Leatrice Marie Ross
3 min readJan 31, 2016

Important Safety Features of Personal Protective Equipment

ppe safety equipment

When working in dangerous conditions, personal protective equipment or PPE is one of the most basic safeguards workers can have versus different hazardous elements. It is used in construction, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, chemical industry, metal work, and so much more. Each element of personal protective equipment has been designed for each task to provide the user the flexibility and protection that they need to finish the job. Here are some of the basic equipment used by professionals:

1. Head, Face, and Eye Protection
a. Helmet and Safety Hats — Safety helmets come in different styles suited for different purposes. A standard found in most is provisions for chin straps so the helmet or safety hat doesn’t fall. There is also height adjustment so that it fit’s the user comfortably.

b. Chin Straps — Chin straps are additional straps that fit a helmet or safety hat. This allows the user to adjust the tightness of the helmet.

c. Face Mask — Rather than protecting the head, the face mask protects the face from dangerous chemical splatter, sparks, and harmful radiation.

d. Goggles — Goggles are PPEs that protect the user’s eyes from hazardous vapours, chemical splatter, or dirty debris.

2. Respiratory Protection
a. Particulate Respirators — Respirators allow the user to breathe safely in conditions where the air is filled with dust or hazardous particulates. These are often not reusable.

b. Reusable Respirators — These respirators not only protect the user from dust and particulates but also from gas and vapours that might be dangerous if inhaled.

c. Supplied Air Respirators — Supplied air respirators are used when reusable respirators are not enough to filter the air.

3. Hearing Protection
a. Ear Plugs — Ear plugs comes in various styles that makes it comfortable for the user. Ear plugs, the most underused PPE gear, will allow the user to protect his ear drums during loud constructions.

b. Ear Muffs — Ear muffs give the user more protection compared to ear plugs. It also offers better comfort. This type of hearing protection is often found in construction and carpentry.

4. Body Protection
a. Hand Protection Gloves — Gloves come in different sizes, grip, and materials. These allow users from different fields with the flexibility and protection to perform tasks.

b. Foot Protection — Working in a construction site is often very dangerous, with falling debris and sharp objects, heavy duty shoes will guard against impact or a puncturing injury.

c. Fire Resistant Clothing — Fire resistant clothing is the quintessential PPE safety equipment. It protects users from nasty burns and sparks. It often comes in a coat and pants.

d. Safety Harnesses — In order to keep workers safe in a high-rise construction site, workers are often fitted with safety harnesses to protect them from slipping or falling. These harnesses not only ensure the safety of the user but also keep them comfortable.

All PPE safety equipment must be tested and regulated by the International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA). Using quality materials should be a priority especially when your worker’s life is on the line.