Do ICOs push dApp growth?

Why ICOs are the best indicator of dApp growth


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Published 02–04–2019; Category: Investment;dApps;ICO;Cryptocurrency

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Decentralized applications (commonly known as dApps or DApps, but for the purposes of this essay, dApp shall be used) are becoming increasingly popular in the blockchain ecosystem, and the biggest application of smart-contract platforms such as Ethereum and EOS.

dApps are applications that run on peer-to-peer (P2P) computer networks, and for our purposes, applications that run on a blockchain P2P network.

Blockchain dApps are Web3-enabled websites (websites that interact with blockchains) that use a smart-contract to connect, and take information from, a blockchain, i.e., using the blockchain as a database in the backend.

dApps provide several advantages over traditional web applications, such as decentralization (no single entity can shut it down) and open source (the source code is available to the public).

Popular dApp platforms

The most popular dApp platforms are Ethereum, EOS, Steem, Tron, POA and Gochain. Ethereum, founded in 2014/15 through ICO funding, was the first major smart-contract platform made specifically for dApps and to…

