Lewagon — Learning how to code in Rio de Janeiro

Stuart Boyle
6 min readOct 5, 2018

I started to code — first with an app on my iphone — after work. I did not think about becoming a coder, I was just interested in doing it and I felt a little bored and unsatisfied at work. So i started learning Javascript with an app but could not make any real progress. A friend suggested doing the harvard CS50 online class, which I started but then dropped after the third lecture. The job was getting more stressful again and I was running out of time — and more importantly — nerves to find the discipline to code after work. I also saw absolutely no chance in getting to a level that would open up career opportunities in coding this way and my whole learning approach was too aimless. Note: This is extremely important in the whole process of learning how to code— lay out a clear plan as moving forward on these tracks keeps you motivated.

So after becoming more and more bored and frustrated in my job, I decided to quit. After a bit of research, I stumbled upon the lewagon coding bootcamp. It promised to “change your life” through learning to code in an intense bootcamp lasting 3 months. The reviews where very good and the online rankings suggested it was one of the top bootcamps for still a quite fair price of 5k-8k dollars, depending on the city you chose. I chose Rio de Janeiro.



Stuart Boyle

Writing about Coding, life-long-learning, business and life.