How does Business Idea turn into Profit?

Md. Ahaduzzaman
5 min readMar 20, 2020


Business is usually something which turns the life of many people. It is an imaginable fact that Amazing business ideas can make you something which you never thought of. If you are a business owner and you are frantically looking for ways to make your business turn into profit then you can simply follow the pointers we will discuss below.

Not only business but also small businesses can face a lot of trouble in gaining their profit. The small businesses out of risk try to keep their prices too low and hence they incur less profit. They have a lot of expenses which have to be met and if you keep your prices low then that will in no way fetch you any profit.

Here we will discuss with you how fast can you develop your business into a profit. This is for you and your partner to understand how to make your business a profit. Get some ideas about the business here and start developing your own business.

How does Business Idea turn into Profit?

There are many things that have to be kept in mind while you think of bringing in profit to your business. The ways might differ from small businesses to big businesses but the techniques would be more or less similar.

Here we have discussed the 10 best things to do in order to ensure your business idea which would bring in a profit for you.

Raise the Prices by 3%

Raising the price would make more profit, per sale. Now if you sell your products in the same quantity then you will be able to avoid depression and your profit will increase. This is one of the best strategies to make your business a profit, and this will increase gradually.

Decrease Direct Cost

Now, this is another way to do better business, go to your suppliers and ask for a better price. If you are able to decrease your direct cost up to 3% then you will be able to make some more profit.

Decrease Underperforming Resources

This will help you to get rid of your overpaid resources which are of no use to your company or maybe it is causing you more price. The underperformance of your team or workers costs you more. So, sack all the employees who are not bringing in any profit to you.

Rethink About Your Business Module

Make sure that you do not take your business for granted, your business module must satisfy your customer. Talk to your customer and find out what is going on and how much are they liking your product or service. Talk to them and find out how could you improve your business for your customer’s convenience. Try to understand that what are the benefits that they are getting by using your product. This will also improve the performance of your sales.

Give Offers to be in the Competition

Would you like to stand out in the market? Then do something different from your competition. Make a point that your customer does not buy from the competition and buys only from you. You must be clear about why and what of your business module, know why you must give the offer and try to explain to your customers that why you should do certain things and why you should not do certain things.

Get More Leads

Try to make more contacts and build new connections, get your business in paper locally, using Google AdWords, learn about social selling. Try to be ahead of your business, do marketing at a lower cost and create more profit in the business.

Have a Great Communication Skill

Try to align all that come on your way, learn what is going on in the course of the recent sale, if you wish, then add at least 10% of your fundamental profit to the business module. Also, try to improve most of the sections of departments in your business because if your departments become sufficiently efficient then you will be able to gain more profit.

Influence Your Customers

Try to influence your customers more so that they believe in you and your product and they buy your product and also recommend their friends and family to buy it. Increase your social media marketing and digital marketing along with email marketing and then increase your e-commerce and eventually bring in profit.

Hold Back Your Customers

Be very sure of your customers and give them such services that they do not or cannot leave you easily. Try to grow trust and faith in your business, try to hold back your customer. If you see customers leaving then talk to them and find out what exactly is happening and how can you prevent them from leaving you. Try not to give your customers any reason to leave you.

Collect Quickly

Keep your money in the bank sufficient so that your bank manager does not hesitate to give you loans. Having a good bank balance will also help you to do fair business and money is always the best back up.

After you have followed all the above-mentioned pointers, you can take immediate steps to make things better. Get in touch with your customer the more you do conversation with your customer the better service you will be able to give to your customer.

It is definitely difficult to make a quick decision but great things do need to take up great risks.

Taking any of the above-mentioned steps will make you take some immediate changes in your balance sheet. The faster you make some tough decisions, then more quickly you will get the result. The changes that will happen in your balance sheet will be immense, you will be delighted to see at least a 40% increase in the profit.

It is very important to recognize what has to be done, more important is what has been done. It is important to not only analyze the problem but also find a solution to your problem. Make plans for your development and follow it from time to time to see the changes and see some great results.

Originally published at on March 20, 2020.



Md. Ahaduzzaman

Blogger, Writer, wannabe philosopher. Elsewhere I share business knowledge @ & Adviser @ | Here… it’s personal!