3 min readJul 28, 2022


Photo by pch.vector on Unsplash

“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”

-Joseph Addison

Imagine walking down the road; there are all sorts of road signs, from “STOP” to “PEDESTRIAN CROSSING” signs to the name of streets and stores. Knowing how to read helps you navigate your way quickly. If you do not know how to read, you would have to stop so frequently to ask what road signs and signboards mean.

What are reading skills?

It is the ability to make meaning of written words and sentences. It is being able to identify words and comprehending or understanding the message the writer is trying to pass.

Reading and writing are one of the earliest skills you learn in school, this is because they help you express yourself and communicate with others.

Why is reading so important?

· Imagination and creativity

Readers can create images and scenarios in their minds, especially with books with few pictures. It can help you step into the different settings of different books, enhancing innovation and creativity.

· Developing empathy

When reading, you can put yourself in the shoes of different characters; you can see things from their Point Of View (POV) and understand what they are thinking and feeling.

· Concentration

Reading stimulates the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for attention. This can help improve your memory and attention span.

· Sound vocabulary

The more one reads, the more words one is exposed to. When you read, you discover new words, and you can build your vocabulary from these words by using them in your writing or when you speak.

How to develop your reading skills

· Set aside time to read every day

You can start with 15 minutes and as time goes on, increase the time. You have to be intentional about reading. Within the time you have allocated to read, try not to get distracted by anything so you can stay focused.

· Set reading goals

Instead of setting a specific amount of time, you can fix reading goals; it could be ten pages, one chapter, or two chapters per day.

· Take notes as you read

This is especially useful when reading for school. You can take note of new words, things you would want to make more research on later, points that could help you remember a topic or even the summary of all you have learnt from the text you read.

· Join book clubs or get a reading partner

If you get lazy when reading, hardly finish the books you start, or if it is always tough choosing which book to read, then you should probably join a book club or get a reading partner. Book clubs are exciting places; there is hardly ever a dull moment.

Usually, a book is chosen, and then a time frame is given to complete the book; it could be a month, two months, or more. Within the time the book is being read, there can be group reviews or a general review at the end of the given time.

· Share what you have read

It could be your parents, siblings, or friends; telling them about what you read helps you remember what you learned from the book.

· Explore different genres.

Yes, reading is a valuable skill in education, but you can try different genres of books like adventure and action.


It is the audio version of a book. It has many benefits, and it has the same effects as you reading yourself.

· It improves pronunciation and fluency: audiobooks are recorded by professionals with good language command. Listening to their word pronunciations can help you learn the correct way to pronounce words.

· Less stress on the eyes: reading for long hours can stress the eyes, especially if you use glasses. Audiobooks reduce screen time.

· Saves times: they make learning on the go possible. You can listen to audiobooks while you do your chores or take a walk.

· It helps you use your imagination. As you listen to the book, you can create images in your mind.

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