18 Top AI Tools For Agencies To 10X Growth (Free & Paid)

Supercharge Your Growth With These Cutting-Edge AI Tools For Agency

Learn With Whiteboard
26 min readApr 15, 2024
Top AI Tools for Agencies 2024
Credit — Workflow by Lemons Animation Studio on Dribbble

The marketing landscape is a whirlwind of ever-evolving trends. With relentless deadlines, and the constant pressure to deliver exceptional results. Agencies, the backbone of this dynamic industry, navigate this chaos with a delicate balance of human expertise and technological prowess. But what if there was a way to tip the scales in your favor? Enter the realm of AI tools, an agency growth hack that’s revolutionizing the way they operate.

AI tools for agencies are no longer a futuristic fantasy. They’re here, waiting to be unleashed, offering a plethora of benefits:

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks, freeing up your team’s time for strategic thinking and client engagement.
  • Supercharged Creativity: Break writer’s block and generate innovative content ideas with the help of AI-powered tools.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Gain deeper insights from customer behavior and market trends to craft winning campaigns.
  • Improved Client Satisfaction: Deliver faster turnaround times and superior results with the power of AI at your fingertips.

Whether you’re a seasoned agency veteran or a startup brimming with potential. These AI tools for agency can be your secret weapon for success. Here’s a curated list of the top AI tools for agencies in 2024.

18 Must-Have AI Tools For Agency 2024

1. Potion

Feeling stuck in a sea of text-based outreach? There’s a new sheriff in town, and its name is Potion. This is rated as one of the top AI video prospecting tools that injects personality and engagement into your sales outreach. Propelling your agency to the forefront of the modern marketing and remote selling landscape.

best ai tools for agencies

Key Features:

  • AI Personalization Magic: Ditch the generic templates! Potion uses AI to help you craft personalized AI videos that resonate with each prospect. Imagine including their name, company details, or even referencing a relevant news article — that’s the power of Potion in action.
  • Scalable Outreach on Autopilot: No more spending hours recording individual videos. Potion lets you upload a CSV file (or a CRM import) with prospect data and creates personalized videos in bulk. Thus, saving you precious time and effort.
  • Seamless Integrations: Potion integrates like a charm with your existing CRM or marketing automation platform. This means no clunky workarounds — you can send personalized video emails directly from your familiar tools.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gone are the days of flying blind. Potion tracks video engagement metrics. Thus, allowing you to see which messages resonate most with your audience. You can use this data to refine your approach and maximize conversion rates.

Pricing: Potion offers a range of pricing plans starting at $99 per month. They also provide a complete whitelabelled solution for agencies. This way, as an agency owner, you can take Potion for a spin and sell its solution under your brand firsthand.

Why Use Potion?

In today’s crowded inbox, text emails often get lost in the noise. Potion cuts through the clutter with the power of video messaging for business. Here’s how it benefits agencies:

  • Boost Engagement Rates: People are wired to respond to visuals. Personalized videos grab attention, leading to higher open rates and click-through rates compared to plain text emails.
  • Build Trust and Rapport: A friendly face on screen fosters a more genuine connection with prospects. This human touch softens the initial sales pitch and builds trust right from the start.
  • Showcase Expertise and Creativity: Video allows you to demonstrate your agency’s capabilities in a dynamic and engaging way. Highlight case studies, explain complex concepts, or simply introduce your team — the possibilities are endless.

Potion isn’t just about sending videos — it’s about transforming the way you connect with prospects. By harnessing the power of AI-powered personalization and video engagement, Potion empowers agencies to close more deals and leave a lasting impression on their clients.

So, ditch the text rut and embrace the future of video prospecting with Potion! To help you get started, check out these video prospecting scripts to transform your outreach.


2. Jasper

Feeling like a one-person content factory? Jasper (formerly Jarvis) is the tool you’ve been searching. This AI writing assistant tackles everything from crafting catchy headlines to generating full-fledged blog posts and social media captions. Struggling with writer’s block? No sweat! Jasper throws out creative prompts to get your juices flowing.

agency ai tools

Key Features:

  • Multiple content formats: Blog posts, website copy, product descriptions, social media content, and more.
  • Long-form content generation: Stop staring at a blank page — Jasper can churn out longer content pieces in minutes.
  • Brand voice customization: Train Jasper on your brand voice and style to ensure consistent messaging.

Pricing: Starts at $39/month (Creator plan).

Why Use It?

Jasper is a game-changer for cranking out high-quality content consistently. It frees up valuable time for agencies to focus on strategy and client relationships.

2. Semrush

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-expanding digital marketing jungle? Look no further than Semrush, the ultimate digital suite of AI tools for agencies. Semrush equips you with a comprehensive arsenal to dominate every aspect of your online marketing campaigns, from unearthing competitor secrets to tracking your website’s health and optimizing content for peak search engine visibility.

agency ai tools

Key Features:

  • Keyword Research on Steroids: Uncover hidden keyword gems with Semrush’s powerful keyword research tools. Analyze search volume, competition levels, and identify long-tail keywords that your competitors might be missing.
  • Competitive Intelligence: Know Your Enemy: Stop fighting blindfolded! Semrush peels back the curtain on your competitors’ strategies. Analyze their organic traffic sources, top-performing content, and even paid advertising campaigns to gain a crucial edge.
  • Rank Tracking Like a Pro: Knowledge is power, and Semrush empowers you with invaluable insights into your website’s ranking performance. Track your keyword rankings across search engines and different locations, allowing you to refine your SEO strategy for maximum impact.
  • On-Page Optimization Made Easy: Is your website technically sound and optimized for search engines? Semrush’s site audit tool scans your website and identifies technical SEO issues that could be hindering your ranking potential.
  • Content Marketing Powerhouse: Craft content that resonates with your audience and ranks higher in search results. Semrush provides topic research suggestions, competitor content analysis, and even on-page SEO recommendations to ensure your content is primed for success.

Pricing: Semrush offers a freemium model with limited features. Paid plans start at $129.95 per month (Pro) and scale up based on the features and functionalities required by your agency.

Why Use Semrush?

Semrush is a one-stop shop for agencies seeking to dominate the digital marketing landscape. It provides actionable insights based on real data, allowing you to make informed decisions about your marketing strategies.

By automating tedious tasks and streamline your workflow with Semrush’s suite of AI-powered tools. It frees up valuable time and resources that your agency can dedicate to high-value activities.

3. Phrasee

Ever feel like nothing sticks in your digital campaigns? Phrasee takes the guesswork out of copywriting with its sophisticated AI-powered A/B testing. Phrasee analyzes vast datasets to identify the language that resonates most with your target audience.

must have ai tools for agency 2024

Key Features:

  • Predictive analytics: Phrasee predicts the performance of different copy variations before you launch your campaign.
  • Real-time optimization: Continuously refine your messaging based on real-time customer data.
  • Multi-language support: Reach a global audience by testing copy variations in multiple languages.

Pricing: Custom quotes available as per requirements.

Why Use It?

Phrasee is a must-have tool for agencies obsessed with data-driven marketing. By pinpointing the most effective language, Phrasee maximizes campaign ROI and drives conversions.

4. Collect.chat

Social media engagement is crucial, but keeping up with conversations across multiple platforms can feel like a herculean task. Collect.chat steps in with its user-friendly chatbot builder. Design chatbots to answer FAQs, collect leads, and even nurture customer relationships.

collect chat

Key Features:

  • Drag-and-drop interface: No coding required — anyone can create powerful chatbots with ease.
  • Multi-channel support: Integrate your chatbots seamlessly with Website, Instagram Direct, and other platforms.
  • Advanced personalization: Personalize the user experience with dynamic content based on customer data.

Pricing: Freemium model with paid plans starting at $24/month.

Why Use It?

Collect.chat empowers agencies to scale their digital presence by automating repetitive tasks and fostering interactions with customers.

5. Surfer SEO

The ever-evolving SEO landscape can leave even the most seasoned marketers scratching their heads. Surfer SEO demystifies the process with its comprehensive suite of AI tools for marketing. Surfer analyzes competitor content, identifies ranking opportunities, and even suggests optimal keyword densities for your content.

surfer seo

Key Features:

  • Content audit reports: Uncover weaknesses in your existing content and optimize for better search engine visibility.
  • Live SERP updates: Track your website’s ranking progress in real-time to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Topic cluster builder: Develop a data-driven content strategy that targets relevant keywords and user intent.

Pricing: Starts at $89/month (Essential plan).

Why Use It?

Surfer SEO is an invaluable tool for agencies that want to dominate search engine results. By leveraging AI-powered insights, Surfer helps agencies create content that ranks higher, attracts more organic traffic, and ultimately generates leads and conversions.

6. FeedHive

Juggling multiple platforms, crafting engaging content, and scheduling posts can feel like a social media manager’s version of whack-a-mole. Meet FeedHive, the all-in-one AI social media management tool designed to be your agency’s secret weapon.

agency ai tools 2024

Key Features:

  • Effortless Scheduling: Plan your social media posts in bulk across all your platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and even Google My Business) and schedule them for optimal engagement. No more frantic last-minute scrambling!
  • AI-powered Content Creation: Hit a creative wall? FeedHive’s AI whizzes can help! Generate engaging post ideas, craft catchy captions, and even spark video concepts to keep your social media channels buzzing with fresh content.
  • Social Inbox Unification: No more switching between a dozen apps! FeedHive consolidates all your social media comments and messages into a single, unified inbox. Respond to inquiries, manage conversations, and stay on top of your social media presence with ease.
  • Collaboration Made Simple: Working with a team? FeedHive streamlines collaboration with seamless mentioning, task assignment features, and version control for your social media content.

Pricing: FeedHive offers a freemium model to dip your toes in the AI waters, with paid plans starting at a very reasonable $19/month (Creator plan). This makes it an accessible option for agencies of all sizes.

Why Use It?

FeedHive is a game-changer for busy agencies. It automates tedious tasks like scheduling and frees up valuable time for agencies to focus on strategy and client relationships. The AI-powered content creation features help overcome creative blocks and keep your social media content fresh and engaging.

7. Lexica Art

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but creating captivating visuals can be time-consuming (and expensive!). Enter Lexica Art, the AI image generator that breathes life into your creative vision. Simply provide a text prompt, and Lexica conjures stunning visuals that perfectly align with your concept.

lexica art

Key Features:

  • Highly customizable: Tailor image styles, colors, and compositions to match your brand aesthetic.
  • Multiple image formats: Generate everything from social media graphics to website banners.
  • Real-time editing: Refine your image with on-the-fly adjustments for a flawless final product.

Pricing: Starts at $10/month (Starter plan).

Why Use It?

Lexica Art eliminates the need for expensive stock photos or lengthy design sessions. It empowers agencies to create unique, on-brand visuals quickly and efficiently.

8. Acrolinx

Ever feel like your agency’s content is all over the map, stylistically speaking? One blog post sounds like a stuffy academic paper, while the next reads like a teenager’s text message? Here’s where Acrolinx swoops in, cape and all, to save the day (and your brand voice).

Acrolinx isn’t your average AI tool. It’s a full-fledged content strategy governance platform, wielding the power of AI to ensure your agency always speaks with one clear voice. Think of it as your own personal brand style guardian, silently monitoring and mentoring your content creators in real-time.

So, how does this AI superhero work its magic? Acrolinx is a master of disguise. It integrates seamlessly with popular content creation tools like Microsoft Word and Google Docs. As your writers craft their masterpieces, Acrolinx lurks in the background, analyzing their work against your pre-defined brand guidelines, style guides, and terminology preferences.

ai powered agency tools

Here’s a taste of Acrolinx’s superpowers:

  • Brand Voice Consistency: Acrolinx flags any inconsistencies in tone, style, and even terminology usage. This ensures your content maintains a cohesive brand voice across all channels, from website copy to social media posts.
  • Grammar and Clarity Guru: Acrolinx isn’t just a brand stickler; it’s a grammar champ too. It identifies typos, spelling errors, and grammatical faux pas before they reach your audience’s eyes.
  • Accessibility Advocate: In today’s inclusive world, clear and accessible content is paramount. Acrolinx helps you create content that’s easy to understand for everyone, regardless of reading level or ability.

Pricing: Acrolinx doesn’t advertise pricing on its website — that’s because they tailor their packages to fit the specific needs of each agency. This ensures you only pay for the features you’ll actually use. However, expect pricing to be tiered based on factors like the number of users and the desired level of functionality.

Why use it?

Look, agencies churn out a ton of content — blog posts, website copy, social media content, the list goes on. Maintaining brand consistency across this content avalanche can be a nightmare. This is where Acrolinx shines.

9. Grammarly

We’ve talked about cranking out killer content, crafting captivating visuals, and conquering the SEO jungle. But what about making sure your writing is polished to a diamond shine? That’s where Grammarly swoops in, cape billowing and red pen at the ready. This AI grammar checker isn’t your grandpa’s spellcheck; it’s a full-fledged editing suite that agencies can’t afford to overlook.


Key Features:

  • Grammar and Punctuation Perfection: Grammarly identifies typos, grammatical errors, and punctuation faux pas with laser focus. No more dangling participles or comma splices embarrassing your agency in client presentations.
  • Clarity and Concision Champion: Ever written a sentence so convoluted it could win a marathon? Grammarly suggests ways to simplify your writing, making your message clear, concise, and impactful.
  • Tone Tailoring Tailor: Need your email to sound friendly and approachable? Crafting a formal report? Grammarly analyzes your writing style and suggests adjustments to ensure your tone aligns perfectly with your intended audience.

Pricing: Grammarly offers a free plan with basic features, perfect for catching typos and grammatical errors on the fly. However, agencies should seriously consider Grammarly Business. Pricing starts at a very reasonable $12.50 per user per month, making it a budget-friendly investment with a big return.

Why Use It?

Let’s face it, even the most brilliant minds make typos. Grammarly acts as your agency’s silent grammar ninja, ensuring that every email, proposal, and social media post is polished to perfection. This not only reflects well on your professionalism but also strengthens your credibility and builds trust with clients.

Beyond basic grammar checks, Grammarly helps agencies maintain a consistent brand voice across all communications, avoiding any unintentional stylistic mishaps.

10. Notion

Sure, the ai tools for agency are powerhouses in their own right, but what if there was a central nervous system for your entire agency workflow? Meet Notion, an AI-powered project management tool. Think of it as a digital workspace on steroids, brimming with features that turbocharge collaboration, streamline information flow, and unleash the inner agency cyborg within your team.


Here’s what makes Notion a game-changer for agencies:

  • Centralized Knowledge Base: Ditch the information silos! Notion lets you consolidate everything from project briefs and client notes to style guides and marketing collateral in one easily accessible location. The built-in AI search acts like a personal knowledge management assistant, making it a breeze to find exactly what you need, when you need it.
  • Collaborative Powerhouse: Notion thrives on real-time collaboration. Team members can work on documents, brainstorm ideas, and track progress simultaneously, eliminating the need for endless email chains and version control headaches. Plus, Notion’s intuitive commenting system fosters seamless communication, keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Customizable Templates Galore: Stop wasting time reinventing the wheel. Notion boasts a treasure trove of pre-built templates designed specifically for agencies. From project roadmaps and social media calendars to client onboarding checklists and creative briefs, these templates provide a solid foundation to get your projects rolling fast. But don’t be afraid to flex your creative muscle — Notion allows for extensive customization, so you can tailor templates to your agency’s unique workflow.
  • The Power of Automation: Tired of repetitive tasks bogging down your team’s productivity? Notion’s built-in automation features can be your secret weapon. Automate tasks like assigning deadlines, sending notifications, and even populating content calendars based on pre-defined triggers. This frees up your team to focus on higher-level strategic thinking.
  • AI-Powered Insights: Notion may not have a fancy “AI” label attached to it, but its search functionality is surprisingly intelligent. Type in a keyword or phrase, and Notion scours your entire workspace to surface relevant information, helping you connect the dots and unearth valuable insights hidden within your projects.

Pricing: Notion offers a generous freemium model. The free plan provides enough firepower for small teams or individual use cases. Paid plans start at just $8/month per user and unlocks additional features like unlimited guests, advanced permissions, and version history.

Why Use Notion for Agencies?

Notion is the ultimate collaboration chameleon. It adapts to your agency’s specific needs, whether you’re a nimble startup or a well-oiled marketing machine. By centralizing information, streamlining workflows, and unlocking the power of automation, Notion empowers agencies to work smarter, not harder.

11. ChatGPT

We’ve explored some incredible agency AI tools, but let’s not forget the OG in the playground — ChatGPT. This versatile AI assistant packs a powerful punch in terms of user-friendly interface and productivity.

ChatGPT ai sales tools for agency

Key Features:

  • Conversational powerhouse: ChatGPT excels at simulating natural conversation. Need a script for a quirky explainer video? Drafting a chatbot personality? ChatGPT whips up engaging dialogue that feels human-written.
  • Content creation across formats: From crafting blog outlines to generating social media captions on-the-fly, ChatGPT tackles a wide range of content formats. Feeling stuck on a product description? ChatGPT throws out creative variations to spark inspiration.
  • Code whisperer (kind of): While not a full-fledged programmer, ChatGPT can understand and even generate basic code snippets. This can be a handy time-saver for fleshing out ideas or prototyping functionalities.

Pricing: The best part? ChatGPT offers two models: GPT 3.5 which is completely free and GPT 4, which comes at a cost of $20/month (Plus plan).
The Plus plan offers advanced features and larger text generation capacities compared to the limited capabilities of free use.

Why Use It?

ChatGPT is a fantastic all-rounder AI tool for agencies seeking a one-stop shop for various content creation needs. Here’s why it deserves a spot in your AI arsenal:

  • Brainstorming buddy: Hit a creative wall? ChatGPT can be your brainstorming partner, tossing out ideas and riffing on concepts to help you break through writer’s block.
  • Client communication: Need to craft a persuasive email or draft a clear proposal? ChatGPT helps you articulate your message effectively, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Personalization champion: Want to personalize your marketing messages for maximum impact? ChatGPT can help you tailor content to different audience segments, enhancing engagement and conversions.

Remember: While ChatGPT is a powerful tool, it’s still under development. It’s crucial to fact-check its outputs and ensure they align with your brand voice and messaging.

12. Zapier

Need an extra set of arms to juggle all those marketing tools? Meet Zapier, the ultimate agency automation superhero. Think of it as the Swiss Army Knife of AI tools for agencies, streamlining workflows and connecting the disparate apps you rely on daily.

Here’s the magic: Zapier lets you create automated connections, called Zaps, between your favorite marketing tools. Imagine this: a new lead pops into your CRM, and Zapier automatically triggers a welcome email sequence and adds the lead to your project management tool — all without you lifting a finger. Pretty slick, huh?


Key Features:

  • Multi-app mayhem conquered: Zapier integrates with over 5,000 different apps, meaning you can connect the marketing tools you already use and love.
  • No coding required: Building Zaps is as easy as pie (or should we say, automation cherry pie?). A user-friendly interface lets you visually design workflows without needing a computer science degree.
  • The power of “if this, then that”: Zaps operate on a simple yet powerful logic — “if this happens in app A, then do this in app B.” This lets you automate a vast array of marketing tasks, saving you precious time and eliminating manual busywork.

Pricing: Zapier offers a generous Freemium model, perfect for agencies dipping their toes into the automation pool. Paid plans start at a very reasonable $19/month (Starter) and offer increased functionality for agencies with more complex workflows.

Why Use Zapier?

Look, agencies wear a lot of hats. Zapier alleviates the burden by automating repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on what they do best: strategic thinking and client service.

13. Originality.ai

Having a nagging suspicion that some of that “fresh” content hitting your inbox might be machine-generated? Welcome to the age of AI-powered content creation, where even the most polished marketing copy can have a secret robotic origin story. But fear not, agency warriors — Originality.ai is here to shield you from the perils of plagiarized or AI-generated content.

This clever tool scans text with its eagle-eyed algorithms, identifying whether it was generated by popular AI writing assistants like Jasper, Bard, or the ever-evolving GPT-3. But Originality doesn’t stop there. It’s the only tool on the market that can detect paraphrased content, even if it’s been reworked through a tool like Quillbot.


Here’s what makes Originality.ai a must-have in your AI tool arsenal:

Key Features:

  • AI Content Detection: Unmask AI-generated content with pinpoint accuracy, ensuring the authenticity and originality of the work you use.
  • Paraphrase Detection: Don’t let cleverly rephrased content slip through the cracks. Originality.AI flags content that’s been massaged by paraphrasing tools, giving you complete transparency.
  • Multiple Language Support: Protect your global campaigns! Originality.AI works seamlessly across various languages, keeping your content authentic no matter the market.


Originality.AI offers a freemium model , perfect for dipping your toes into the AI detection pool. For agencies wielding serious content volume, pay-as-you-go credits and subscription plans are available to fit your specific needs.

Why Use It?

In today’s content-saturated landscape, building trust with your audience is paramount. Originality.AI ensures the content you use is not only original but also reflects the authentic voice of your brand. With Originality.ai by your side, you can confidently curate high-quality, authentic content that drives results and keeps your clients coming back for more.

14. Hemingway App

Feeling like your agency’s writing is as dense as a rainforest? Meet Hemingway App, the AI editor that cuts the jungle foliage and reveals the clear message beneath. This isn’t just another grammar checker, folks. Hemingway App is a laser focus on clarity, helping agencies craft concise and impactful copy that resonates with audiences.

Hemingway App

Key Features:

  • Readability score: Hemingway assigns a readability score based on US education levels. Aim for a score of 9 or below to ensure your writing is clear for a broad audience.
  • Sentence highlighting: Hemingway identifies complex sentences with color codes — yellow for long sentences, red for very long ones. Break those monsters down for smoother reading!
  • Passive voice detection: Passive voice bogs down your writing. Hemingway flags it, so you can swap it for active voice and inject some energy into your copy.
  • Adverb overkill: Let your verbs do the talking! Hemingway highlights excessive adverbs, helping you tighten your prose and avoid flabby writing.

Pricing: This tool is completely free for basic usage. If you want to access features like AI writer than you need a Pro license, which starts at $10/month.

Why Use It?

Hemingway App is a must-have tool for agencies that value clear communication. Here’s why:

  • Client Impact: Crystal-clear writing ensures your clients’ message lands with a punch. No more confusing jargon or dense paragraphs that leave readers scratching their heads.
  • Content Consistency: Hemingway helps maintain a consistent voice and tone across all your agency’s content, from website copy to email campaigns.
  • Faster Turnarounds: Hemingway streamlines the editing process by identifying areas for improvement quickly and efficiently. This translates to faster project turnaround times for your agency.
  • Improved Client Satisfaction: Clear, concise writing builds trust and fosters better communication with your clients. They’ll appreciate the ease of understanding your agency’s messaging.

Hemingway App might not be a fancy AI with bells and whistles, but its focus on clarity is a game-changer for agencies. So, ditch the dense prose and embrace the power of clear communication. Your clients (and your sanity) will thank you!

15. Fireflies.ai

Buried in a blizzard of post-meeting notes and action items? Let’s face it, traditional meeting recaps are a tedious chore that sucks the creative energy out of any agency. Meet Fireflies.ai, the AI notetaker that turbocharges your meetings and transforms them into a springboard for action.

This nifty tool automatically records and transcribes your meetings across various platforms, from Zoom calls to conference lines. No more frantic scribbling or relying on someone with questionable longhand skills! Fireflies.ai captures every word, eliminating the risk of missed details or forgotten action items.


But Fireflies.ai goes way beyond basic transcription. Here’s what makes it a must-have AI tool for agencies:

  • Smart Summarization: Kiss goodbye to lengthy, incomprehensible meeting recaps. Fireflies.ai intelligently condenses the conversation, highlighting key points, decisions made, and next steps.
  • Action Item Ninja: Tired of chasing down loose ends after meetings? Fireflies.ai automatically identifies action items and assigns them to specific team members. No more finger-pointing or wondering who’s responsible for what.
  • Search & Analyze Like a Boss: Fireflies.ai creates a searchable knowledge base of all your agency’s conversations. Need to revisit a specific discussion point from a month ago? Fireflies.ai has you covered, letting you search by keywords, speaker, or topic with ease.

Pricing: Fireflies.ai offers various pricing plans tailored to the size and needs of your agency. They even have a free trial so you can take this meeting cyborg for a spin before committing.

Why Use Fireflies.ai?

Here’s the bottom line: Fireflies.ai liberates your agency from the shackles of inefficient meeting management. By automating transcription, summarizing key points, and streamlining action items, Fireflies.ai frees up valuable time and mental energy for what agencies do best — creative brainstorming, strategic thinking, and client domination!

So, ditch the notepads and embrace the future of intelligent meetings.

16. Descript

Feeling buried in video edits? We’ve all been there. Meet Descript, the AI-powered video editing tool that’s here to turn you into a post-production powerhouse. Descript throws away the traditional timeline and lets you edit video by editing the text transcript. Imagine chopping and changing scenes, adding intros and outros, all by simply manipulating text!

best ai tools for agency

Key Features:

  • Text-based Editing: Forget the clunky timeline — Descript lets you edit video like a document, making edits a breeze.
  • Studio Sound: Say goodbye to background noise and audio imperfections. Descript’s AI-powered Studio Sound feature cleans up your audio with a single click, giving you professional-sounding results in seconds.
  • Overdub & Filler Word Removal: Stumbled over your words? Descript’s Overdub feature lets you magically replace mistakes with a clean recording using your own voice (or even a synthesized version!). Plus, vanquish those pesky “umms” and “uhhs” with the Filler Word Removal tool, leaving your audio polished and concise.

Pricing: Descript offers a freemium model, perfect for agencies dipping their toes into AI-powered editing. The free plan includes 3 exports per month and basic transcription features. For agencies handling larger projects, paid plans start at $12/month, offering unlimited exports, advanced transcription capabilities, and team collaboration features.

Why Use It?

Descript is a game-changer for agencies drowning in video editing tasks. The text-based editing streamlines the process, while AI-powered features like Studio Sound and Overdub save countless hours spent on audio tweaking and re-recording. This translates to faster turnaround times, happier clients, and more time for agencies to focus on the bigger picture.

Bonus Tip: Descript also boasts impressive collaboration features, allowing teams to work on projects simultaneously and leave real-time feedback. This makes Descript a dream tool for agencies juggling multiple video projects with distributed teams.

17. GitHub Copilot

Spending more time writing boilerplate code than crafting innovative features? Welcome to the club! But fret no more, agencies — GitHub Copilot is here to supercharge your development workflow. This AI tool for agencies seamlessly integrates with your favorite IDE, acting as your autocomplete on steroids. Imagine having a coding whisperer suggesting the next line (or even the next function!) as you type. That’s the magic of Copilot.

GitHub Copilot

Key Features:

  • Context-aware suggestions: Copilot analyzes your code and surrounding context to offer intelligent suggestions that fit seamlessly into your project. No more generic autocomplete options!
  • Multiple language support: Whether you’re coding in Python, Javascript, or a myriad of other languages, Copilot adapts to your preferred tongue.
  • Natural language understanding: Stuck and need a nudge? Describe what you want your code to achieve in plain English, and Copilot will generate code snippets to get you started.


There’s a generous free tier that allows you to test the waters and experience the power of AI-powered coding suggestions. For agencies seeking advanced features and higher usage limits, paid subscriptions are available from $4/month.

Why Use It?

Copilot is a no-brainer AI tool for agencies looking to boost developer productivity. Those tedious hours spent writing repetitive code can be slashed, freeing up your team to focus on complex problem-solving and building innovative features. Plus, Copilot can help junior developers learn best practices and coding conventions by exposing them to high-quality code examples.

Real Talk: But Isn’t It Basically Copy-Pasting?

Not quite. Copilot doesn’t just regurgitate existing code. It leverages its vast training data to understand the context of your project and suggest relevant code that aligns with your specific needs. Think of it as having a coding mentor constantly by your side, offering personalized suggestions and best practices.

18. Synthesia.io

Feeling like your video marketing is stuck in the Stone Age? In today’s fast-paced world, attention spans are shorter than ever, and audiences crave engaging, bite-sized content. Meet Synthesia.io, one of the best AI video generator tools that’s revolutionizing the way agencies produce high-quality videos.

Synthesia throws out the need for expensive filming crews and eliminates the logistical headaches of video production. This ingenious tool lets you create professional-looking videos with realistic AI avatars that speak your script in over 140 languages!


Here’s what makes Synthesia a game-changer for agencies:

  • Effortless Video Creation: Simply type in your script, choose an AI avatar (they have a diverse library to match any brand voice), and Synthesia does the rest. You’ll have a polished video in minutes, not days.
  • Global Appeal: Reach audiences worldwide with Synthesia’s multilingual capabilities. Imagine creating explainer videos or product demos that resonate with audiences across cultural divides — all without hiring a voiceover artist for every language.
  • A/B Testing on Steroids: Feeling unsure about which video intro will resonate best with your target audience? Synthesia lets you A/B test different video variations with ease. Analyze engagement metrics and optimize your videos for maximum impact.

Pricing: Synthesia offers a variety of plans to suit different agency needs. Their free plan lets you dip your toes into the AI video creation pool, while paid plans unlock additional features like bulk video generation and custom avatar creation. Prices start at a budget-friendly $29/month for the Starter plan.

Why Use Synthesia?

For agencies on the go, Synthesia is a time-saving powerhouse. No more scrambling to meet tight deadlines or blowing the budget on video production. Synthesia empowers agencies to create engaging, cost-effective video content that can be localized for a global audience. This translates to happier clients, more leads, and a cutting-edge agency that’s ahead of the curve.

So, ditch the writer’s block and the filming hassles. With Synthesia, your agency can craft compelling video content that speaks volumes (literally!) to your target audience.

top ai tools for agency
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

Why Embrace AI Tools for Agencies?

Switching gears, let’s talk turkey. Integrating AI tools into your agency’s toolkit isn’t just about keeping up with trends; it’s about making a strategic move to enhance efficiency, creativity, and results.

These AI tools for agencies can handle the grunt work, allowing your team to focus on what they do best — being creative and strategic. They also provide insights and data that can lead to more informed decision-making and better outcomes for your clients.

Did someone say competitive edge? Absolutely! By harnessing the power of AI, your agency can deliver faster, more accurate, and more innovative solutions to clients. This not only sets you apart from the competition but also positions you as a forward-thinking leader in your industry.

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are AI tools difficult to integrate into existing systems?

Not at all! Many AI tools for agency are designed with plug-and-play capabilities, making them easy to integrate with existing software and systems.

Q: Can small agencies benefit from AI tools?

Yes! There are agency AI tools available at various price points, making them accessible for businesses of all sizes. Small agencies can leverage these tools to level the playing field and compete with larger firms.

Q: How do agency AI tools impact creativity?

AI tools can enhance creativity by handling routine tasks and providing data-driven insights, allowing creative minds to explore new ideas and innovative concepts without constraints.

top ai tools for agencies 2024
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Q: Are AI tools going to replace marketing agencies?

No, AI tools are not here to replace agencies — they’re here to augment them. By automating tedious tasks and providing valuable data insights, AI tools empower agencies to work smarter, not harder. This frees up human talent to focus on strategic thinking, client relationships, and the creative spark that AI cannot replicate.

Q: How much do AI tools for agencies cost?

The pricing for AI tools varies depending on the specific features offered and the level of service required. This article has included a brief mention of pricing for each tool, but it’s always best to visit the provider’s website for the latest pricing information and explore free trial options if available.

Q: What are some of the challenges of using AI tools for agencies?

While AI tools offer a plethora of benefits, there are also challenges to consider. Here are a few:

  • Data dependency: The effectiveness of AI tools often hinges on the quality and quantity of data they are trained on. Garbage in, garbage out, as the saying goes!
  • Lack of human touch: AI can’t replace the human element of marketing, which is crucial for building trust and emotional connections with customers.
  • Ethical considerations: As with any powerful technology, there are ethical considerations surrounding AI use. Agencies need to be mindful of potential biases in AI-generated outputs and ensure they are used responsibly.


The marketing landscape is no longer a jungle — it’s a launchpad for innovation. AI tools for agencies are the rocket fuel that propels you to new heights. They automate the mundane, illuminate hidden insights, and spark creative explosions.

But remember, AI is the engine, not the driver. The human touch — empathy, strategic thinking, and a dash of wild creativity — remains irreplaceable.

So, the future of marketing isn’t just about AI, it’s about the powerful synergy between human brilliance and machine intelligence. If you’re stuck with deciding your tech? Here’s a list of must have tools in your agency tech stack.

Don’t just take our word for it! Explore the agency AI tools mentioned above, take advantage of free trial options, and see how they can supercharge your workflow. Remember, the future is waiting. What are you waiting for? Happy innovating!

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