Falling Apart

Lee Byrd
3 min readApr 10, 2023
Mohamed_hassan on Pixabay

We are not striving to make pain go away, or to become a better person. In fact, we are giving up control altogether and letting concepts and ideals fall apart. Pema Chodron

Step 1: Falling Apart

Surrendering to what is here at this moment is the portal to inner peace and that is truly what we want, to be here now. This moment is all there is, ever. And when we let go of all the shoulds and coulds, we begin to heal our past and open our future to possibilities yet unseen. This is where the magic begins. This is where we fall apart.

From this place of letting go we begin to see that our emotions are not good or bad, they are simply energy asking to be seen, felt and ultimately released. Life happens, we get triggered and our habit is to fall into reactivity. This means we are living in our past and not being fully present.

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Step 2: The Magic Is In Doing The Work

However, If we are willing to do the work, life can and does change in ways we have yet to imagine. Here we find the courage to rebuild and embrace our True Nature: Tenderness. Love. Compassion.



Lee Byrd
Lee Byrd

Written by Lee Byrd

Mystic. Lightworker. Intuitive Guide. Essential Oil Educator. Integrating our Humanity and Divinity