Four Free Well Structured Resources to learn to code

Alfred Boateng
3 min readJun 16, 2022


Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

The internet is full of resources. Coding materials are no different. But the problem is how to find well-structured contents, which has been tried and tested with results. Many students who want to learn on their own fall into the trap of tutorial hell.

I just found four free well-structured content, which has helped many people get jobs as web developers.


Since 2014, more than 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc.

The FreeCodeCamp curriculum includes everything you need to know from Responsive design, Algorithms and data structures, Front-end development, backend development, machine learning, and Database management.

The good news about the FreeCodeCamp curriculum is you learn by practicing. Many people consider this style of learning to be better than watching tutorial videos.

The Odin Project

The Odin Project empowers aspiring web developers to learn together for free.

The Odin Project offers a platform similar to FreeCodeCamp.

One thing that makes the coding Project stand out is their career paths. A Foundation course, Full Stack Ruby on rails path, and Full-stack javascript career paths are available for students free of charge.

Once you choose a path, you work through exercises, projects, and documentation. Students have a section on getting hired as part of their free content.


Learn the technical skills to get the job you want. Join over 50 million people choosing Codecademy to start a new career (or advance in their current one). Codeacademy courses have been taken by employees at Google, Facebook, Nasa, and IBM.

I especially like how they have organized their content. They have hundreds of real-life projects you can build and put on your Portfolio.

On their free plan, you can watch programming videos for beginner, intermediate, and advanced learners. There is content about programming languages, frameworks, interviews, coding jobs, recruiter advice, and community events.

If you want to become a Pro Javascript developer and learn how javascript run under the hood, then you need to pause and take a look at
Many developers write code and don’t understand how the code works.

I remember a friend who said

If the code is working, don’t touch it

This friend knew that if he touch his code then he may break the code and will not know how to fix it. offers well-structured JavaScript content for free. You learn how to solve coding challenges step by step and understand the call stack, execution context, and the browser API in all their lessons. You are even guided to build a chrome extension as part of their free resource. If you want more, you can join their intensive Bootcamp.

So the choice is yours. Just choose from any one of these free resources and enjoy coding. But you need to make sure you manage your time well and stay motivated. Again try to join an online coding community. You can learn from many of the developers out there.

Enjoy coding!!

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Alfred Boateng

Full-Stack Web Developer, Javascript, React.js, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, Team player