Charity Auction

Lebo labs
2 min readOct 17, 2022


What is charity auction?

Source: Build Africa

Charity auctions are a method of generating revenue for charitable organizations. In a charity auction, the winning payment supports a cause that is likely important to both the bidder and rival bidders. Thus, the bidder benefits from his own payment in that both the item won and the value of the contribution help the organization, and other bidders profit as well because their charity is supported. As a result, bidders may have two competing goals: to win products they value while simultaneously supporting a charity cause in part by driving up the price. As a result, the charity auction becomes a public benefit, and bidders may be encouraged to lose. This creates a free-rider issue. If the free-rider problem prevails, bids and, as a result, auction income will suffer. On the other side, bids may climb as a result of altruistic attitude. Theoretical research studied the features of several charity auction formats with the assumption that buyers are concerned about the charity’s earnings. As a result, private gains from charitable giving might result in a “charity premium,” or an increase in auction income as a result of philanthropic gifts. Altruism, in particular, might have a role, and this altruism could be heavily influenced by the amount of revenues contributed to charity.

Tradional charity auction

A classic charity auction is a sale of goods or services to the highest bidder. The funds are then directed toward a certain cause or purpose. Charity auctions can be held by nonprofits, schools, and churches. You may have a charity auction as long as you have interested participants and objects to offer, such as a lot of charity auction openes to help African.

Charity auction in LeBo Finance

To help people have more choices in charity auctions, and at the same time access the good meaning of this to the crypto community, in the near future, we will link up with charities to issue NFTs to benefactors, helping to make support for disadvantaged people more diverse and spread to more communities.

