Form & Function

Eli Lederberg
2 min readFeb 13, 2018



  1. My New School


Homepage for My New School.

The website is quite easy to use and is very clearly built around all the different features it gives the user access to. The top of the page has 4 large buttons that each lead to a different part of the website. Each page is split up into several sections that are accessible as you scroll down the page. Everything is labeled very clearly and it’s quite difficult to miss whatever it is you are looking for.

Very clearly here form follows function, as all the features are easy to use and each of the pages follow the same hierarchy.

2. YouTube


Youtube is also another great example of function following form. The videos are largely displayed right in front. The search bar is also right on top making it easily accessible to the user. The different categories of videos are right on the side and are labeled very clearly and distinctly making it easier for the viewer to choose what they want to watch.

By making all the necessary features (search bar, categories, and of course videos) front and center, this site is a perfect example of form following function.




This website focuses more on its pictures and text then any actual function. It is about the band’s new album, and it puts texts and pictures first and scrolls down to allow the viewer to see more images and texts. By placing these these images in front, it shows that this website is more focused on the form and art of these things, then on functions like listening to their music or finding them on social media.

These things are possible to find on the site, but don’t seem to be it’s main focus.



This is a website for a French ad agency. It puts the agency’s work front and center and is more focused on showing off their own work then they are if the user can navigate through the site.

