7 Best AI Personalized Video Software for Professionals

Creating Connections: Top Personalized Video Tools for Engagement [2024]

Learn With Whiteboard
9 min readOct 26, 2023
top personalized video software 2024
Credit: Thumbs Up Friday by Jonas Mosesson on Dribbble

If you’re tired of generic videos and cookie-cutter content. It’s high time to upgrade. In essence, we’ll introduce you to the top personalized video tools you can use in 2024. They will help you to craft content that resonate with your viewers on a personal level.

From heartfelt birthday wishes to interactive marketing campaigns. Videos have rapidly become a game-changer across industries. Why settle for monotony when you can have your viewers’ jaws drop with tailored content? But what makes these videos truly amazing? It’s the personalized video software that powers them. Thus, allowing users to power up their storytelling.

In this article, we’ll also share essential video prospecting best practices & tips to make your videos stand out. Are you ready to take your video content to the next level? Let’s dive in!

Why AI Personalized Videos Software Matter

Before we delve into the best personalized video tools available, let’s grasp why it matters. What sets them apart from the mundane ones? Here’s why it’s essential:

  1. Engagement on Steroids: Personalized videos grab your audience’s attention like nothing else. When your viewers see their name or personal information incorporated in any content. They instantly feel connected and are more likely to watch and engage.
  2. Tailored Messaging: Traditional videos cast a wide net, but personalized videos in sales allow you to craft content that directly speaks to each individual’s needs, preferences, and desires.
  3. Higher Conversions: Whether you’re in sales or marketing, personalized AI videos can boost your conversion rates significantly. When people feel like you understand them, they are more likely to take the desired action.
  4. Memorable Moments: Using best practices for personalized video marketing can create memorable experiences that stay with your audience. Whether it’s a heartfelt message or a funny anecdote, they’ll remember your video long after they’ve watched it.
  5. Building Trust: Personalization fosters trust. When you take the time to address your audience personally, it shows that you care about their needs and concerns.

So, now that we’ve established the importance of personalized video software. Let’s explore the cream of the crop in this domain.

The Top Personalized Video Software

Here’s a list of our best recommendations. The personalized video tools showcased are purely based on their quality and features,

1. Potion — Personalized Videos at Scale

In your search to add a personal touch to your outreach, look no further than Potion. This software allows you to send bulk personalized video messages to your customers or clients in just a few clicks.

Potion’s personalized video messaging for business can revolutionize your workflow if you work in sales and/or customer engagement. I place this as #1 on this list purely due to its advance synthesis of Voice AI which is currently one of the best in industry.

ai personalized videos at scale

Key Features of Potion:

  • AI excellence automates the personalization process, enabling you to reach a larger audience effectively.
  • Integrates with popular platforms like LinkedIn and Gmail. Thereby simplifying the process to reach the target audience where they already engage.
  • Track viewer engagement, conversion rates, and more. Thereby, empowering you to refine your outreach strategies.
  • Intuitive design makes this video personalization software accessible to everyone. No matter the technical expertise.
  • Apply multiple tags or labels to each video. This helps you categorize and organize your work efficiently.

Why Choose Potion? Potion is your gateway to sending personalized, compelling video messages directly to your audience. Whether you’re nurturing existing relationships or creating new ones with potential leads. Potion’s personalization features can work wonders for your business.

With Potion, you can:

  1. Boost conversion rates: Personalized videos have been shown to significantly increase conversion rates, as they foster a deeper connection with your audience.
  2. Enhance customer relationships: Build stronger customer relationships by delivering personalized messages that make each individual feel valued and appreciated.
  3. Improve brand loyalty: Create a memorable brand experience that keeps customers coming back for more.

Embrace the power of AI personalized videos with Potion and transform your outreach today!

2. Bonjoro — The Video Touch

If you’re looking for a tool that adds a personal touch to your videos, Bonjoro is a fantastic choice. It is particularly well-suited for pre-sales and customer engagement teams.

video personalization software

Key Features of Bonjoro:

  • Seamless integration with popular email and CRM platforms
  • Mobile app for on-the-go video creation
  • Analytics to track viewer engagement
  • Easy customization with templates

Why Bonjoro? Bonjoro makes it easy to send heartfelt messages directly to your audience. Whether you want to thank them for their loyalty or reach out to potential leads. Bonjoro’s personalization features can do wonders for your business.

3. Lumen5 — The Versatility Maestro

Lumen5 harnesses the power of AI to create stunning videos from text content. It’s a versatile tool that’s perfect for businesses, bloggers, and content creators who want to transform their written content into engaging videos.

top video personalization tools

Key Features of Lumen5:

  • AI-driven video creation
  • Stock video and image library
  • Text-to-video conversion in minutes
  • Built-in content optimization

Why Choose Lumen5? This AI-driven tool is a game-changer for anyone looking to turn their text content into captivating videos. It’s fast, user-friendly, and ensures your videos are always fresh and engaging.

4. InVideo — The All-in-One Solution

InVideo is an all-in-one tool that caters to both beginners and professionals. It offers a range of features to make video creation a breeze, from customizable templates to a user-friendly interface.

top video personalization software

Key Features of InVideo:

  • Extensive library of templates and stock media
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor
  • Automated text-to-speech conversion
  • Collaboration features for teams

Why Choose InVideo?: InVideo is perfect for those who want to create personalized videos without a steep learning curve. Its user-friendly interface and a vast library of resources make it ideal for various purposes, from marketing to personal messages.

5. OpenShot — The Open-Source Gem

For people who want more control, OpenShot is an open-source alternative you can rely on. Although there’s no AI to scale, it’s a robust video editor that’s completely free. Thus, making it a favorite among those who prefer to tinker with their videos.

openshot ai personalized videos

Key Features of Openshot:

  • Open-source and free
  • Advanced editing capabilities
  • Keyframe animation
  • Cross-platform compatibility

Why Choose OpenShot? If you’re tech-savvy and want complete control over your personalized videos. OpenShot is a fantastic choice. It’s not as beginner-friendly as some other options, but the possibilities are limitless.

6. FlexClip — The Go-to Video Creation Platform

If you’re seeking a tool that simplifies video creation, Flexclip is an excellent choice. This cloud-based platform empowers you to craft captivating videos without prior editing experience. It’s ideal for businesses, educators, and individuals looking to produce engaging content.


Key Features of FlexClip:

  • Extensive library of professionally designed video templates
  • User-friendly interface for effortless editing
  • Wide range of royalty-free stock footage and images
  • Ability to add text, music, and voiceovers
  • Export videos in various formats and resolutions

Why Choose Flexclip? It eliminates the complexities of video editing. Thereby enabling anyone to create professional-looking videos in minutes. Whether you’re crafting social media ads, educational tutorials, or personal slideshows. Flexclip’s intuitive tools and vast resources make video creation a breeze.

7. Tavus — Your Outreach Buddy

If you’re looking for a recruitment & customer success centric tool, Tavus might be an ideal choice. This innovative platform allows you to generate real-time videos that look and sound just like you. Thereby, making each interaction incredibly personal and engaging.


Key Features of Tavus:

  • Voice cloning technology
  • Variable backgrounds
  • Interactive video elements

Why Choose Tavus? Whether you’re welcoming new customers, nurturing leads, or providing personalized support. Tavus’s video solutions will help you boost your effort and drive results.

Tips for Crafting Amazing Personalized Videos

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of the top personalized video software. Let’s explore some tips and tricks to make your videos truly exceptional:

1. Know Your Audience

Understand your audience’s preferences and pain points. The better you know them, the more effective your personalized AI videos will be.

2. Script Wisely

Craft a well-thought-out video prospecting script that addresses your viewer personally. Use their name and tailor your message to their specific needs.

3. Keep It Short and Sweet

Don’t overdo it. Keep your videos concise and engaging. A personalized video that drags on can lose its impact.

4. Add a Personal Touch

Beyond just names, add elements that make your viewer feel special. Mention their recent interactions with your brand, or reference shared experiences.

5. Use Humor and Emotion

Whether it’s a birthday greeting or a marketing message, humor and emotion can go a long way in making your video memorable.

6. Test and Analyze

Most personalized video software provides analytics. Use them to see what works and what doesn’t, and refine your approach accordingly.

AI personalized videos tools
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

Common FAQs about Personalized Video Software

Here are a few common questions asked across the industry.

1. Is personalized video software suitable for small businesses?

Absolutely! They can be a game-changer for small businesses looking to engage with their audience on a personal level. It’s a cost-effective way to make a big impact.

2. How can I ensure my personalized videos are not too intrusive?

The key is to strike the right balance between personalization and intrusiveness. Start with a friendly, concise message that adds value to your viewer’s experience.

3. Can I use personalized video tools for educational purposes?

Yes, you can! Many educators and trainers use personalized video software to create engaging content for their students. It makes learning more fun and interactive.

4. Are there any legal concerns when using personal data in using a video personalization software?

It’s crucial to respect privacy and comply with data protection regulations when using personal data in videos. Ensure you have the required consent or anonymize the data where necessary.

5. Which software is the best for creating personalized video ads?

In our opinion, Potion and InVideo are excellent choices for creating personalized video ads. They offer user-friendly interfaces and customization options perfect for advertising.


In a world inundated with generic content, tools offering AI personalized videos stands as a beacon of creativity and engagement. The ability to tailor your videos to your audience’s needs and preferences can be a game-changer for businesses, content creators, and educators alike.

As we’ve explored in this article, the top personalized video software options cater to a wide range of needs. Whether you prefer a user-friendly tool like InVideo, an AI-driven solution like Potion, or the creative freedom of OpenShot, there’s something for everyone.

With these tools and our tips, you’re now ready to boost your engagement. Don’t settle for mundane videos — unlock your full potential. With them, watch your audience connect with your content on a personal level. So go ahead, get creative, and start wowing your viewers today with these top personalized video software!

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