10 Top Video Sales Letter Software (VSL Software) for Success

Revolutionize Your Sales Strategy with these 10 VSL Software & Tools

Learn With Whiteboard
10 min readOct 17, 2023
top video sales letter software 2024
Credit: Sales Guy by Eleanor Ngai for Xero on Dribbble

If you’re looking to take your sales and marketing game to the next level, you’ve probably heard about video sales letters (or VSLs). VSLs are a potent tool to captivate your audience, explain your product or service, and persuade them to take action. But to create compelling VSLs, you need the right software. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into the world of VSL software and explore the best options available.

Understanding the Power of VSLs

A VSL is a video presentation that focuses on selling a product or service. It’s designed to grab your viewers’ attention, and keep them engaged. Thus, ultimately lead them to make a purchase or take a specific action.

Think of it as your ultimate sales pitch in video format.

But to harness this power, you need the right VSL software. In this guide, we’ll unravel the mystery of finding the best VSL software for your unique needs.

Why Do You Need VSL Software?

Let’s explore why using it, is a game-changer.

1. Boosting Conversions

Imagine your sales pitch in video format, compellingly delivered to your audience. VSLs have been proven to increase conversions significantly.

2. Simplifying Video Creation

You don’t need to be a tech genius to create captivating videos. VSL software is designed to simplify the video creation process. Therefore, making it accessible to everyone.

3. Enhancing Engagement

In a world filled with distractions, holding your audience’s attention can be challenging. VSLs are your secret weapon to engage your viewers.

Top VSL Software 2024

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the best video sales letter software available. We’ve narrowed it down to some top contenders.

1. Potion

Potion revolutionizes how businesses connect with their audience. Imagine transforming mundane text-based outreach into engaging, personalized video messaging for sales. Potion is your gateway to this innovative approach. So much so, that many of its clients report up to 500% boost in their response rates.

potion — top vsl software

Potion as a VSL creator platform offers many features. A few notable ones include,

  • AI-Powered Personalized Video Creation: You can craft personalized video messages for each recipient. Potion’s intuitive interface ensures you deliver a human touch in every video. Thereby, enhancing customer relationships.
  • Analytics and Insights: Understand your campaign’s impact with detailed analytics. Track viewer engagement, conversion rates, and more. Thereby, empowering you to refine your outreach strategies.
  • LinkedIn & Gmail Integration: Seamlessly integrate Potion with LinkedIn and Gmail, making outreach a breeze. Engage your contacts directly on their favorite platforms.
  • CRM Integration: Potion synchronizes effortlessly with your CRM system, ensuring your leads and interactions are seamlessly managed. No more manual data entries; focus on building connections.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Potion boasts an intuitive design, making personalized video marketing accessible to everyone, regardless of technical expertise.
  • Video Email: Potion seamlessly integrates with your email platform. This enables you to embed video messages directly into your emails. So, make your communications more engaging and memorable with the power of video.

You can even add dynamic elements to your videos. These include using screenshots as background, custom CTAs, and synchronized content. It is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to add personalization to their outreach efforts. Thereby, making your presentations visually appealing and interactive, at the same time.

2. EasyVSL

EasyVSL is another powerful tool that can help you create high-converting video sales letters in minutes. It is a great option for businesses of all sizes, and it is especially well-suited for small businesses and solopreneurs. It is a cloud-based software, so you can access it from anywhere with an internet connection.

top video sales letter tools 2024

EasyVSL offers a wide range of features to help you create engaging and effective videos. Some of the key features include:

  • Kinetic typography: EasyVSL offers a variety of kinetic typography animations that can be used to boost your video engagement.
  • Live action videos: You can create live action videos by importing your own video footage.
  • Drag-and-drop interface: EasyVSL’s drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to add text, images, videos, and other elements to your videos.

Overall, EasyVSL is easy to use, even for beginners. It offers a wide range of features to help you create engaging and persuasive videos.

3. Vidnami

Vidnami empowers users to produce professional-quality videos without the need for prior editing or technical expertise. With its intuitive UX, Vidnami streamlines the video creation process for its users.


It offers a wide range of features, including,

  • Large library of video clips: It comes with a library of over 1 million usable video clips, images, and audio tracks. This means you don’t need to worry about creating your own visuals or finding the right music for your video.
  • Collaboration and sharing: Collaborate with team members and clients by sharing your videos for review. This makes it an ideal tool for professionals and businesses.
  • Customizable templates: Vidnami offers a variety of customizable templates that you can use to create videos for different purposes. These include product demos, explainer videos, and social media videos.

Overall, Vidnami is a great way to create product demos that helps you explain your product’s features and benefits in a clear and concise way.

4. Vyond

Vyond is a digital platform designed to transform your ideas into captivating animated videos. It empowers businesses and individuals to create dynamic, engaging content without the need for extensive animation expertise. This tool is ideal for people who primary want to create explainer videos.


It offers the following features,

  • Text-to-Speech: This feature enables you to add lifelike voiceovers to your animations. Speak directly to your audience in the tone and language that best suits your message.
  • Music and Sound Effects: Enhance your animations with a rich library of soundtracks and sound effects. This adds depth and impact to your videos.
  • Animation Library: Access a vast library of pre-made assets on Vyond. These include characters, props, backgrounds, and more. Also, you can customize every element to fit your unique storyline and branding.

Vyond empowers storytellers, educators, and businesses to breathe life into their narratives with eye-catching animated videos. Whether you’re communicating a complex concept or simply looking to engage your audience. Vyond’s dynamic features are your ticket to creating compelling, professional animations.

5. Sendspark

Sendspark redefines communication, transforming ordinary messages into compelling visual experiences. Its a much similar tool like Potion, but with a lot less features.


Still, here are a few takeaways on why you should choose it.

  • Video Templates: Sendspark offers a library of professionally designed video templates. Thus, simplifying how to create eye-catching video messages without any video editing experience.
  • Analytics: Gain insights into how your videos are performing with Sendspark’s analytics. See who’s viewing your videos, when, and for how long, allowing you to refine your outreach strategies.

6. Biteable

With a user-friendly interface and a vast library of resources, Biteable is your gateway to create videos in minutes.


Some notable features of this dynamic online video creation platform are,

  • Text and Typography Tools: Customize your video’s text with various fonts and styles. Tailor your message and call-to-action to suit your branding or story.
  • Templates for Every Purpose: Biteable offers a wide range of video templates, from social media ads to educational content. Thus, making it a versatile tool for personal and professional needs.
  • Direct Sharing and Export: Once your masterpiece is ready, Biteable makes it easy to share it on social media, embed it on your website, or download it in different formats for use across various platforms.

7. Doodly

Doodly is one of the leading whiteboard animation software. It aims at helping you to transform ideas into captivating, animated stories. Doodly empowers you to craft visually engaging, hand-drawn videos without any technical expertise.


Some of its key features are,

  • Intuitive Whiteboard Editor: Doodly’s user-friendly drag-and-drop interface lets you create whiteboard videos effortlessly. Sketch, write, and draw your way to impactful storytelling.
  • Custom Voiceovers and Music: Add your own voiceovers or select from a library of professional voice artists. Enhance the mood with background music to keep your audience engaged.
  • Animation Options: Create captivating animations with adjustable drawing hands, text animations, and scene transitions.

Doodly is more than software. It’s a creative canvas that empowers you to communicate, educate, and entertain visually.

8. Videoscribe

VideoScribe is another whiteboard animation software that is generally employed in creating VSLs. Here are some features that gives it an edge,

  • Whiteboard Animation: VideoScribe’s signature feature, whiteboard animation, allows you to create animated videos where images and text appear to be drawn on a virtual whiteboard. This engaging style is perfect for storytelling and educational content.
  • Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface: No animation experience? No problem. VideoScribe’s drag-and-drop interface simplifies the animation process. Thus, making it accessible for beginners while providing advanced options for seasoned animators.
  • Mobile Compatibility: Create videos on the go with the VideoScribe Anywhere app. This helps you to bring your ideas to life from anywhere.
  • Cloud-based Collaboration: Collaborate with team members or clients on your projects in real-time, fostering seamless teamwork.

Whether you’re an educator looking to make lessons more engaging or a business aiming to create attention-grabbing marketing content. VideoScribe can be your ultimate whiteboard animation tool.

9. Invideo

Whether you’re creating marketing campaigns, social media content, or educational videos. InVideo equips you with the tools to craft compelling stories.


Here are a few of its key features,

  • Professional-Grade Transitions: Elevate the quality of your videos with seamless transitions. InVideo offers a variety of transitions that enhance the flow and visual appeal of your content.
  • Collaboration Tools: Collaborate with team members in real-time, sharing ideas and editing videos collectively.
  • Templates for Every Occasion: Choose from a wide range of customizable templates tailored for different purposes. These include marketing videos, social media posts, presentations, and more.

Unleash your creativity and transform your concepts into captivating videos effortlessly. Explore the endless possibilities with Invideo and start creating impactful videos today.

10. Camtasia

Camtasia is a one-of-a-kind video editing and screen recording software. It allows creators to transform their ideas into compelling multimedia content effortlessly.


Here are some of the notable features it offers,

  • Quizzing and Interactive Elements: Create interactive quizzes and surveys to engage your viewers and assess their understanding of your content.
  • Annotations: Enhance viewer comprehension with customizable callouts, shapes, and arrows that highlight and explain key points in your videos.
  • Screen Recording: Capture your computer screen’s actions and create tutorials, product demos, or educational content effortlessly.

How to Choose the Right VSL Software

With various options at your disposal, selecting the perfect one among various video sales letter tools can be overwhelming. Let’s simplify the decision-making process.

1. Your Skill Level

Consider your familiarity with video editing. Beginners might prefer user-friendly options, while experts can leverage more complex software.

2. Budget

Different software options come with varying price tags. Assess your budget and choose accordingly.

3. Desired Features

Identify the specific features that are essential for you. Do you need text-to-speech, animations, or advanced editing capabilities? Accordingly, shortlist the best video sales letter software suited to your needs.

4. Customer Support

Evaluate the quality of customer support offered by the software provider. This can be crucial if you run into technical issues.


Video Sales Letters are a dynamic way to engage your audience and drive conversions. To create the best VSLs, you need the best video sales letter software for your business. When making a choice, remember to consider your skill level, budget, and desired features. And always focus on crafting a VSL that resonates with your audience.

Now that you’ve got an understanding of top VSL software. It’s time to get started on your journey to creating persuasive and high-converting video sales letters. All the best for your journey ahead!

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any free VSL software options available?

Yes, some VSL software offers free trials or basic versions. However, for advanced features, you might need to invest in premium software.

2. Can I use these video sales letter tools on Different Devices?

Most VSL software options are compatible with various devices. These include desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, ensuring your presentations look great everywhere.

3. Do I need design skills to use VSL software?

No, you don’t need advanced design skills. VSL software often comes with user-friendly interfaces and pre-made templates, allowing you to create professional-looking presentations without extensive design knowledge.

4. Can a video sales letter boost my sales significantly?

Yes, well-crafted VSLs have the potential to significantly boost your sales. By delivering your message in a visually appealing and persuasive manner, you can capture your audience’s attention and drive them to take the desired action, ultimately increasing your sales and conversions.



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