7 Stages of Data Science Project Life Cycle Explained

Understanding the Step by Step Approach of Data Science Lifecycle

Learn With Whiteboard
4 min readMar 7, 2023
What is Data Science Project Life Cycle Explained Step by Step | ML Lifecycle Steps
Credit — Josh Overton

The data science project life cycle is a methodology that outlines the stages of a data science project, from planning to deployment. This methodology guides data scientists through a structured process that enables them to develop data-driven solutions that address specific business problems.

The project life cycle provides a framework that helps data scientists to manage projects effectively and efficiently. In this article, we will explain the steps in data science project lifecycle, and provide examples and references as necessary.

TLDR; Don’t have time to read? Here’s a video to help you understand what is data science project life cycle and its steps in detail.

Step 1: Problem Identification and Planning

The first step in the data science project life cycle is to identify the problem that needs to be solved. This involves understanding the business requirements and the goals of the project. Once the problem has been identified, the data science team will plan the project by determining the data sources, the data collection process, and the analytical methods that will be used.


Suppose a retail company wants to increase its sales by identifying the factors that influence customer purchase decisions. The data science team will identify the problem and plan the project by determining the data sources (e.g., transaction data, customer data), the data collection process (e.g., data cleaning, data transformation), and the analytical methods (e.g., regression analysis, decision trees) that will be used to analyze the data.

Step 2: Data Collection

The second step in the data science project life cycle is data collection. This involves collecting the data that will be used in the analysis. The data science team must ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and relevant to the problem being solved.


In the retail company example, the data science team will collect data on customer demographics, transaction history, and product information.

Step 3: Data Preparation

The third step in the data science project life cycle is data preparation. This involves cleaning and transforming the data to make it suitable for analysis. The data science team will remove any duplicates, missing values, or irrelevant data from the dataset. They will also transform the data into a format that is suitable for analysis.


In the retail company example, the data science team will remove any duplicate or missing data from the customer and transaction datasets. They may also merge the datasets to create a single dataset that can be analyzed.

steps in data science project lifecycle
Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Step 4: Data Analysis

The fourth step in the data science project life cycle is data analysis. This involves applying analytical methods to the data to extract insights and patterns. The data science team may use techniques such as regression analysis, clustering, or machine learning algorithms to analyze the data.


In the retail company example, the data science team may use regression analysis to identify the factors that influence customer purchase decisions. They may also use clustering to segment customers based on their purchase behavior.

Step 5: Model Building

The fifth step in the data science project life cycle is model building. This involves building a predictive model that can be used to make predictions based on the data analysis. The data science team will use the insights and patterns from the data analysis to build a model that can predict future outcomes.


In the retail company example, the data science team may build a predictive model that can be used to predict customer purchase behavior based on demographic and product information.

Step 6: Model Evaluation

The sixth step in the data science project life cycle is model evaluation. This involves evaluating the performance of the predictive model to ensure that it is accurate and reliable. The data science team will test the model using a validation dataset to determine its accuracy and performance.


In the retail company example, the data science team may test the predictive model using a validation dataset to ensure that it accurately predicts customer purchase behavior.

Step 7: Model Deployment

The final step in the data science project life cycle is model deployment. This involves deploying the predictive model into production so that it can be used to make predictions in real-world scenarios. The deployment process involves integrating the model into the existing business processes and systems to ensure that it can be used effectively.


In the retail company example, the data science team may deploy the predictive model into the company’s customer relationship management (CRM) system so that it can be used to make targeted marketing campaigns.


The data science project life cycle provides a structured approach for data scientists to develop data-driven solutions that address specific business problems.

By following the steps outlined in the data science project life cycle, data scientists can ensure that their projects are completed efficiently and effectively. This methodology enables data scientists to deliver high-quality solutions that provide real value to the business.

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