12 Video Prospecting Tips to Captivate (& Convert!) Clients

From Viewers to Clients: Essential Video Prospecting Tips for Client Conversion

Learn With Whiteboard
8 min readFeb 13, 2024
top Video Prospecting Tips for sales
Credit — New Client Welcome Animation by Sydney Graf for DonorDrive on Dribbble

The competition for finding potential customers is increasing. With so many emails and difficult-to-navigate voicemail systems, the usual ways of reaching out to potential clients don’t seem effective. Salespeople feel like they are using weak methods against strong obstacles. But don’t worry! There is a powerful method that can help: video prospecting.

This method is lively, quickly grabs attention, and allows you to connect with potential clients on a personal level. However, creating an effective video strategy requires more than just pressing record and talking randomly.

That’s where we can help. Get ready to improve your sales skills with these top video prospecting tips. These tips are sure to help you capture audience’s interest and turn them into loyal clients.

Top Video Prospecting Tips 2024

1. Know Your Audience (Before You Hit “Record”)

Remember that awkward middle school dance where you stood alone because you didn’t know the steps? Don’t let that happen with your video! Before hitting record, do your research. Understand your prospect’s pain points, industry challenges, and even personal interests.

Pro Tip: Use social media stalking (ethically, of course!) to glean insights into their online persona. Did they share an article about a specific industry trend? Mention it in your video! This touch shows you care and positions you as someone who “gets it.” Many brands across the globe are already using such personalized video marketing best practices.

2. Ditch the Script (But Have a Plan)

Winging it might work in karaoke, but not in video prospecting. Having a clear message and structure is crucial. However, ditch the robotic script that screams “sales pitch.” Instead, speak naturally, like you’re having a conversation with a friend.

If you still need help, here are some video prospecting script inspirations you can refer to.

Pro Tip: Write down key points you want to cover, then practice delivering them authentically. Imagine you’re explaining your solution to a colleague over coffee. This conversational tone builds rapport and keeps your audience engaged.


3. Keep it Short & Sweet (Attention Spans are Precious)

People are bombarded with content. Respect their time! Aim for videos under 2 minutes — ideally, closer to 1. Get straight to the point, deliver value, and leave them wanting more.

Pro Tip: Think “teaser trailer,” not full-length feature film. Highlight a specific pain point you solve, showcase a client success story, or offer a valuable tip related to their industry. This piques their interest and encourages them to connect for more.

4. Show, Don’t Tell (Visuals are Your Secret Weapon)

Humans are visual creatures. Don’t just talk about your solution — show it in action! Use screen recordings, product demos, or even whiteboard animations to paint a clear picture of the value you offer.

Using simple GIFs can also work magic if you place them well.

Pro Tip: Don’t underestimate the power of simple animation. Even basic stick figures can explain complex concepts in a fun and engaging way. Remember, the goal is to be clear, concise, and visually captivating.

5. Call to Action: Don’t Leave Them Hanging

Don’t assume prospects will magically know what to do next. Tell them! End your video with a clear call to action (CTA). Do you want them to schedule a demo, visit your website, or answer a specific question? Make it easy for them to take the next step.

Pro Tip: Use strong verbs in your CTA and provide multiple options. For example, you could say, “Want to see how we helped a company similar to yours? Schedule a free demo today or simply reply to this email with any questions!”

sales video prospecting tips best practices
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

6. Polish is Key (But Don’t Get Stuck in Perfectionism Purgatory)

First impressions matter, even in videos. Ensure good lighting, sound quality, and a tidy background. Dress professionally, but don’t be afraid to inject some personality. Remember, people connect with authenticity, not airbrushed perfection.

Pro Tip: Don’t get bogged down in editing every tiny detail. Minor imperfections won’t break the deal. Focus on delivering a clear message with confidence and enthusiasm.

7. Track, Analyze, & Iterate (Become a Video Prospecting Master)

Data is your friend! Use video analytics to see what’s working and what’s not. Track view rates, engagement times, and CTAs clicked. Use this information to refine your message, improve your delivery, and become a video prospecting pro.

Pro Tip: A/B test different thumbnails, headlines, and CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience. Remember, getting good at AI video prospecting takes time and effort — it’s not something you achieve quickly. Keep learning and making things better, and you’ll see your success grow.

8. Personalize Like a Pro (It’s All in the Details)

Remember that generic email you got from “Dear Valued Customer”? Yawn. Don’t be that salesperson! Personalization is the key to unlocking engagement and trust. Address your prospect by name, reference their specific challenges, and mention something you discovered about their company or interests.

Pro Tip: Use personalized video email tools like Potion to add personalized names and backgrounds. Imagine saying, “Hey Sarah, I saw your recent tweet about [industry challenge]. I think our solution at [company name] could help…” Now that’s powerful stuff!


9. Don’t Be a Sales Pitch Puppet (Storytelling is Your Superpower)

Facts and figures are important, but people connect with stories. Weave anecdotes, case studies, or even personal experiences into your video to illustrate the impact of your solution. Remember, you’re not just selling a product; you’re offering a transformation.

Pro Tip: Share a quick story of how you helped a similar client overcome a specific challenge. This builds trust, validates your expertise, and shows the real-world value you offer.

10. Embrace the Follow-Up (Persistence is Key)

Sending your video and crossing your fingers isn’t enough. Proactive follow-up is crucial. Send a personalized email with a link to your video, highlight key points, and offer to answer any questions. Be persistent, but not pushy.

Pro Tip: Use social media to your advantage. If your prospect hasn’t responded to your email, try reaching out on LinkedIn with a friendly message referencing your video and offering to connect. Remember, sometimes it takes multiple touches to spark engagement.

Additionally, Potion lets you do personalized video messaging for sales directly on LinkedIn. All you need is their FREE chrome extension to get started with this.

personalized video prospecting tips for success
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

11. Leverage the Power of Humor (But Carefully)

A well-placed joke can go a long way in breaking the ice and making your video memorable. However, humor is a tricky beast. What one person finds hilarious might fall flat with another. So, tread carefully:

  • Know your audience: Avoid humor that could be offensive, culturally insensitive, or related to personal attacks. Stick to lighthearted jokes that are relevant to your industry or the prospect’s situation.
  • Keep it short and sweet: Don’t spend half your video on a drawn-out stand-up routine. A quick quip or funny anecdote is enough to lighten the mood without losing focus.
  • Read the room: If your prospect seems unresponsive to your humor, don’t force it. Move on to your key message and avoid jeopardizing the connection.

Pro Tip: Use self-deprecating humor sparingly. While it can be endearing, too much can undermine your credibility. Aim for playful, relatable humor that adds personality without diminishing your expertise.

12. The “Me, Me, Me” Monologue

Your video isn’t your autobiography. Focus on the prospect’s needs and challenges, not how amazing your company is. Show, don’t tell, how your solution solves their specific problems and makes their life easier. Remember, it’s all about them, not you.

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What equipment do I need to make a video?

You don’t need Hollywood-grade equipment! A decent webcam, good lighting, and a quiet space will do wonders. Many laptops have excellent cameras that are perfectly suitable for video prospecting.

Q: What platform should I use for AI video personalization?

Well, a popular choice I’d recommend is Potion. All thanks to its easy to use interface and super accurate lip-sync. You can get started and launch your first campaign in less than 5 minutes.

Q: I’m camera shy. What can I do?

Start small! Practice recording short videos for yourself or a trusted friend. Focus on delivering your message clearly and confidently. Even introverts can master video prospecting with consistent practice.

Q: Can these video prospecting tips really help me close more deals?

Absolutely! Studies show that video outreach can increase response rates by up to 500%. It’s a powerful tool for building trust, showcasing your expertise, and standing out from the competition. The tips we shared are just based on the industry’s best practices. So they are bound to give you success.



Stop doing the boring old way of reaching out to people and start using videos to find potential customers! Follow the discussed video prospecting tips, add your own creative touch, and make interesting videos that grab your audience’s attention. This will help you turn potential customers into actual clients and boost your sales. Additionally, tools like Potion allows you to generate personalized videos at scale easily. So, grab your camera, start recording, and get ready to skyrocket your sales!

If you are a startup, understand which process suits you better to find leads: video prospecting vs cold calling. This initial judgement will help refine process of finding customers. Keep learning, try different things, and most importantly, enjoy doing it! You’ll be surprised with the magical results if you connect with potential customers on a personal level and show them the true value of what you offer.

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