Lee Ying
3 min readFeb 24, 2016

5 of the Most Profitable Industries in Business Today


There are a lot of industries in the economy today that are more profitable than others. The good news is that there is a wide range of industries to choose from if you are looking to start a business or a career. Some of these industries have always been a place to make high profits. However, a lot of the industries have high initial capital requirements. Over the long term, these are the five most profitable industries in the economy.


The companies that develop and manufacture medicine have some of the highest profit margins of any industry. Most of the cost of a product is on the front end with research. This means that once a medicine is developed, the profit margins are extremely high. There are a lot of people who have even protested against the high profits of this industry. A pharmacy CEO took heat in the media recently for drastically raising the price of a pill that many people take. With the strong entry requirements, there are few people who think that this industry will have any trouble staying at the top of the heap.

Oil and Gas Industry

There are few industries that have remained as important as oil over the past one hundred years. As the primary electric fuel of our time, oil is essential to economies throughout the world. Many companies are investing in oil and gas security in order to protect themselves against issues down the road. If you are someone who wants to invest in this industry, it will take a lot of money up front to do so. The oil industry has a huge amount of capital required just to get started. A lot of the equipment that is used is very expensive.

Real Estate

As the housing market continues to get better, the real estate industry as a whole is starting to experience higher profit margins and sales. This is great news for anyone who is in this industry or owns a home. Over time, this is one of the most important industries to the American economy overall. There are a lot of reasons for the growth in this industry over the past couple of years. Some industry experts believe that we are on the front end of a surge in real estate prices. However, there are other people who believe that long term housing demand is still in question.

Physical Therapy

The population of the United States and other areas of the world continues to get older. This means that there is a growing demand for health workers who specialize in keeping people healthy and alive. It is no longer acceptable to people to live in poor health for twenty or thirty years of their life. If you are interested in going to an industry that is changing for the better, this would be a great choice for you. There are a lot of new changes in this industry that will affect things down the road for workers or business owners in a positive way.


As real estate continues to develop, many home builders are seeing a huge spike in sales. Anyone who wants to invest in an area of the economy can do so through this medium. There are a lot of people who are looking for ways to build up their business. With the new demand in housing, many home builders are having trouble keeping up with overall demand. This is good news for both this industry and the economy overall.