What is Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) in Blockchain Explained

Learn About BFT, Classic Generals Problem & its Solutions: PBFT & FBA

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6 min readMar 12, 2023
What is Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Blockchain Explained
Credit — Sam Stoney

Blockchain technology is rapidly becoming a popular solution for creating secure, decentralized systems that allow for trustless peer-to-peer interactions. These systems typically rely on distributed networks of nodes to validate transactions and maintain the integrity of the blockchain. However, in a distributed system, it is possible for some nodes to be faulty or malicious, which can lead to incorrect or conflicting information being transmitted across the network.

This can cause significant problems for achieving consensus, which is essential for maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) algorithms are designed to enable distributed systems to tolerate faulty or malicious nodes while maintaining consensus among the remaining nodes.

TLDR; Don’t have time to read? Here’s a video to help you understand what is byzantine fault tolerance in blockchain, classic generals problem & its solutions: PBFT & FBA in detail.

What is Byzantine Fault Tolerance?

Byzantine Fault Tolerance is a property of a distributed system that allows it to function correctly even if some of the nodes in the network are faulty or malicious. A Byzantine failure is a failure in which a node in a distributed system provides incorrect or misleading information to other nodes.

In a Byzantine failure, it is not possible to distinguish between faulty nodes and nodes that are providing correct information. BFT algorithms are designed to tolerate Byzantine failures by ensuring that the system can reach consensus even if some nodes are providing incorrect information.

BFT algorithms work by dividing nodes in the network into groups and requiring them to exchange messages with each other. By exchanging messages, nodes can validate the information being provided by other nodes and ensure that all nodes agree on the current state of the system. There are several BFT algorithms that are commonly used in blockchain technology, including Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA), and others.

Classic Byzantine Generals Problem

The classic Byzantine Generals Problem is a well-known problem in distributed systems that illustrates the challenges of achieving consensus in a network with faulty or malicious nodes. The problem is as follows: a group of Byzantine generals are surrounding a city and must coordinate their attack. The generals can only communicate with each other through messengers, and some of the messengers may be traitors who will send false information to the other generals.

Classic Generals Problem & its Solutions: PBFT vs FBA

In this scenario, the generals must agree on a plan of attack, but they cannot trust the information being provided by their messengers. If too many messengers are traitors, the generals may not be able to coordinate their attack effectively, and the attack may fail.

This problem is similar to the challenges faced by blockchain networks, where nodes must agree on the current state of the network, but some nodes may be faulty or malicious.

Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT)

Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) is one of the most well-known BFT algorithms used in blockchain technology. PBFT is designed to be fast and efficient while still providing strong Byzantine Fault Tolerance. In PBFT, nodes are divided into three groups: a leader node, a set of replica nodes, and a set of client nodes.

The leader node is responsible for proposing new transactions or blocks to the network. The replica nodes are responsible for validating the proposal by exchanging messages with each other. If two-thirds of the replica nodes agree on the proposal, it is considered to be validated, and the leader node adds it to the blockchain.

PBFT ensures that all nodes in the network have a copy of the blockchain and can validate new transactions and blocks before they are added to the blockchain.

One of the main advantages of PBFT is that it provides strong Byzantine Fault Tolerance, meaning that it can tolerate a large number of faulty or malicious nodes. Additionally, PBFT is relatively fast compared to other consensus algorithms, as it requires only a few rounds of communication between nodes before consensus can be reached.

Drawbacks of PBFT

Despite its many advantages, PBFT has several limitations. One of the main drawbacks of PBFT is that it requires a high level of network connectivity between nodes. If nodes are not able to communicate with each other quickly and reliably, consensus may not be reached, and the network may become fragmented.

Additionally, PBFT is not well-suited for networks with a large number of nodes, as the number of messages required to reach consensus increases exponentially as the number of nodes in the network grows.

Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA)

Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) is a BFT algorithm that is designed to be more flexible and scalable than PBFT. FBA is based on the idea of federating groups of nodes into smaller sub-networks, each with its own consensus mechanism. Nodes in a sub-network communicate with each other to reach consensus on the state of the network, and then the sub-networks communicate with each other to agree on a global state.

FBA is designed to be more flexible than PBFT because it allows nodes to choose which sub-networks they want to join.

Nodes can choose to join multiple sub-networks or only one, depending on their needs and resources.

Additionally, FBA is designed to be more scalable than PBFT because it does not require all nodes to communicate with each other directly. Instead, nodes communicate with a subset of other nodes, reducing the amount of communication required to reach consensus.

Limitations of FBA

While FBA has many advantages over PBFT, it also has some limitations. One of the main limitations of FBA is that it is more complex than PBFT, as it requires nodes to manage multiple sub-networks and consensus mechanisms. This can make it more difficult to implement and maintain, particularly for smaller networks with limited resources.

Additionally, FBA is still a relatively new technology, and there is limited real-world experience with using it in large-scale blockchain networks. As a result, it is not yet clear how well FBA will perform in practice, particularly in networks with a large number of nodes or in networks with high levels of network congestion.

PBFT vs FBA: A Tabular Comparison

To summarize the differences between PBFT and FBA, we’ve compiled a comparison table below:

difference between pbft vs fba explained


Byzantine Fault Tolerance is an essential property for creating secure, decentralized blockchain networks. PBFT and FBA are two popular BFT algorithms that offer different advantages and limitations.

PBFT is well-suited for networks with a smaller number of nodes and high network connectivity, while FBA is more scalable and flexible but more complex to implement and maintain.

Ultimately, the choice of which BFT algorithm to use will depend on the specific needs and resources of the blockchain network.

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