Filter vs Wrapper vs Embedded Methods For Feature Selection

Types of Feature Selection Methods in ML Explained

Learn With Whiteboard
7 min readMar 24, 2024
Filter methods vs Wrapper methods vs Embedded Methods For Feature Selection
Credit — Stars by Aslan Almukhambetov for Fireart Studio on Dribbble

Ah, machine learning. It’s the hotshot of the tech world, promising to solve problems and make predictions with uncanny accuracy. But hold on there, partner! Before you dive headfirst into building your next fancy algorithm, there’s a crucial step you can’t afford to skip: feature selection.

Data. It’s the lifeblood of machine learning (ML), the fuel that propels algorithms towards intelligent predictions. But just because you have a mountain of data doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sitting on a gold mine. In fact, a surplus of features (data points) can often lead to a phenomenon known as the “curse of dimensionality.” This nasty little curse can make it harder for your ML model to learn effectively, reducing its accuracy and efficiency.

That’s where feature selection methods come in, acting as your data wrangling superheroes. These techniques help you identify and eliminate irrelevant or redundant features, leaving you with a lean, mean, prediction machine! But with a variety of types of feature selection methods at your disposal, how do you choose the right one for the job?

Worry not, intrepid data explorer! We’ll delve into the three main types of feature selection methods, explore their strengths and weaknesses, and even answer some burning FAQs. So, grab your coffee, and let’s wrangle those features!

TLDR; Short on time? Here’s a video to help you understand difference between Filter vs Wrapper vs Embedded methods

Why are Feature Selection Methods Important?

These methods offer a treasure trove of benefits. Here are just a few:

  • Improved Performance: By focusing on the most relevant features, your machine learning models can learn faster and make more accurate predictions.
  • Reduced Training Time: Less data means less processing power needed, leading to faster training times for your models — who doesn’t love a time-saving trick?
  • Enhanced Interpretability: With fewer features cluttering the picture, it becomes easier to understand how your model actually arrives at its predictions. This is a big win for debugging and explaining your model’s behavior.
  • Avoiding the Curse of Dimensionality: Too many features can lead to a phenomenon called the “curse of dimensionality,” where your model struggles to perform well in high-dimensional space. Feature selection helps you steer clear of this curse!

Now that you’re convinced on its importance, let’s delve into the different types of methods available.

Types of Feature Selection Methods

1. Filter Methods

Imagine a detective sifting through a crime scene, meticulously examining clues. Filter methods operate in a similar fashion. They independently analyze each feature based on a pre-defined metric, such as correlation with the target variable or information gain. Features that don’t meet the cut are shown the door, resulting in a streamlined dataset.

filter methods for feature selection
Credit — Analytics Vidya


  • Fast and efficient: Filter methods are computationally inexpensive, making them ideal for large datasets.
  • Easy to implement: These methods are often built-in to popular machine learning libraries, requiring minimal coding effort.
  • Model agnostic: Filter methods can be used with any type of machine learning model, making them versatile tools.


  • Limited interaction with the model: Since they operate independently, filter methods might miss data interactions that could be important for prediction.
  • Choosing the right metric: Selecting the appropriate metric for your data and task is crucial for optimal performance.

Examples of Filter Methods:

  • Information Gain: Measures the reduction in uncertainty about the target variable after considering a particular feature.
  • Chi-square test: Evaluates the association between a categorical feature and the target variable.
  • Variance Threshold: Eliminates features with low variance, which suggests they might not contribute much to the model’s learning.

2. Wrapper Methods

Think of wrapper methods like a team of analysts working hand-in-hand with a machine learning model. These techniques evaluate subsets of features based on how well they perform with the chosen ML model. They iteratively add or remove features, aiming to find the combination that leads to the best model performance.

wrapper methods for feature selection
Credit — Analytics Vidya


  • Model-specific optimization: Wrapper methods directly consider how features influence the model, potentially leading to better performance compared to filter methods.
  • Flexible: These methods can be adapted to various model types and evaluation metrics.


  • Computationally expensive: Evaluating different feature combinations can be time-consuming, especially for large datasets.
  • Risk of overfitting: Fine-tuning features to a specific model can lead to an overfitted model that performs poorly on unseen data.

Examples of Wrapper Methods:

  • Forward selection: Starts with an empty feature set and iteratively adds the feature that improves model performance the most.
  • Backward selection: Begins with all features and progressively removes the feature that contributes the least to model performance.
  • Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE): Similar to backward selection, but uses a feature ranking criterion to guide the elimination process.

3. Embedded Methods

Embedded methods take a “why not both?” approach. They incorporate feature selection directly into the model training process. This allows the model to learn not only the relationship between features and the target variable, but also which features are most relevant.

embedded methods for feature selection
Credit — Analytics Vidya


  • Efficient and effective: Embedded methods can achieve good results without the computational burden of some wrapper methods.
  • Model-specific learning: Similar to wrapper methods, these techniques leverage the learning process to identify relevant features.


  • Limited interpretability: Embedded methods can be more challenging to interpret compared to filter methods, making it harder to understand why specific features were chosen.
  • Not universally applicable: Not all machine learning algorithms support embedded feature selection techniques.

Examples of Embedded Methods:

  • LASSO regularization: Shrinks the weights of unimportant features towards zero, effectively removing them from the model.
  • Ridge regression: Similar to LASSO, but uses a different penalty term to reduce the weight of less important features.
  • Elastic Net: Combines LASSO and ridge regression for feature selection and regularization.
types of feature selection methods in machine learning
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Factors To Help Choose Your Feature Selection Method

It’s time to pick your champion. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a method for your model:

  • Dataset size: Filter methods are generally faster for large datasets, while wrapper methods might be suitable for smaller datasets.
  • Model type: Some models, like tree-based models, have built-in feature selection capabilities.
  • Interpretability: If understanding the rationale behind feature selection is crucial, filter methods might be a better choice.
  • Computational resources: Wrapper methods can be time-consuming, so consider your available computing power.

FAQs or Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I know which method to use?

The best approach depends on your specific data, model, and computational resources. Here’s a quick guide:

  • For large datasets and speed: Filter methods are a good starting point.
  • For maximizing model performance (with more time): Wrapper methods offer the potential for fine-tuning.
  • For a balance between efficiency and model-specific learning: Embedded methods could be a good choice.

Q: Should I always use feature selection?

Not necessarily. If your dataset is small and manageable, feature selection might not be essential. However, as data size increases, it becomes more crucial for improving model performance and interpretability.

Q: Can I combine different types of feature selection methods?

Absolutely! You can use a filter method for initial pruning followed by a wrapper method for further refinement. Experimentation is key to finding the optimal approach for your project.

Q: What if my features are highly correlated? Can feature selection still help?

Absolutely! Feature selection is particularly valuable when dealing with correlated features. When features are highly correlated, they provide redundant information. These methods can help identify and eliminate these redundant features, preventing the model from getting confused by the overlapping information.

Q: I’m worried about losing important information by removing features. How can I ensure I’m not discarding valuable data?

That’s a valid concern. Here are a couple of strategies to mitigate this risk:

  • Domain knowledge: Leverage your understanding of the data and problem domain to identify features that are likely to be irrelevant or redundant.
  • Feature importance analysis: After applying a method, explore the importance scores or rankings assigned to each feature. This can help you understand which features were deemed most important by the method and ensure you’re not discarding crucial information.

Q: How can I evaluate the effectiveness of feature selection?

There are several ways to assess the impact:

  • Model performance: Compare the performance of the model before and after feature selection using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, or F1-score.
  • Feature importance visualization: If your method provides feature importance scores, visualize them to see how the importance of different features is distributed after selection.
  • Interpretability: Feature selection can simplify models by removing irrelevant features. This can make it easier to interpret the model’s predictions and understand the key factors influencing its decisions.


Using these methods is powerful and can significantly enhance your machine learning projects. By identifying and eliminating irrelevant features, you can create more efficient models with improved accuracy and interpretability.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

Experiment with different types of feature selection methods to find the best fit for your specific data and modeling goals.

So, the next time you’re faced with a mountain of data, don’t be intimidated! With the right feature selection techniques in your arsenal, you can conquer the “curse of dimensionality” and build exceptional machine learning models. Happy wrangling!

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