–Critical Vulnerabilities

Not all vulnerabilities are equally harmful to a software. SQL Injection, Cross-Scripting, and other critical vulnerabilities should be prioritized and resolved over other types.

With a large number of highly skilled hackers in the world, security should be a huge concern for anyone building a web application. It’s of utmost important and conducting a regular audit is an effective way to keep vulnerabilities, as well as hackers at bay.

Alternatively, one can hire web security testing services from a leading provider like Avyaan to protect their applications.


