Lee Ying
4 min readSep 24, 2015

Little Known Ways to Improve Security Inside Your Business

Overlooking the potential benefits that lesser known security efforts may produce could leave businesses at greater risk of suffering a data breach. The potential harm that may result from unauthorized access, malicious software or compromised data can be nothing short of catastrophic. Businesses that fail to make digital and online security a higher priority and those that fail to learn more about the most commonly overlooked methods for protecting their network and data may be placing themselves at far greater risk than they might realize.

Prohibiting Wi-Fi Connections for Unknown and Unapproved Devices

Once a computer system or mobile device has connected to your network, it may be used as a gateway for installation of malware or used to acquire access to sensitive files and information. Restricting network access to only approved devices and systems may allow your business to avoid any number of potentially risky or threatening situations. Allowing staff, visitors and associates free and unrestricted access to your network through devices that have not been vetted in terms of potential security risks could prove to be a very serious and costly misstep.

Ensuring Employees Utilize More Complex Passwords

Poorly selected passwords that may be too easily guessed and those that are more susceptible to brute-force attacks can severely compromise the level of security for your entire network. Implementing policies that mandate more complex passwords and encourage staff to change or update their passwords at regular intervals is never a consideration that should be overlooked when it comes to beefing up network or online security. Weak passwords are too often the issue that leads to a data breach or other security issue.

Employee Education and Training

From exchanges that may allow malicious parties to employ social engineering in order to gain access to your network to employees who engage in unsafe browsing or authorize un-secure downloads, failing to provide the training and education needed to ensure workers are able to avoid the most common and potentially dangerous behaviors can become a serious liability. Formal training is often needed in order to ensure staff and associates know enough to avoid situations and activities that constitute a greater security risk.

Establish More Secure Data Storage

The growing popularity of distributed networks and cloud computing services has produced a range of new issues that may have an impact with regards to your digital and online security. Poorly chosen service providers and data storage solutions that are not as secure as they need to be could create no end of issues and problems your business would do well to avoid. Ensuring that third-party services are able to provide an adequate level of security for your data and information is never a concern that should be left to chance, for instance if you have ip camera hosting you will want to make sure you have ip health monitoring to ensure that no security leaks have occurred..

Plan Your Response to a Data Breach in Advance

Prompt action can be essential for minimizing the damage that may occur should your network or business be compromised. Devising a plan of action in advance can reduce reaction time and ensure that your business will be able to address the issue and respond appropriately as effectively as possible. From in-house IT services to third-party assistance, knowing where to seek help and how to respond appropriately in the event of a breach or security situation can be of paramount importance.

Providing Adequate Security and Protection

Sensitive data and the information that can be found on your server or network can create no end of problems should it fall into the wrong hands. Taking whatever steps are necessary in order to improve the level of your digital security can often be done for much less overall cost than may be required to address a problem once it has occurred. Prevention efforts may hold the key to ensuring the information your business relies upon is able to be kept safe and secure.